I asked a question awhile back. What would God rather have your sinlessness or For you to trust Him?
Abraham, ‘He believed God and it was accounted unto him as righteousness
For if we Trust God for everything, our lives, He will teach us. And that does mean running our lives on His terms and not our own.
For myself when I see the terms sinless perfection, it sounds like something I must do, instead of an outcome, that comes by a changed heart from an interactive relationship.
So I don't see anybody winning an arguement here just because in how its viewed.
We know being perfect means maturity, growing up to full measure, where we Love.
We are saved, and we are being saved from the power of sin in our daily lives as we are students in training for reigning.
Being saved, in my view, from¹ the power of sin is when our bodies are in allignment with our New Spirit. So when what you say and do are in alignment.
That's like Paul saying who can save us from this body of sin I thank the Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore salvation is not merely forgiveness, however you come to see this, and heaven when you die, it's about life in the kingdom now by having an interactive relationship with God.
Jesus came that we may have life and have it more abundantly.
If we love Him we will keep His commands and the father And the son will come in and make their abode with us.
This doesn't have to mean if you love me you will do this for me. But what come out of love.
The commandments are to be kept in order to relate to God. But we do not keep them by trying to do them in our own power. The righteous requirements of the law are fullfilled in those who walk not after the flesh but the Spirit. So we uphold the law through the faith of Jesus.
And that will take some time to explain
So now we can understand if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart you shall be saved. The inside and the outside should be in alignment.
For look at the rest of the passage:
But let me note before I forget: that it's about cleaning up the inside so the outside will be clean as well. And recall the passage- may your whole body soul and spirit be preserved the day of the Lord.
Now to the rest of the passage
that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10
Confession and profession are different
You can profess something to be true without trusting.
But confession by a well know professor was said - to own up to the condition of your soul.
So when what you say and what you do are in alignment of your new heart. Then you see how Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil:
If by the Spirit you put away the deeds of the flesh you shall live.
Salvation is not merely about heaven when you die but to get heaven in us now.
For scripture says who will be able to stand at His coming? M 3:2
That is why we are to purify ourselves now. For when He comes He will be like a blazing fire.
Back to the Romsns 10 passage for a second
I actually see the passages positionally. But the position is not without it's duty.
Compare Romans 10 with Dueteronomy
One believes onto righteousness, to me means they have been regenerated, the confession is the outcome. So this Is Salvation because you have been quickened together with Christ, made alive when you were dead.
So the above is You
are saved
The position is not without it's duty to live according to the call. When you live according to the call.
You are
being saved-
therefore to me sanctification is a progressive growth in righteousness being a disciple learning to do all the things Jesus commanded.
Man see the outside of what we do, and this is how we brimg them to what is in the inside God.
So to magnify God is to Hold up His name.
In the end the Gospel I see is Life in the Kingdom is available now to enter for anyone who trust who Jesus is. He was proven to be the son of God and an extraordinary King for He died for our sins and death could not hold Him and was Raised for our Justification and has been given all power, even to continually forgive sin and everything we need is in Him.