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Explain Galatians 2:15-21

I think the obvious question here is not which of the two but which of the 10 is the least as the topic is the 10?

Jesus was speaking very clearly here of the 10. He lays out what He means by every jot and tittle. He is making it very clear to them that they cannot and have not obeyed every jot and tittle. But verse 5:17 is the explanation.

Matthew 5:17

Young's Literal Translation (YLT)

17 `Do not suppose that I came to throw down the law or the prophets -- I did not come to throw down, but to fulfill;

Why did He fulfill the law and the prophets, so we could live by grace through faith, imputed with His righteousness because there was no way we could fulfill the law. Obedience to every jot and tittle is too much for us to bear and be judged by. Just as when Peter says at the counsel in Jerusalem when addressing the Judizers. That they should not put the burden on the Gentiles that was too much for them and their father's to bear. Peter understood the EVERY jot and tittle and that to try to be justified by the jot and tittle was a great burden. He understood that Jesus was the Savior by grace and faith, He understood that He was the justifier because He obeyed every jot and tittle. for this reason only do we not have to fulfill the 10. But we are commanded to walk in the Spirit thus producing God's love in us.

The conclusion is this
48 ye shall therefore be perfect, as your Father who [is] in the heavens is perfect.

I do not condemn anyone for them observing feasts, sabbaths, or any other things they do in regards to the law and prophets. I just object to some (mostly christians churches) teaching justification by grace and faith + the 10. They don't seem to understand that they are not teaching the new covenant but the old.

I cannot interpret that verse as being solely exclusive to the just the "10". Try and pick one that isn't a least with those ten. What Jesus is referring to here as the least are verses such as Deuteronomy 22:11 (mixing wool and linen together), Numbers 15:38 (tallitz). That's the least of the commandments that I can glean from.

Fulfill has no meaning to abolish, and I said previously, is not a checklist that we no longer have to do so cause Jesus obeyed for us. That would be foolish to suggest otherwise. How many of us have made marriage vows when we were married. Marriage is very much a covenant act. We say through sickness and health, richer or poorer, be faithful, love and to hold, etc, etc. So after we do all that, is that covenant and vow no longer valid? Of course not, the covenant is continuous and renewed each waking day we spend our life together with our spouse. Just because we successfully complete it each day, no longer annuls the vow, it fulfills it.

We can argue about whether we are under the Old Covenant or the more accurate term "Renewed Covenant" instead of the popular term New Covenant. But covenants were built upon each other. If you have ever renewed your wedding vows, does it in any way annul the first set of vows you made? Galatians 3:17-18 speaks to this "What I am saying is this: the Law, which came four hundred and thirty years later, does not invalidate a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to nullify the promise. 18 For if the inheritance is based on law, it is no longer based on a promise; but God has granted it to Abraham by means of a promise."

There is the Abrahamic Convenat and the Sinai Convenant being spoken of here. One Covenant does not nullify another. What Law will be written on our hearts? It's the Torah of course. It's the God breathed set of instructions that he gave to Moses.

The Law has been poorly translated from the GReek word "nomos". If you go to where it came from the original language, it is accurately the Torah. The Torah does not mean God's authoritative and oppressive laws that are meant to bind one to cruely and slavery. Torah actually means God's "instructions" and "teachings" and "revelations." Poor translations, poor interpretations and poor theology has continued to perpetuate this mis truth about what the Law/Torah really is. I hope you will go out and discover the same conclusions that I have come to about what exactly it is when we say the Law. Lets maybe define that first and the roots what the Law exactly is.
And again the law is all or nothing! every jot and tittle!

Paul never taught against bestiality (excuse me while I am throwing up in my mouth). Leviticus 19:23 "Also you shall not have intercourse with any animal to be defiled with it, nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it; it is a perversion."

Paul did teach against sexual immoral behaviour 1 Thessalonians 4:3 "For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality;" But what gave us the definition of that behaviour? It's the Law/Torah. Maybe rethink the all or nothing.

Apology's to anyone who may have read this post before I edited it as there was some content that was unbecoming of a believer.
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Paul never taught against bestiality (excuse me while I am throwing up in my mouth). Leviticus 19:23 "Also you shall not have intercourse with any animal to be defiled with it, nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it; it is a perversion."

Paul did teach against sexual immoral behaviour 1 Thessalonians 4:3 "For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality;" But what gave us the definition of that behaviour? It's the Law/Torah. Maybe rethink the all or nothing.

