CF Ambassador
- Dec 26, 2015
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This is a horrible twisting of what I've said. By leaving out an important fact. Any believer who does live a life of sin will be punished for it, including pain on earth (Heb 12:11) and loss of eternal reward. Please don't leave out important parts of what I say. It's very misleading and not at all honest.Does this mean that the Holy Spirit accompanies you to hell??
FreeGrace has said that one could live a life of sin and still be saved.
This cannot be true since God demands that we obey Him.
He always has, from the time of Adam and Eve.
Genesis 2:17
And they disobeyed, and they died spiritually.
Just like we would die spiritually if we turned from God.[/QUOTE]
How can a born again person die spiritually? Please follow forum rules and provide clear support from Scripture for these claims.
Let's consider the actual context, ok?
v.12a - if we endure, we will also reign with him.
So, the context for v.12a is to "reign with Him". That's NOT the same as saying "will live with Him". To reign is to share in His Kingship. It's a reward for enduring. Rewards are EARNED, unlike salvation, which is by grace.
We find the same principle in Rom 8:17b - co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.
So, to "endure" from 2 Tim 2:12 means the same thing as to "share in His sufferings" in Rom 8:17b.
Now, 2 Tim 12:b - If we disown him, he will also disown us;
The Greek word fo "disown" is: NT:720 arneomai (ar-neh'-om-ahee); perhaps from NT:1 (as a negative particle) and the middle voice of NT:4483; to contradict, i.e. disavow, reject, abnegate:
KJV - deny, refuse.
At www.biblehub.com, 24 of the 28 English translations given have "deny". I don't think all those scholars were misinformed.
So, what v.12 is obviously saying is that if believers endure in the faith, they WILL reign with Christ, a reward for faithfulness, BUT, if they fail to endure in the faith, they will be denied the privilege or reward of reigning with Him.
Hardly. v.13 is another verse stating eternal security. How can God the Father deny entrance to any believer who has the Holy Spirit in them?
Remember what Rom 8:16 says: The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.
So, to whom does the Spirit testify that we (believers) are God's children? God the Father, that's who.
And those who have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them cannot be lost. Because God cannot deny Himself.
So v.13 is equally important along with v.12.[/QUOTE]
No. A "believer" who lives a life of sin will not lose rewards, he will lose heaven.
Those who have the Holy Spirit indwelling will not be lost. Endure, from 2 Timothy 2:12 means to have faith until the end.
When a biblical principal is distorted, it is then necessary to distort words and verses. Deny means deny. We don't need the Greek for this.
Please reply to all the verses I've given you.
All the following verses show that there are conditions to being saved.
Please explain them if you don't agree.:
There are conditions, as I've quoted before.
Mathew 25:34-46
Mathew 5:3-10
Mathew 5:48
Mathew 7:23
John 14:15
John 5:28-29