jasoncran said:Just curious if you don't believe in woman being in minstry the does the bible contradict itself when the prophetess blesses Jesus, i believe being a prophet is a ministry, even before Christ's arrival. Luke 2:36, also do you believe in healing for today or back then as you seem to pick apart the 1 cor 13 and use it for toungues, and prophecy, if were in that age why not healing as well. I believe Paul in I cor 14 was to address the corinthian church on a Jewish tradition, in synagougues( then and problably some today ) men and woman don't sit together, The woman would ask her husband what the pastor was saying. You have to understand that when looking at some of the nt, Do you and/or are you sugessting that a woman should were a shaw(burka) same thing in 1 cor 11:5, btw that verse speakes of woman prophecying is that teaching(it could be or the actual gift) In light of that why would Paul then say that a woman should keep silent later in chapter 14 of same book. I don't think that you're willing to accept that you could be in error as well, I'm still will ask but I will no longer argue as you seem set that you and those who agree have the total understand revalation of Jesus, You won't be the first I've ran into, and aren't the last . Recently I was informed of a doctrinal error in my believe of being to able to have authority( speak to rebuke the devil,as to command to lose things, that not seen in acts) I tell others when i see that, I see the need again, but i will do it in love, not wanting to be right.
If you wrote this in reply to my previous statement:
There are MANY functions that women ARE permitted to hold. But Church LEADER is not one of them. And, as concerning the use of tongues, Paul PLAINLY offers in a chapter DEVOTED to 'tongues' that 'women are to remain SILENT in the Church. Whether you LIKE IT or NOT or whether you agree with it or NOT is not something that has an effect on ME in the least. Whether you are ABLE to bear the truth, once again, has NO bearing on me other than the sorrow that I feel when confronted by those that 'proclaim' to know and love Christ yet are unable to abide by His commandments.
Total revelation of and understanding of Christ? Not likely to happen in this lifetime. But a 'perfect understanding' of the PURPOSE of Christ is offered to us. All we have to do is open our hearts to Him and read The Word. If we are TRUE to ourselves AND God, The Spirit IS able to offer understanding.
This 'tongues' issue is pretty well documented and the truth IS offered. Whether one chooses to ABIDE by what is offered is a 'personal issue' that I have merely tried to offer as such. Paul didn't 'beat around the bush' as concerns 'tongues'. He PLAINLY offered what they are NOT so that we can determine by witnessing those that are USED in such a manner are INDEED, not TRUE 'tongues'. He also plainly offered what they ARE. He expressedly offered that they can ONLY be manifest 'as The Spirit GIVES utterance', and IN THE CHURCH, they have guidelines that MUST be adhered to or they are NOT 'tongues' offered AS The Spirit GIVES utterance. The Spirit is NOT ignorant and WILL not offer a 'gift' to one that it DOESN'T ALREADY KNOW is able to USE this 'gift' for the edification of THE BODY.
So, accusations are like blades of grass. Tons of em and all they need is a little dirt and water to grow.
And I find that is MORE common for those that REFUSE to accept the TRUTH to accuse others of 'thinking' that they KNOW everything or simply misinterpretation. And these methods are 'nothing new'. Those that persecuted Christ and the apostles used NO LESS in their attempts to 'stiffle the truth' for the sake of themselves.