Apology's to anyone who may have read this post before I edited it as there was some content that was unbecoming of a believer.

I was not the One who said EVERY JOT AND TITTLE! Jesus said it and means exactly what He said. Paul made the same point over and over! That if one attempts to be justified by ANY PART of the law, They must keep ALL THE LAW! now the Law had one pupose? To MAKE ALL SINNERS, that all men might come to Christ and be justfied by faith.

This point is so clear and evident that I cannot allow that any honest person cannot see this apart from being blinded by a religious suducing spirit, as described in scripture by Paul.
The very, very important point is how we are JUSTIFIED, I have not seen anyone who is talking about the law so far say that justification comes through the law.

I don't believe justification comes through the law, today it comes through faith in Christ and his sacrifice. During the temple arrangement justification came though faithfully believing in the sacrifices that pointed to Christ. Adding to this is the hearts desire to be righteous and to believe and trust in God's plan to bring that about for each follower.

Sin is still the same now as in the past and needs to be forgiven.

The very, very important point is how we are JUSTIFIED, I have not seen anyone who is talking about the law so far say that justification comes through the law.

I don't believe justification comes through the law, today it comes through faith in Christ and his sacrifice. During the temple arrangement justification came though faithfully believing in the sacrifices that pointed to Christ. Adding to this is the hearts desire to be righteous and to believe and trust in God's plan to bring that about for each follower.

Sin is still the same now as in the past and needs to be forgiven.


I would ask you?
You claim to be justified by faith in Christ? then how can you be a sinner by the Law of Moses? Thats impossible!

Thats the point Paul is making in Gal.
John says it this way in 1 John 3 whoever abides in Him does not sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor Known Him.
He who sins is of the devil. Whoever is born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in Him and he cannot sin.

Its not biblically possible to be a sinner by the law of moses, and to be justified by faith in Christ.

Now a believer sins? he is sinning against Christ and the law of Christ, NOT THE LAW OF MOSES!

now if you want to have an honest point by point discussion? I will be glad to do that! But I will not hear some made-up doctrine about "moral law" and other things that some have tried to bring forward as truth, when they know the scriptures are in clear conflict with what they are trying to affirm.

Now the gospel is very simple when understood with humility and simple faith.

Paul said that just as satan deceived eve, that some would be fail to hold to the simplicty of Christ.

How did satan deceive eve? DID GOD REALLY SAY?

yes he said it!
That we are justified freely by His Grace.
That those who receive the abundance of grace and the FREE GIFT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS shall reign in life with Christ.

That He became sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.

That unless one RECEIVES the Kingdom of God as a little child that they cannot enter into the Kingdom.

I have many more! and await an honest discussion with any who wants to be set free from sin?



So you believe you can't sin.........

I don't feel I can lift my head that high,

I wish and long with all my heart to one day be truly righteous through the gift of God, and as I eagerly long for that day I will pray for grace and forgiveness for my sins through Jesus Christ.


So you believe you can't sin.........

I don't feel I can lift my head that high,

I wish and long with all my heart to one day be truly righteous through the gift of God, and as I eagerly long for that day I will pray for grace and forgiveness for my sins through Jesus Christ.


What I am saying is written clearly in the scriptures, in the epistles of Paul. Now Paul said ALL MEN would be judged by his gospel. That if any preached another gospel, EVEN AN ANGEL FROM HEAVEN! they where teaching false doctrine.

So the fact the the law strengthens sin and produces sinful desires in every mans flesh is made clear and evident.

The ONLY power over sin, is Grace! Thats it! All else is just religious nonsense.

I was not the One who said EVERY JOT AND TITTLE! Jesus said it and means exactly what He said. Paul made the same point over and over! That if one attempts to be justified by ANY PART of the law, They must keep ALL THE LAW! now the Law had one pupose? To MAKE ALL SINNERS, that all men might come to Christ and be justfied by faith.

This point is so clear and evident that I cannot allow that any honest person cannot see this apart from being blinded by a religious suducing spirit, as described in scripture by Paul.

So now that the law is done away, there are no sinners. That is what you say.

If you are true to your screen name, please consider…

1. Acts 6:13-14 defines a false witness as anyone who speaks against the Temple, it services, or who claims that Jesus changed the law given to Moses.

