What am I twisting?
I realize I missed a lot from the start of this thread.
I'm here because I do believe this is an important discussion.
Those of the reformed faith believe that a baby can go to heaven or to hell because God has already so predestined them to be saved or not and so He knows from the beginning if the child would be saved or not.
This is not what mainline Christianity believes. We believe that there is an age of accountability at which time each person becomes responsible for their own sins.
I do understand now that you do NOT believe we are imputed with Adam's sin, so I apologize if I credited you with that statement when I first came on here.
I certainly hope that by the time of the N.T. God had revealed Himself much more clearly than in the O.T. What could be more clear then seeing Jesus in the flesh?
Also, I'm sorry that the Early Father's are not respected as much as they should be...after all, they're the ones that put together our bible and from whom come all our doctrine that created what Christianity is: The Trinity, The Hypostatic Union, The incarnation and resurrection, the doctrine of Justification and Sanctification, etc.
I do believe I've stated our difference in my previous post...it being that there is no justification in the N.T. for believing that children can go to hell for sinning when they do not know what sinning is.
Children that are raised by Christian parents may turn out to be atheists.
Children that are raised by atheists may turn out to be Christian.
How could we know this until they are adult and can decide for themselves?
Why should an atheist child go to hell because the parents are atheist?
This would mean that children DO pay for the sins of the father, and they bible does not teach this.
Deuteronomy 24:16
16“Fathers shall not be put to death for their sons, nor shall sons be put to death for their fathers; everyone shall be put to death for his own sin.
Galatians 6:6
For each one shall bear his own load.
2 Corinthians 5:10
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.
Not taking anything badly....but the topic has been opened for discussion.
From your posts it sounds like you do believe we are born with a sin nature....
and that we are reponsible for it from the beginning of life....
IOW,,,you believe children are responsible for their sins, even though they do not even know what sins are.
I just don't find this anywhere in scripture.
Augustine taught, unlike anyone else, that babies had to be baptized immediately because if they died they went to hell because of original sin. He (about 400 AD) taught what no other Early Father taught until him. That a baby is IMPUTED with Adam's sin.
You agree that this is not true....so if a baby is not IMPUTED with Adam's sin,,,
and the bible teaches that we are personally responsible for just our own sins...
then how could a baby possibly go to hell?
Only the reformed have a reason for this belief being valid...
but they do not agree with the rest of Christianity NOW, and with
Christianity from the beginning---at which time children were believed to be saved.