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Explain Galatians 2:15-21

I have been wondering if rather than being 'back to the law'....the law will simple be what the judgement is based on, because we know that the bible promises those of the first resurrection are not subject to the 2nd death.

If you are quoting Matthew 22:37-40 "And He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the great and foremost commandment. 39 The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.” The word "depend" is also used in other translations as "hang" Hanging is used as G2910 and it does not reference or even allude to the ending of anything that was written previously. It merely suspends these 2 commandments as a coat hanger, which holds and binds everything to the top. So Jesus is thus saying that his commandments in the Law/Torah are based on love and every other commandment after that is built on this premise. Nothing is saying here, and nothing Jesus ever said was implied to disregard the Law/Torah.

So if we only have these two commandments, what was Jesus meaning when he said in Matthew 5:19 Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments [as referencing to the Law and the Prophets in the previous verse], and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. If we only have 2 now, which one of them is considered the least?

I think the obvious question here is not which of the two but which of the 10 is the least as the topic is the 10?

Jesus was speaking very clearly here of the 10. He lays out what He means by every jot and tittle. He is making it very clear to them that they cannot and have not obeyed every jot and tittle. But verse 5:17 is the explanation.

Matthew 5:17

Young's Literal Translation (YLT)

17 `Do not suppose that I came to throw down the law or the prophets -- I did not come to throw down, but to fulfill;

Why did He fulfill the law and the prophets, so we could live by grace through faith, imputed with His righteousness because there was no way we could fulfill the law. Obedience to every jot and tittle is too much for us to bear and be judged by. Just as when Peter says at the counsel in Jerusalem when addressing the Judizers. That they should not put the burden on the Gentiles that was too much for them and their father's to bear. Peter understood the EVERY jot and tittle and that to try to be justified by the jot and tittle was a great burden. He understood that Jesus was the Savior by grace and faith, He understood that He was the justifier because He obeyed every jot and tittle. for this reason only do we not have to fulfill the 10. But we are commanded to walk in the Spirit thus producing God's love in us.

The conclusion is this
48 ye shall therefore be perfect, as your Father who [is] in the heavens is perfect.

I do not condemn anyone for them observing feasts, sabbaths, or any other things they do in regards to the law and prophets. I just object to some (mostly christians churches) teaching justification by grace and faith + the 10. They don't seem to understand that they are not teaching the new covenant but the old.
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I think the obvious question here is not which of the two but which of the 10 is the least as the topic is the 10?

Jesus was speaking very clearly here of the 10. He lays out what He means by every jot and tittle. He is making it very clear to them that they cannot and have not obeyed every jot and tittle. But verse 5:17 is the explanation.

Matthew 5:17

Young's Literal Translation (YLT)

17 `Do not suppose that I came to throw down the law or the prophets -- I did not come to throw down, but to fulfill;

Why did He fulfill the law and the prophets, so we could live by grace through faith, imputed with His righteousness because there was no way we could fulfill the law. Obedience to every jot and tittle is too much for us to bear and be judged by. Just as when Peter says at the counsel in Jerusalem when addressing the Judizers. That they should not put the burden on the Gentiles that was too much for them and their father's to bear. Peter understood the EVERY jot and tittle and that to try to be justified by the jot and tittle was a great burden. He understood that Jesus was the Savior by grace and faith, He understood that He was the justifier because He obeyed every jot and tittle. for this reason only do we not have to fulfill the 10. But we are commanded to walk in the Spirit thus producing God's love in us.

The conclusion is this
48 ye shall therefore be perfect, as your Father who [is] in the heavens is perfect.

I do not condemn anyone for them observing feasts, sabbaths, or any other things they do in regards to the law and prophets. I just object to some (mostly christians churches) teaching justification by grace and faith + the 10. They don't seem to understand that they are not teaching the new covenant but the old.

Here is the truth!

That no man can be justified by any part of the law, at any time is evident. That was never the purpose of the Law. Read the rest of the book of Gal, read Romans and The rest of Pauls epistles.

Paul never taught any to break any part of the law! he taught that no man could keep it by the flesh. That the law was spiritual and only in spirit could it be seen or known.

All flesh is currupt and evil. religion of the flesh, is just deceived men thinking they are keeping the law, yet they are far from God. This is the pharisee! Very religious and takes great pains to keep the rules, but their heart is hard and cold.

Love, shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Spirit is the "spiritual substance" of the letter. This only comes by faith!

The law is not of faith.

Thanks Deb13 for your post! I agree with your every word!

Blessings of grace, upon you!
LOVE is the ONLY commandment and fufills ALL the OT commandments.

