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Pre-trib Rapture is not scriptural

Your welcomed. I thought of another verse that goes with this:
1Th_5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
Please read Rev 8:6-13. It's a great star called Wormwood sent down to earth and fell on the third part of the rivers and the fountain of the waters meaning streams. This star is called Wormwood because wormwood is a plant that can be potentially toxic in its pure form and has a bitter aroma to it. In large amounts, it can cause damage to the nervous system, resulting in convulsions, loss of muscle control, and sometimes death. Now we have a third part of the world without fresh water to drink.
The star ,wormwood where is it? Next any star that hits earth will kill all life to include christians.if you notice the saints are all in that and there's no mentioning of any please like exodus all judgements fall in Egypt but not goshen and its said as such.there's no star called wormwood in star charts.
There are no apostles in Rev 17. This chapter is describing who the great harlot is as mystery Babylon the great,the Mother of harlots and abominations of the earth. Chapter 18 tells how she is destroyed and the earth mourns her, but heaven rejoices her destruction.
There is .it mentions why babylon is destroyed. It mentions killing of the prophets ,and saints and the apostles. The whore drinks the blood of the saints .that means she is guilty of there murder.
Please read Rev 8:6-13. It's a great star called Wormwood sent down to earth and fell on the third part of the rivers and the fountain of the waters meaning streams. This star is called Wormwood because wormwood is a plant that can be potentially toxic in its pure form and has a bitter aroma to it. In large amounts, it can cause damage to the nervous system, resulting in convulsions, loss of muscle control, and sometimes death. Now we have a third part of the world without fresh water to drink.
I see it more spiritually,people turn bitter...
There fell a great star from heaven..
As in another post, water represents people...
I saw a Star fall from heaven, to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.
And they had a king over them, fallen angels, which is the angel of the bottomless pit.....Apollyon which is Satan.
Luke 10:18,19
I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions
They had tails like scorpions...
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning....morning star...

In Job 38:7
We have God speaking of Him making the foundations of the earth, we have..
When the Morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy...

Stars can be symbolic...

In Rev.22:16 states
Jesus is the bright and morning star...

Crown of 12 stars, this woman represents mother Israel.
The Dragon drew the third part of stars of heaven, angels...and cast them to the earth....

Just some of my views...

There is .it mentions why babylon is destroyed. It mentions killing of the prophets ,and saints and the apostles. The whore drinks the blood of the saints .that means she is guilty of there murder.
Same as in Matt.23:37-39
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets.....
Behold you house is left unto you desolate...abomination..
The Temple of God is within us, 1Cor 3:16,17.
Jerusalem has always been Gods Holy City even though Satan has worked through man to defiled the Holy City. God will purify or make new the heaven and the earth at the end of days when He makes an end to all abominations that have caused desolation and cast it all into the lake of fire. Once the new heaven and new earth has been prepared then God will usher down the new Jerusalem as God being the tabernacle within us will then dwell with us and we will be His people and He our God, Rev 21:1-3.

IN post 235 you speak of the temple of God being in Jerusalem
Same as in Matt.23:37-39
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets.....
Behold you house is left unto you desolate...abomination..
Rev 18:20

This must be in the past not to come.there's more on figurative language.hard to have a mountain moved out of a place and stars falling put of heaven literally and men Alive to repent
Rev 18:20

This must be in the past not to come.there's more on figurative language.hard to have a mountain moved out of a place and stars falling put of heaven literally and men Alive to repent
Not exactly, Satan which is behind everything will be destroyed, stars can be symbolic for fallen angels, or other people's.
Again, one must know the difference ,knowing spiritual death from flesh death.
Not exactly, Satan which is behind everything will be destroyed, stars can be symbolic for fallen angels, or other people's.
Again, one must know the difference ,knowing spiritual death from flesh death.
But in that context of your usage Rev 18:20 is supported by the language uses to by the prophets and Jesus.Jesus quoted the prophets and we know certain judgments on tyre,zidon,and babylonian and the statue by Daniel .surely you agree that the big rock that slams the statue in Daniel is a representation. Same with the very statue. I never said all of revelation was figurative. Only that in mentioning stars,beasts and sayings.oh mountains fall on me.Jesus said that to Jerusalem, to wit. Weep not for me oh daughters of Jerusalem ...
IN post 235 you speak of the temple of God being in Jerusalem

