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Explain Galatians 2:15-21

Gal 2:15-21
Jesus Christ said, "Salvation is of the Jews." By taking on the salvation of the Lord, though we are Gentiles (as was Simon the Canaanite of the Twelve *Not Simon Peter*), through our acceptance of and following of Salvator Emmanuel, He, the God of Israel adopts us into His family. That is not to say that the Jews are not first blessed, by being sole inheritors of the promises of Jacob, Isaac, Abraham, Shem, Noah, and Seth (among others). However, as was Haqair the Assyrian a believer in the one God saved, so are we (otherwise heathen) saved by the blood of Christ. You see, we inherit our forefather's sins and ours are most likely worse than the Ibri. Our works do not decide our salvation, JESUS the name above all other names does, and our faith increases the grace of God. 17-18 Talks about God being to blame if we sin, while believing in Jesus. It says quite simply: God forbid (we blame Him for our sins). 21 Though grace is not earned by works, I, being a firm believer in God, do not frustrate the grace I receive by being a child of Christ.

Not the point at all! The point being that If you is justified by Christ, how can the law make a charge of sin against those Who Christ has justified?

The ministry of death written and engraved on stones? 10 commandments, ministered sin. The ministry of the NEW COVENANT is a ministry of righteousness. No one can be a sinner by law and a saint by grace! its impossilbe! This is the point made throughout the epistle to Gal.

Paul goes on to make this point again and again, over and over! THAT NO MAN IS JUSTIFEID BY THE LAW IS EVIDENT-CLEAR- WITHOUT DOUBT!

Only by FAITH! this point is also made over and over!
Matthew 5:
17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Matthew 22:
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Well I think we can agree that heaven and earth has not passes away as of yet. The only laws that have been fulfilled so far by Christ are that of the rituals of the Temple, sacrifices, festivals, Torah, Kohanim and Levites, the King and the Nazarite. Now again, heaven and earth has not passed away as of yet so by the greatest law of all which is love then we remain in practicing love in that of every situation of the moral laws of prayers and blessings, love and brotherhood, the poor and unfortunate, treatment of the Gentiles, Marriage, divorce and family, forbidden sexual relations, business practices, employees and servants, vows, oaths, swearing, Court and Judicial procedures, injuries and damages, property and property rights, Criminal laws, prophecy, idolatry and all its practices as we need to display love for one another in the moral and not stand in judgement of the moral as God stands in judgement of all things done here on earth.

The laws that were only for the Jews are included in all 613, but not all of the 613 are for the gentile to continue in as in those that Christ has already fulfilled, but we still remain in the moral laws until Christ returns. I hope you think about this before you jump to your own conclusion of who is right or wrong as this is all found in scripture that I have given. If you read the Leviticus and Deuteronomy Chapters 28 and 29, then you will see that of what I am saying here.

Love is the greatest commandment in the 613 laws. The second greatest one is love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law, meaning the moral laws of prayers and blessings, love and brotherhood, the poor and unfortunate, treatment of the Gentiles, Marriage, divorce and family, forbidden sexual relations, business practices, employees and servants, vows, oaths, swearing, Court and Judicial procedures, injuries and damages, property and property rights, Criminal laws, prophecy, idolatry and all its practices.

yes the New Covenant is clear! Jesus FULFILLED EVERY JOT AND TITTLE!

now are you claiming that you are under every jot and tittle? Have you read the law? That MEANS EVERY WORD, NOT JUST THE PARTS YOU THINK YOU LIKE!
if any man be in Christ, HE IS A NEW CREATION, the OLD things have PAST AWAY, behold ALL THINGS are New!
For a true Christian we have in fact a new heaven and New earth, we have past from the old into the new. This is what the Lord was speaking of. Now none of you claim to keep every jot and tittle of the law. That would include all that is written! You cant take the parts you want! ITS ALL OR NOTHING! this is what the Lord was saying!
Once the restoration of the righteous occurs every believer will like wise fulfill the law above and beyond, because of the love and power of God no actions or behaviors will even be lower than that minimum standard shadowed in the old law. There will be a great spiritual temple that we will serve God in by giving our whole heart, soul and mind to him, will that not be the truest form of tithing we can give?

The work is not complete.

1 Peter 2:5 NAS

you also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

Once the restoration of the righteous occurs every believer will like wise fulfill the law above and beyond, because of the love and power of God no actions or behaviors will even be lower than that minimum standard shadowed in the old law. There will be a great spiritual temple that we will serve God in by giving our whole heart, soul and mind to him, will that not be the truest form of tithing we can give?

Well, i am not sure of your point? But we are NOW the temple of the Holy Spirit. We are NOW the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. In the Fathers eyes, we are IN CHRIST. we are now seated with Him in the heavenly places.

The standard was always Christ Jesus, the law as you rightly say was a shadow of Christ. But being conformed to His Image by the Spirit, is not something we see as something God will do in the future, It is daily process of growing in grace and knowledge.