You ALL are talking as if Jesus is died. He is NOT died. He lives in us and continues to fulfill the law through us.

The point is that WE DO NOT fulfill the law, HE does and continues to do so until the end of this world. We cannot fulfill the law only Jesus can do this.

We are to walk in the Spirit, which produces love, if we do this we allow Jesus to fulfill the law (live through us).

The problem arises when we think it's up to us to fulfill the law producing a salvation not based on grace but on grace + works. We think we must do. I think Jesus probably has it right. He doesn't leave it up to carnal man to save themselves or anyone else. We are JUSTIFIED only by Jesus and His works. If there was anything that we could do to JUSTIFY ourselves we wouldn't need HIM.

I could quote scripture to prove this but frankly I do not see the need. You are all believers quite well versed in the scripture that tells you this.

Certainly Jesus is alive, who is making a claim that he is dead. If you go back and read my posts you will see I have been trying to show that there are laws that Christ has already fulfilled in his death as in that of the Temple and sacrifice and other laws that only pertained to the Hebrews and then there are moral laws that pertain to everyone as in Gods greatest commandment of love we will remain in the moral laws until Christ returns and fulfills and makes an fulfills every jot and tittle of the laws.
We know that Gods greatest commandment is love and the second to love your neighbor as yourself and it is this commandment of love that when we face that of the moral laws, which only pertain to certain events of life here on earth, we will know how to handle these issues by that of walking in Gods love.

The only laws that were done away with or fulfilled were that of the Temple and the sacrifices as the physical Temple and it's sacrifices no longer exist under grace by Christ fulfillment of them, Matthew 5:17,18. We are now that temple that the Holy Spirit dwells in, not our flesh for that will turn back to the dust of the ground and will never enter the kingdom of God, but that of our spirit making union with that of Gods Spirit through His grace that is freely given, not by works, but as a fee gift of Gods love, Mark 7:14-23; 1 Corinthians 3:16,17; 6:19; Ephesians 2:8-18.

The books of the NT are not part of the Hebrew scriptures (Torah or the Tanakh), but that of instruction of Gods righteousness as God has given first to the Hebrew a new covenant of grace and then extended His grace to those outside of Israel (Gentiles) the same free gift of His grace, Romans 15:16. When we being that of a Gentile nation partake in that of Christ life, death and resurrection our inner man (spirit, not this flesh) is renewed by that of Gods Holy Spirit, John 3:5, 6, as we are led by the Holy Spirit to guide us and teach us all truths, John 14:26. We are still under the moral laws of Gods commandments that are written upon our hearts that we need to keep until that of Christ return when all things will be fulfilled and made an end of when God ushers down the new heaven, new Earth and new Jerusalem and then we will be with the Lord forever.

There are laws that were especially written just for the Hebrews pertaining to the rituals of the Temple, sacrifices, festivals, Torah, Kohanim and Levites, the King and the Nazarite and then there are the existing moral laws for us to still follow as in prayers and blessings, love and brotherhood, the poor and unfortunate, treatment of the Gentiles, Marriage, divorce and family, forbidden sexual relations, business practices, employees and servants, vows, oaths, swearing, Court and Judicial procedures, injuries and damages, property and property rights, Criminal laws, prophecy, idolatry and all its practices as the moral laws keep us in line with the will of God that we present ourselves a vessel of honor that God delights in as we allow that light of Christ shines in us and through us as a testimony of Gods grace and mercy as it is not ourselves that do any good thing, but Gods Spirit working in us and through us as we surrender our will to that of Gods will to be done.

Are we not to walk in love to know how to handle those things of the moral law as love brings us into subjection with that of God to know how to handle those things pertaining only to the moral laws as we remain in Gods will and not our own. Gods commandment of love will help us to know how to handle ourselves in prayers and blessings, love and brotherhood, the poor and unfortunate, treatment of the Gentiles (all people), Marriage, divorce and family, forbidden sexual relations, business practices, employees and servants, vows, oaths, swearing, Court and Judicial procedures, injuries and damages, property and property rights, Criminal laws, prophecy, idolatry and all its practices for if we are walking in Gods love we will know His obedience in all the moral laws.
Certainly Jesus is alive, who is making a claim that he is dead. If you go back and read my posts you will see I have been trying to show that there are laws that Christ has already fulfilled in his death as in that of the Temple and sacrifice and other laws that only pertained to the Hebrews and then there are moral laws that pertain to everyone as in Gods greatest commandment of love we will remain in the moral laws until Christ returns and fulfills and makes an fulfills every jot and tittle of the laws.