I was referring to the Dome of the Rock that sits on the original Temple Mount in Jerusalem where Gods Shekinah glory that once filled the Temple use to be and someday where the son of perdition being the false prophet will take his seat as per Isaiah 14:13 where Satan said I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
But in that context of your usage Rev 18:20 is supported by the language uses to by the prophets and Jesus.Jesus quoted the prophets and we know certain judgments on tyre,zidon,and babylonian and the statue by Daniel .surely you agree that the big rock that slams the statue in Daniel is a representation. Same with the very statue. I never said all of revelation was figurative. Only that in mentioning stars,beasts and sayings.oh mountains fall on me.Jesus said that to Jerusalem, to wit. Weep not for me oh daughters of Jerusalem ...
Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets, for God hath avenged you on her.
I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the Word of God and for the testimony which they held.
They cried with a loud voice, saying, how long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
I was referring to the Dome of the Rock that sits on the original Temple Mount in Jerusalem where Gods Shekinah glory that once filled the Temple use to be and someday where the son of perdition being the false prophet will take his seat as per Isaiah 14:13 where Satan said I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets, for God hath avenged you on her.
I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the Word of God and for the testimony which they held.
They cried with a loud voice, saying, how long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
Yet if this event of the whore of Babylon ,,which I believe is Jerusalem ,yet to be judged who then is our apostles?

Jerusalem was recorded as having more wealth then Rome
The star ,wormwood where is it? Next any star that hits earth will kill all life to include christians.if you notice the saints are all in that and there's no mentioning of any please like exodus all judgements fall in Egypt but not goshen and its said as such.there's no star called wormwood in star charts.

Just because it's not in the star charts doesn't mean it does not exist as the star chart has nothing to do with this star that God selects that the angel tells John is called Wormwood in Rev 8:11. It's called Wormwood as the fire it contains will contaminate the waters like the plant wormwood contaminates the water making them unfit to drink.
Yet if this event of the whore of Babylon ,,which I believe is Jerusalem ,yet to be judged who then is our apostles?

Jerusalem was recorded as having more wealth then Rome
What happened to the apostles?
Crucified, hung, stoned?
They were killed for their testimony....
Just because it's not in the star charts doesn't mean it does not exist as the star chart has nothing to do with this star that God selects that the angel tells John is called Wormwood in Rev 8:11. It's called Wormwood as the fire it contains will contaminate the waters like the plant wormwood contaminates the water making them unfit to drink.
The star can't be literal.why way before that it's said and the stars fell from heaven unto the earth.what star is so small that the earth is able to survive it and not able to rip apart our sin.the nearest star to us isn't just one star but two interlocked on a mission to destroy beach other no planets are in orbit of them.proxima will be destroyed by Ultima .we just call that alpha centaurI they orbit each other.

Take it literally will force you to acknowledge that syria was never judged,nor Phoenicia or edom as the same language is used.Nevermind this

And in the stars in their courses fought you believe a star drew a sword and fought sisera on the earth?
What happened to the apostles?
Crucified, hung, stoned?
They were killed for their testimony....
If in the future .the whore here is mentioned by Jesus.all the blood of saints is a judgement upon the pharisees.who he said he would send the apostles ,the saints and prophets to be slain by the pharisees. This was a judgement it's mentioned in Matthew 23
There is .it mentions why babylon is destroyed. It mentions killing of the prophets ,and saints and the apostles. The whore drinks the blood of the saints .that means she is guilty of there murder.
Seeing that the great harlot is Babylon which is the first of the four nations in Daniel Chapter 7 with the last nation being the revived Roman Empire who will take its seat once again in Jerusalem as it moves there from Rome will be destroyed as they have always held captive and killed the prophets, the Apostles, Jesus and made many saints of God die a martyr's death for the sake of their witness of Christ. me the apostles then that are to can't ignore Rev 18 verse 20 and claim that it's revised Roman Empire when the EU isn't going to last.the uk, which was part of the Roman Empire in Jesus day as Julius ceaser conquered it,will vOTE to leave the eu.. me the apostles then that are to can't ignore Rev 18 verse 20 and claim that it's revised Roman Empire when the EU isn't going to last.the uk, which was part of the Roman Empire in Jesus day as Julius ceaser conquered it,will vOTE to leave the eu..
I don't see the apostles that are to come, it doesn't say that, with my understanding of it.
Rejoice thou heaven....
New Jerusalem, comes down..Rev.21:10-14
12 gates, names of the 12 tribes, patriarchs
12 foundations, names of the 12 Apostles
And round about the throne were 24 seats, upon the seats I saw 24 elders sitting clothed in white raiment had on their heads crowns of gold.
This is in heaven.
I believe this to be the 12 Patriarchs and 12 Apostles

Good nite