2. 2 Peter 3:15-16 warns us that Paul’s letters are hard to understand by those who don’t know the Torah. He is talking about the Torah (Gen-Deut) because the New Testament did not exist for at least 100 years after Peter wrote this. The “other†Scriptures he refers to are the Prophets (like Isa, and Jer) and the Writings (like Psalms and Proverbs.)

2 Tim 3:16-17 is also talking about the Torah, Prophets and Writings… and NOT the New Testament because it didn’t exist at the time. The “1st century believers†were taught from the only Scripture they had at the time…the Torah and Prophets: aka, The “Old†Testament.

My advice? If you don’t have a solid understanding of the Torah and Prophets, it would be unwise to read Paul’s letters because he’s not teaching basic “101†doctrine. He’s teaching Torah at “college†level.

3.The majority of Christians (not only on this forum but also in churches around the globe) claim that either the law of God has been done away with, or that it is not for Gentile believers. Now, Jesus said in Matt 7:13-14 that following the majority is not a good thing to do because they are on "a path leading to destruction. He encourages us to travel on a narrow path (be in the minority.) “Many are called†(the majority) but “few are chosen†(the minority." Matt 22:14

4. Contrary to what any man may say, the Lord said that His Law is not hard to do (Deut 30:11) and that He gave them to us in order that we may prolong our life and LIVE (Deut 30:15-16.) Would you give your kids rules you knew they couldn’t follow? Why would anyone think our Father in Heaven would give us rules we couldn’t follow?

5. Most people do not even know why Jesus even came in the first place. That’s because they do not know the Torah, and Jesus said in John 5:46-47 that if we don’t know and believe what it says then we have no idea and canâ€t believe what HE is says! These are the “unlearned†of point #2.

If you are true to your screen name, please consider…

1. Acts 6:13-14 defines a false witness as anyone who speaks against the Temple, it services, or who claims that Jesus changed the law given to Moses.

2. 2 Peter 3:15-16 warns us that Paul’s letters are hard to understand by those who don’t know the Torah. He is talking about the Torah (Gen-Deut) because the New Testament did not exist for at least 100 years after Peter wrote this. The “other” Scriptures he refers to are the Prophets (like Isa, and Jer) and the Writings (like Psalms and Proverbs.)

2 Tim 3:16-17 is also talking about the Torah, Prophets and Writings… and NOT the New Testament because it didn’t exist at the time. The “1st century believers” were taught from the only Scripture they had at the time…the Torah and Prophets: aka, The “Old” Testament.

My advice? If you don’t have a solid understanding of the Torah and Prophets, it would be unwise to read Paul’s letters because he’s not teaching basic “101” doctrine. He’s teaching Torah at “college” level.

3.The majority of Christians (not only on this forum but also in churches around the globe) claim that either the law of God has been done away with, or that it is not for Gentile believers. Now, Jesus said in Matt 7:13-14 that following the majority is not a good thing to do because they are on "a path leading to destruction. He encourages us to travel on a narrow path (be in the minority.) “Many are called” (the majority) but “few are chosen” (the minority." Matt 22:14

4. Contrary to what any man may say, the Lord said that His Law is not hard to do (Deut 30:11) and that He gave them to us in order that we may prolong our life and LIVE (Deut 30:15-16.) Would you give your kids rules you knew they couldn’t follow? Why would anyone think our Father in Heaven would give us rules we couldn’t follow?

5. Most people do not even know why Jesus even came in the first place. That’s because they do not know the Torah, and Jesus said in John 5:46-47 that if we don’t know and believe what it says then we have no idea and can’t believe what HE is says! These are the “unlearned” of point #2.

Just to add a minor point here nmwings, the original order (some call it the inspired order) of the New Testament put James, 1&2 Peter, 1,2&3 John and Jude just after Acts. Then follow with the epistles of Paul. The reasoning is that one should understand the basics of N.T. doctrine from James, Peter, John and Jude before delving into the writings of Paul for the very reason you quoted...

2Pe 3:15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;
2Pe 3:16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
Whoops, forgot to add that the basic foundation of the New Testament/New Covenant is the Gospels. The teachings of Christ. The epistles are to be understood from that foundation.
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The nail in the coffin:
Mat 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
Mat 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Mat 5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach [them], the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Is this a different doctrine from what Paul preached? Notice he says in the kingdom of heaven which mens post the crucifixtion!