So then Jesus fulfilled part of the jot and tittles? This is just false doctrine!

If any man or even an angel from heaven preach any other gospel, other than that Which Paul preached? they are cursed!

All men will be judged by Pauls gospel!

That no man is justified by any part of the law, is EVIDENT!

that means it is very clear!
the way i see it, opponents of Paul are saying that relying on Christ alone empties the law of any meaning.
Paul answers by saying that adding the law to Christ empties his death on the cross of any meaning.
What is your take?
Try inserting "the whole law" where the word law is used.

That's the problem with Chris-tianity, misinterpreting the context of scripture. In all N.T. scripture concerning the law, the context is the whole law which includes animal sacrifices. If animal sacrifices, the whole law must be kept, then Christ's death is in vain. That's the point.

Christ himself said he didn't come to do away with the law but to fulfill it. Heaven and earth would pass away before that happens. The same reference is used for the justification of an Israeli nation in the old Testament. If the heavens and the earth could pass away, so could Israel, which should be interpreted spiritually as the heavenly kingdom, which I'm sure applies to God's commandments, forever in heaven.

My final point aswell as Paul's, how does one define sin if not for the law?! How do you know what is considered sin to God if not for the laws of Moses? Is it not still sin to marry your father's widow?!
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Try inserting "the whole law" where the word law is used.

That's the problem with Chris-tianity, misinterpreting the context of scripture. In all N.T. scripture concerning the law, the context is the whole law which includes animal sacrifices. If animal sacrifices, the whole law must be kept, then Christ's death is in vain. That's the point.

Christ himself said he didn't come to do away with the law but to fulfill it. Heaven and earth would pass away before that happens. The same reference is used for the justification of an Israeli nation in the old Testament. If the heavens and the earth could pass away, so could Israel, which should be interpreted spiritually as the heavenly kingdom, which I'm sure applies to God's commandments, forever in heaven.

My final point aswell as Paul's, how does one define sin if not for the law?! How do you know what is considered sin to God if not for the laws of Moses? Is it not still sin to marry your father's widow?!

precepts! I have read some of your post, and find you to be one with understanding. I agree with most all you have stated on this post.
I would say that a man cannot transgress a law unless he be under that law? The believer in Christ has in fact been brought into new laws! The believer who takes his fathers wife, has not transgressed the law of Moses, but has transgressed the law of Christ. The royal law! Maybe I did not see your point as you intended to make it?

The reason that the "church" fails so often at love? Is because they do not honor the royal law! Love is the commandment of Christ. Faith in the Son is the commandment of the Father.


now what would happen in the Church, if all seen these two commandments and kept them formost in their hearts and minds?
We would have the TRUE CHRUCH!

the OLD covenant is passed away! all of it! it cannot bring a charge of sin against one who is under the NEW COVENANT!

blessings and grace upon you!
precepts! I have read some of your post, and find you to be one with understanding. I agree with most all you have stated on this post.
I would say that a man cannot transgress a law unless he be under that law? The believer in Christ has in fact been brought into new laws! The believer who takes his fathers wife, has not transgressed the law of Moses, but has transgressed the law of Christ. The royal law! Maybe I did not see your point as you intended to make it?
What about a man falling in love with a woman's sister he was involved with years ago? How would you know it was sinful in these days without the law of Moses? When Christ spoke of the commandment of Love, in my opinion, it was because in those days the commandments were only available to the priests which would require love to hang on all the commandments, but now that the scriptures are available why would sin not be define by Moses' law?

That is when faith carried us thru, but how are we to be blameless for Christ's return without the knowledge of the laws? Faith without works is dead.

I'm not saying you have to keep every law of Moses but that it defines what is considered sin to God. The enclosing of property so that no one can walk between the plots is sin! The transgression of these statues of life brings the curse on the earth.

The reason that the "church" fails so often at love? Is because they do not honor the royal law! Love is the commandment of Christ. Faith in the Son is the commandment of the Father.


now what would happen in the Church, if all seen these two commandments and kept them formost in their hearts and minds?
We would have the TRUE CHRUCH!
They would be guilty but not charged of enclosing their properties and not know it which is sin. How is one to be confident and blameless at Christ's return if there's no knowledge of sin?

the OLD covenant is passed away! all of it! it cannot bring a charge of sin against one who is under the NEW COVENANT!

blessings and grace upon you!
Like I said before faith covers most sin but how do you know you're blameless at Christ's return. Would you not feel fear not knowing if your spotless?

