I read an article on a news and analysis site I frequented more in the past, still visit now and then. Too Marxist for me, now. Anyway, in it the author writes the "god" (note the lower case) is/was an invention of the capitalist class. So...
for all the true believer Marxists out there, that's an explanation. I had a psychiatrist for a while (he went into private practice, thank goodness) who would book me for 30 minute talk session, once monthly. This, at an over-booked community mental health clinic (Meds 'r' Us). He always had a convo planned, and when he got to religion...
he shared his take on it, which is that religion is a money making enterprise. Others...Freud, maybe?...in the psych industry before him have argued for religion as a coping mechanism, a defense mechanism, a sort of neurosis (that one I think is Freudian...), or...in the case of Jung...they've turned the religious impulse into a money-and-power scheme, by secularizing it, analyzing it, dissecting it...
and then selling it, along with their own "insights."
So...who made The One, True, Living God? No one. He is The Great I AM, after all. As believers, we have been blessed with sufficient humility to shrug and say that we simply accept some things on faith. Those in and of the world...
not so much, it seems.