This process begins when we turn from the law of Moses, and behold Christ alone. 2 Cor 3

No one can be under the law, and be conformed to His Image by the Spirit.

Only in the righteousness of faith, can the ministry of righteousness change us from glory to glory.
yes the New Covenant is clear! Jesus FULFILLED EVERY JOT AND TITTLE!

now are you claiming that you are under every jot and tittle? Have you read the law? That MEANS EVERY WORD, NOT JUST THE PARTS YOU THINK YOU LIKE!

I never claimed we are under every jot and tittle as all I have said is we remain under the moral laws until heaven and earth pass away at Christ coming. Yes I have read all 613 laws, but apparently you have not for if you did then you would know the different between the ones that have already been fulfilled and the other sixteen that still remain as moral to our walk with Christ until His return, but you reject the moral deeming your self perfect in all your ways without any sin. I'm sorry for what you have stuck in your head that blinds you unless you believe heaven and earth have already passed away. The moral laws with the greatest being love and the second as loving your neighbor as yourself carries us through the remaining sixteen categories of the moral laws.
uh, we have that temple NOW its in heaven per hebrews.

That's right jason, but some people do not get it. That temple is God who in time will usher down His New Jerusalem, new heaven and new Earth as this old one passes away and we will be together with Him for all eternity.
I never claimed we are under every jot and tittle as all I have said is we remain under the moral laws until heaven and earth pass away at Christ coming. Yes I have read all 613 laws, but apparently you have not for if you did then you would know the different between the ones that have already been fulfilled and the other sixteen that still remain as moral to our walk with Christ until His return, but you reject the moral deeming your self perfect in all your ways without any sin. I'm sorry for what you have stuck in your head that blinds you unless you believe heaven and earth have already passed away. The moral laws with the greatest being love and the second as loving your neighbor as yourself carries us through the remaining sixteen categories of the moral laws.

So again you claim you dont keep every jot and tittle, but what evey you decide? I am sure that was God intention! Just keep what ever part you want? No! its every jot and tittle or its nothing!
17-18 Talks about God being to blame if we sin, while believing in Jesus. It says quite simply: God forbid (we blame Him for our sins).
So..... if you try to convince a friend not to drive drunk by saying, “God forbid you pass out and kill an entire family!†Are you telling him that if he drives and that scenario actually happens, “it’s not going to be your fault, we’ll just blame God!â€

NO, you’re not saying that at ALL! You’re saying “NO WAAAY! Gimme your keys!â€
The expression “God forbid!†back then means the same as it does today… a very emphatic “NO.â
What Paul is saying? Is the same point made by John in 1Jn 3:5-9
And you know that He was manifest to take away our sins, and IN HIM we have no sin.
Whoever abides IN HIM does not sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him.
Little children let no one deceive you. He who practises righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous.
He who sins is of the devil for the devil has sinned from the beginning.
Whoever is born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him and he cannot sin.

This point Paul makes over and over!
How can one who is justified by Christ, be found a sinner by the law of moses?

Its not possible!
now we who have died with Christ to the law of sin and death.(ten commandments) all the law. Have now entered into the Law of Christ. He is our law?

This is His Commandment! that you love one another as I have loved you! This is the Royal Law!

We love because He first loved us, so then, by His love for us we love others! This fulfills all law.

This is the simplicty of Christ!

now Paul warns us against satans ministers? That would try to deceive as serpent did eve? "did God really say"

Its very simple! and all those who come up with this nonsense about 600 commandments and such? are just false teachers!
Sent from satan himself!
now Paul warns us against satans ministers? That would try to deceive as serpent did eve? "did God really say"

Its very simple! and all those who come up with this nonsense about 600 commandments and such? are just false teachers!
Sent from satan himself!

How o How can what God called Holy, now be called profane? It happened in Ezekiel's day, as it is happening today.

Ezekiel 22:26 "Her priests have done violence to My law [Torah] and have profaned My holy things; they have made no distinction between the holy and the profane, and they have not taught the difference between the unclean and the clean; and they hide their eyes from My sabbaths, and I am profaned among them.

Please rethink your position about the 613 commandments as not being God breathed to Moses himself.

God bless and Shalom
So again you claim you dont keep every jot and tittle, but what evey you decide? I am sure that was God intention! Just keep what ever part you want? No! its every jot and tittle or its nothing!

Well Mitspa if you think the Ten Commandments no longer exist and that we need not live by them then that is between you and God as for me I will keep Gods greatest commandment in love as I stay obedient to what is moral and good toward my brethren and pleasing to God.
Well Mitspa if you think the Ten Commandments no longer exist and that we need not live by them then that is between you and God as for me I will keep Gods greatest commandment in love as I stay obedient to what is moral and good toward my brethren and pleasing to God.