As for the Old covenant passing away I'm sure you've read these verses before:
Mat 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Luk 16:17 And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail.
That means all hangs on the law. Sin is sin! Christ fulfilled the sacrificial and judicial aspect of the law.
What about a man falling in love with a woman's sister he was involved with years ago? How would you know it was sinful in these days without the law of Moses? When Christ spoke of the commandment of Love, in my opinion, it was because in those days the commandments were only available to the priests which would require love to hang on all the commandments, but now that the scriptures are available why would sin not be define by Moses' law?

That is when faith carried us thru, but how are we to be blameless for Christ's return without the knowledge of the laws? Faith without works is dead.

I'm not saying you have to keep every law of Moses but that it defines what is considered sin to God. The enclosing of property so that no one can walk between the plots is sin! The transgression of these statues of life brings the curse on the earth.

They would be guilty but not charged of enclosing their properties and not know it which is sin. How is one to be confident and blameless at Christ's return if there's no knowledge of sin?

Like I said before faith covers most sin but how do you know you're blameless at Christ's return. Would you not feel fear not knowing if your spotless?

As for the Old covenant passing away I'm sure you've read these verses before:
That means all hangs on the law. Sin is sin! Christ fulfilled the sacrificial and judicial aspect of the law.

Yes every jot and tittle! that means that if you are under any part of the law, then you must keep ALL THE LAW!

whats so hard to understand about every jot and tittle?

The reason some are so focused upon sin is because the STRENGTH OF SIN IS THE LAW! the commandments produces sinful desires in every man.

This is why those who are under law are so fucused upon sin, and cannot imagine that others have been set free from sins dominion. As the gospel clearly states!

i suggest those who think they are under any part of the law should die with Christ and He will give you power over sin. By His Divine Nature.

Walk in the Spirit, is the only biblical answer to the sin of man.
Interesting statement. Is the purpose of the law to "make" us all sinners or expose us for what we are?

Expose us for what we are!

Now that's more like it.

Yes every jot and tittle! that means that if you are under any part of the law, then you must keep ALL THE LAW!
That's your foolish interpretation based on ulterior motives. If the scripture is saying what you're saying it's saying then there would be no need for Christ's crucifixtion. Christ said he fulfilled the law. The interpretation of Christ's fulfillment of the sacrificial and judicial shedding of blood is that the laws that define sin is eternal. Heaven and earth would pass away before the definition of what is sin or what the statues of God are would.

whats so hard to understand about every jot and tittle?

The reason some are so focused upon sin is because the STRENGTH OF SIN IS THE LAW! the commandments produces sinful desires in every man.
I am not trying to bound you to the law, but help you understand scripture and God more. You're the one that doesn't understand what every tittle is, that will never pass away.

This is why those who are under law are so fucused upon sin, and cannot imagine that others have been set free from sins dominion. As the gospel clearly states!
True, but you're dodging my points of defining sin! How do you define sin? What is considered sin without having to guess? Isn't it better to know what was/is sin to God to better understand God and scripture. Chris-tianity and your problem is the lack of the significance of the old testament to the new and present time. Blind faith by blind guides has always been the people of God's troubles.

i suggest those who think they are under any part of the law should die with Christ and He will give you power over sin. By His Divine Nature.

Walk in the Spirit, is the only biblical answer to the sin of man.
You're being redundant. Every where the law is mentioned in the new is refering to the whole law, friend. Chris-tianity's lack of defining sin and understanding the old testament laws is why they can't understand prophesy, which is the plan of the anti-christ spirit, in order to be your blind guide.
So the answer seems to be that every jot and tittle, does not really mean what it clearly means?

Thats your biblical point?

The strength of sin is the law! The reason some are so focused upon sin, is because they are under law.

No one can be justified by and part of the law. The law cannot make a charge of sin against one who is justified by Christ!

This is EVIDENT! clear! its impossible to be under the OLD covenant and the NEW!

a 5th graded could read the New Testament and see this truth!
It takes a whole lot of false religion and some blindness from satan to not see what is made so clear in the scriptures?
The law does make a charge just not to death by stoning, but it does still make a charge of sin that is why we need forgiveness through jesus Christ.

The law does make a charge just not to death by stoning, but it does still make a charge of sin that is why we need forgiveness through jesus Christ.


This point is made just as clear as it can be written in Gal.
The purpose of the law was to make ALL SINNERS, to bring us to be justified by FAITH! but after faith has come, we are no longer under the law and charged as sinners. We are JUSTIFIED by faith in Christ. THIS IS THE GOSPEL, ALL ELSE IS FALSE DOCTRINE. Paul said any other "gospel" is cursed!