Luk 16:15 And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.
Luk 16:16 The law and the prophets [were] until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.
Luk 16:17 And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail.
Luk 16:18 Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from [her] husband committeth adultery.
Perfect example of Christ preaching the fulfilled laws of Moses.
Interesting comments from many here,

As for the question

"Why would anyone think our Father in Heaven would give us rules we couldn’t follow?"

Perhaps it was to help us see that we just can't follow them on our own.....we need our Fathers help?

Didn't Adam rejected God's helpful words, thus rejecting God's help?

To have God's law written on our hearts will surely require a deep trusting relationship between us and God.

As Jesus showed to have with his Father.

Interesting comments from many here,

As for the question

"Why would anyone think our Father in Heaven would give us rules we couldn’t follow?"

Perhaps it was to help us see that we just can't follow them on our own.....we need our Fathers help?

Didn't Adam rejected God's helpful words, thus rejecting God's help?

To have God's law written on our hearts will surely require a deep trusting relationship between us and God.

As Jesus showed to have with his Father.


Cogent comments. Sometimes it takes a lot of faith to obey.
Yes John "a lot of faith to obey "

There is so much in those few words.......

Talking with all of you here today has been a blessing and has help me see things more deeply and with more clarity, thank-you.

Yes John "a lot of faith to obey "

There is so much in those few words.......

Talking with all of you here today has been a blessing and has help me see things more deeply and with more clarity, thank-you.


It is easy to say I believe, but how easy is it when your job is on the line? "I will not work on the Sabbath." and the reply is "Fine, you will not work here at all." The reply then is "OK, I've been throwed out or better places than this."
I was not the One who said EVERY JOT AND TITTLE! Jesus said it and means exactly what He said. Paul made the same point over and over! That if one attempts to be justified by ANY PART of the law, They must keep ALL THE LAW! now the Law had one pupose? To MAKE ALL SINNERS, that all men might come to Christ and be justfied by faith.

This point is so clear and evident that I cannot allow that any honest person cannot see this apart from being blinded by a religious suducing spirit, as described in scripture by Paul.
To bad whaen all rational argument fails, one results to questioning their salvation or demonic activity in their life. I haven't accused you of so, please grant me the same respect please. The heart of grace is not to obey to be saved, but I obey because I am saved.

If you believe God was the same yesterday, today and tomorrow then you'll believe he had one law, one rule and one set of instructions for all mankind. From the beginning of creation, till now. It would be the same as parents having one set of rules for your own biological kids, then having a different set of rules for when a foster or adoptive child moves in. How fair would that be?

David, a man after God's own heart wrote Psalm 119 which is a Psalm for the Law/Torah. What does he say in Psalm 119:144 "Your instruction is righteous forever; give me understanding, and I will live" He's talking about the Torah being righteous forever. Not till when the Messiah comes. Psalm 119:152 "Long ago I learned from your instruction that you established it forever, Psalm 119:160 The main thing about your word is that it’s true; and all your just rulings last forever."

Would God ever give us anything less then perfect to live by? Of course not, that's ridiculous. Psalm 19:8 "The Torah[Law] of ADONAI is perfect, restoring the inner person. The instruction of ADONAI is sure, making wise the thoughtless." Explain to me how when someone now wants to follow the Torah/Law, they now have demonic activity in their life?
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Whoops, forgot to add that the basic foundation of the New Testament/New Covenant is the Gospels. The teachings of Christ. The epistles are to be understood from that foundation.
I would disagree and say the foundations were from the Torah, Genesis - Deuteronomy, the Prophets, Psalms. Jesus is God so how could his teachings not have been based on his very own Word?

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.
John 1:14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth
Interesting comments from many here,

As for the question

"Why would anyone think our Father in Heaven would give us rules we couldn’t follow?"

Perhaps it was to help us see that we just can't follow them on our own.....we need our Fathers help?

Didn't Adam rejected God's helpful words, thus rejecting God's help?

To have God's law written on our hearts will surely require a deep trusting relationship between us and God.

As Jesus showed to have with his Father.


Question 1: My God said it was never to hard Deuteronomy 30:11 "For this commandment which I command you today is not too difficult for you, nor is it out of reach."
Question 2: Of course nobody except for Jesus was perfect, and we have always had to come and repent because nobody is free from sin. Sin was even forgiven back before Jesus came Exodus 34:6-8 "...The Lord, the Lord God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth; 7 who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin..." He was always merciful and gracious to those who believed and had faith in him.
Question 3: Haven't we all at one time, or currently rejected God's words. I still have yeast on me I need to shake off.