- Nov 30, 2012
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- 1,936
So you are saying we have no more commandments to live by.......................did Jesus return already..........................did heaven and earth pass away....................don't think so as we are all still living on the old Earth. Now if you do not want to walk in love which is the greatest of all the commandments then that would mean you are walking in ....................hate!!!
LOVE is the ONLY commandment and fufills ALL the OT commandments.
You ALL are talking as if Jesus is died. He is NOT died. He lives in us and continues to fulfill the law through us.
The point is that WE DO NOT fulfill the law, HE does and continues to do so until the end of this world. We cannot fulfill the law only Jesus can do this.
We are to walk in the Spirit, which produces love, if we do this we allow Jesus to fulfill the law (live through us).
The problem arises when we think it's up to us to fulfill the law producing a salvation not based on grace but on grace + works. We think we must do. I think Jesus probably has it right. He doesn't leave it up to carnal man to save themselves or anyone else. We are JUSTIFIED only by Jesus and His works. If there was anything that we could do to JUSTIFY ourselves we wouldn't need HIM.
I could quote scripture to prove this but frankly I do not see the need. You are all believers quite well versed in the scripture that tells you this.