And again the law is all or nothing! every jot and tittle!
So the answer seems to be that every jot and tittle, does not really mean what it clearly means?
It means exactly what it means. Christ fulfilled the sacrificial and judicial shedding of blood aspect of the law. The rest are the statues of life, creational laws from the fall of man to his new creation of a spiritual uncorruptable body. These statues weren't just given to Moses. It was given to Adam and Eve, thus Cain and Abel's sacrifices. That's my point. They are the statues of "life" for man to live righteously before God from genesis, but mankind keep straying away from them as it is this day, the reason for Christ's covering of Christ-tian's sins is because of our violations of the statues of life, the blessings and curses of the law. This is God, the ephah, the flying roll, aka the word/sword of God.

Thats your biblical point?

The strength of sin is the law! The reason some are so focused upon sin, is because they are under law.

No one can be justified by and part of the law. The law cannot make a charge of sin against one who is justified by Christ!
Once again you're missing the point. It's the whole law that man cannot be justified by. To operate under the whole law of sacrificial and judicial shedding of blood as a Christ-tian would be sin! That was Paul's point! There's no way Paul would tell any believer not to know and understand the law of Moses. He would never tell them they have to keep all the laws ,but the knowledge of what is sin is important in being confident at Christ's return.

This is EVIDENT! clear! its impossible to be under the OLD covenant and the NEW!

a 5th graded could read the New Testament and see this truth!
It takes a whole lot of false religion and some blindness from satan to not see what is made so clear in the scriptures?
Yet you can't see that it's the keeping of the whole law that is now sin! But for you to deny the knowledge of what sin is, defined by the laws of Moses, shows your lack of not wanting to be found blameless at Christ's return. Sounds like the parable of the man that hid his pence instead of gaining interest.

Paul's message is that we are free from the whole law. If we were free from the law there would be no reason for the royal law either!
It means exactly what it means. Christ fulfilled the sacrificial and judicial shedding of blood aspect of the law. The rest are the statues of life, creational laws from the fall of man to his new creation of a spiritual uncorruptable body. These statues weren't just given to Moses. It was given to Adam and Eve, thus Cain and Abel's sacrifices. That's my point. They are the statues of "life" for man to live righteously before God from genesis, but mankind keep straying away from them as it is this day, the reason for Christ's covering of Christ-tian's sins is because of our violations of the statues of life, the blessings and curses of the law. This is God, the ephah, the flying roll, aka the word/sword of God.

Once again you're missing the point. It's the whole law that man cannot be justified by. To operate under the whole law of sacrificial and judicial shedding of blood as a Christ-tian would be sin! That was Paul's point! There's no way Paul would tell any believer not to know and understand the law of Moses. He would never tell them they have to keep all the laws ,but the knowledge of what is sin is important in being confident at Christ's return.

Yet you can't see that it's the keeping of the whole law that is now sin! But for you to deny the knowledge of what sin is, defined by the laws of Moses, shows your lack of not wanting to be found blameless at Christ's return. Sounds like the parable of the man that hid his pence instead of gaining interest.

Paul's message is that we are free from the whole law. If we were free from the law there would be no reason for the royal law either!

I think you may have it all backwards? The reason for the Law from the start was that it might lead all men to Christ. Christ Jesus is the substance! The law was but a shadow, its glory cannot be compared to Christ! So the reason that the law blinds is because those who look to it have not seen or known Christ.

2 Cor 3 Points this out very clearly!


sorry I think I will stand with Christ and submit to the true gospel, as Paul has delivered to the church.
Mitspa, so you are saying we are no longer under Gods commands pertaining to prayers and blessings, love and brotherhood, the poor and unfortunate, treatment of the Gentiles, Marriage, divorce and family, forbidden sexual relations, business practices, employees and servants, vows, oaths, swearing, Court and Judicial procedures, injuries and damages, property and property rights, Criminal laws, prophecy, idolatry and all its practices.

As you put it love is the only commandment we are to keep, which yes it is the greatest commandment of God, but it also helps us to know Gods will in what I have listed above, unless you think none of these things concern us anymore.
Mitspa, so you are saying we are no longer under Gods commands pertaining to prayers and blessings, love and brotherhood, the poor and unfortunate, treatment of the Gentiles, Marriage, divorce and family, forbidden sexual relations, business practices, employees and servants, vows, oaths, swearing, Court and Judicial procedures, injuries and damages, property and property rights, Criminal laws, prophecy, idolatry and all its practices.

As you put it love is the only commandment we are to keep, which yes it is the greatest commandment of God, but it also helps us to know Gods will in what I have listed above, unless you think none of these things concern us anymore.