I thought I said that. Works do not effect salvation, but works do affect aspects of salvation.
Aspects of salvation?
No doubt this has to do with being saved, while no having fellowship because of sinning.
It's called being saved from afar.
Works do .....because there are good works and bad works....
(Go away from me you workers of iniquity)
Also you don't "know" what you have until you walk in it. And we find the def of eternal life is to know the only true God and Jesus Christ who He has sent. There is a passage that says, I write these things so that you may know you have life, and that life is in the son.
Point being is the reason He saved us...to be a light by destroying the works of the Devil living by the Spirit.
But here is a scripture that should be thought about
one can google it)
The will of the father is that everyone who looks to the son and believes will have life and be raised on the last day.
Now what good would it be to have the son in you and not know? When eternal life is to know the father and the son?
What benifit will you have and how will that serve the Kingdom?
And if it is true that you believed Jesus did something for you so you can have heaven when you die, and you came alive by that teaching[were born again] and you never obeyed the Spirit how in the world would that meet God's purpose for why He saved you?
So it does really beg the question: have you received the Spirit when you believed?
Believed what? Believed Jesus did it all so you do nothing.
Or believed Jesus is the son of the living God with intent to following Him?
The problem is not knowing the full gospel...And listen to how disciples(learners-followers) are made: Go and make disciples (again dont quote me but look this up for I'm on my phone typing this).......How are they to go make disciples(learners, followers of Christ)? Teach them to do do do do
All that I command.....baptizing them(immersing as Willard says in the presence of the Holy trinity) in the name of the F,S, and Holy G and low I will be with with with you until the end of the age.
Anyway I'll stop here...because this I hope gives one truly seeking something to think about.
Salvation it's self- can mean the life of Christ.
As He is our deliverer, as the ark was Noah's deliverence.
The ark would not have saved no one from present circumstances if they did not get in it... (obey)
And there is no condemnation for those who walk not after the flesh but live by the Spirit.
The issue again is the cart before the horse...as mentioned earlier..
God saved us so that we would live soberly and righteously in this present world....
Saved us from what? Well Ephesian said we were dead in trespasses and Sin,
But made alive together with Christ...
Why? In my view so we are able to learn how to walk with God....to live in His presence (as I give them eternal life)
It is through this life, His life We are a light to the world..
The scriptures points out, if you love me you will keep my commands(teachings)and the father and I will come in and make our abode. with you, or sup with you. (don't quote me but look it up)