If you ever keep even one of them? it will be because you died to them, with Christ, and by the Spirit, and Gods divine nature working through you. No man can look to any part of the law and keep any part of it. Only by turning to Christ alone, can the Spirit work the spiritual law.

For the law is spiritual and ALL MEN are carnal. When the carnal man has died with Christ and walks in newness of life, can any keep that which is spiritual.

for the Law of life in Christ Jesus, has set me free from the law of sin and death.
How o How can what God called Holy, now be called profane? It happened in Ezekiel's day, as it is happening today.

Ezekiel 22:26 "Her priests have done violence to My law [Torah] and have profaned My holy things; they have made no distinction between the holy and the profane, and they have not taught the difference between the unclean and the clean; and they hide their eyes from My sabbaths, and I am profaned among them.

Please rethink your position about the 613 commandments as not being God breathed to Moses himself.

God bless and Shalom

I honor Moses and the purpose of the law? I admit that nothiing good lives in my flesh, I am a wretched man. But Christ has set me free from sin and death. He fulfilled every jot and tittle. He is my righteousness! He is my holiness!

For in Him, I am complete! I no longer walk by the flesh but by the spirit. And sin has no power over me, because I am not under law but under grace!

Think not that I will accuse you to the Father, there is one who accuses you? Moses in whom you trust. If you had heard him you would Know Who I AM, FOR HE WROTE OF ME.

no man Has seen God at any time! But Christ Has revealed Him. For If you Have seen Me you have seen the Father!

For He is the express Image of His person!

Dont not claim to honor God! Those who look to the law have rejected Christ. And this is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased!

Then Moses disappeared. 2 Cor 3 The ministry of death and condemnation WRITTEN IN STONE. for even until this day their minds and hearts are blinded at the readed of the OLD testament and moses.

I could Go on but when the swine has returned to its wollow and dog to its vomit, there is not much hope for that man.
The written Word was made flesh John 1 and John 1:14 says that Jesus was the living embodiment of the Word of God. Jesus was the walking Torah who led a sinless life according to His Word. The written laws, precepts, commandments, instructions in Genesis – Deuteronomy was not a checklist that when Jesus did, we can check off and say Jesus did this one and this one and this one for me and now I don’t have to do anymore of them. How would you feel if you told your kid to clean their room and they respond “Nope, Jesus obeyed for me so don’t have to do that one.†Jesus did not change one law or annul one smallest thing because if he did, he would have been accused of being a false prophet by the Pharisees and then they surely would have tried earlier to have him executed (although they never had the legal authority to do so as that is why they took him to Pontius). What is being advocated is in direct contravention of Deuteronomy 13:1. If Jesus changed, or advocated a change of anything to the Written Word of God, would have been a sin according to Deuteronomy 12:32.

There is no opposition between God's Grace and his Law/Torah. How could the Messiah be in enmity with Himself? And how could He have come to free us from Himself?

I don't steal and murder because I love God and am so grateful for his promised blessing of everlasting life. The Jews fell into trying to earn their life by mere obedience to the laws. Rather what I see coming is through a healed heart full of Love for God the law will be fufilled as a byproduct of righteousness.

If you ever keep even one of them? it will be because you died to them, with Christ, and by the Spirit, and Gods divine nature working through you. No man can look to any part of the law and keep any part of it. Only by turning to Christ alone, can the Spirit work the spiritual law.

For the law is spiritual and ALL MEN are carnal. When the carnal man has died with Christ and walks in newness of life, can any keep that which is spiritual.

for the Law of life in Christ Jesus, has set me free from the law of sin and death.

So you are saying we have no more commandments to live by.......................did Jesus return already..........................did heaven and earth pass away....................don't think so as we are all still living on the old Earth. Now if you do not want to walk in love which is the greatest of all the commandments then that would mean you are walking in ....................hate!!!
The written Word was made flesh John 1 and John 1:14 says that Jesus was the living embodiment of the Word of God. Jesus was the walking Torah who led a sinless life according to His Word. The written laws, precepts, commandments, instructions in Genesis – Deuteronomy was not a checklist that when Jesus did, we can check off and say Jesus did this one and this one and this one for me and now I don’t have to do anymore of them. How would you feel if you told your kid to clean their room and they respond “Nope, Jesus obeyed for me so don’t have to do that one.†Jesus did not change one law or annul one smallest thing because if he did, he would have been accused of being a false prophet by the Pharisees and then they surely would have tried earlier to have him executed (although they never had the legal authority to do so as that is why they took him to Pontius). What is being advocated is in direct contravention of Deuteronomy 13:1. If Jesus changed, or advocated a change of anything to the Written Word of God, would have been a sin according to Deuteronomy 12:32.

There is no opposition between God's Grace and his Law/Torah. How could the Messiah be in enmity with Himself? And how could He have come to free us from Himself?

BRAVO!!! :clap
Had the Messiah changed even ONE thing from Torah, it would have automatically disqualified Him as being the Messiah.