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Pre-trib Rapture is not scriptural

The way i understand it there is now no 'holy place" and even if a new temple is built ,by man, there will not be a 'holy place'.

There will never be a third temple built, even though material is being gathered to build one it will not happen per what Jesus spoke in Matthew 24:1,2 as it has to do with the abomination of desolation that Daniel spoke of that even now stands in the holy place (Temple mount) today and until the end of days. Jerusalem has been destroyed twice, besieged 23 times, attacked 52 times, and captured and recaptured 44 times all because Israel never repented of their sin of idolatry when they were allowed back into their land again in 538 BC after their seventy year Babylonian exile and the land fell under the leader of the Roman Empire that still has diplomatic ties with Jerusalem today.

When the second temple was destroyed in 70 A.D. by the Romans other Roman temples were built there and destroyed during various revolts up to the fourth century. From the fourth century the temple mount laid undeveloped until the Muslim Siege of Jerusalem in 637 CE. Between 689-691 CE the Muslims built the Dome of the Rock which stands today, but now under renovations that have to do with the prophecy of the son of perdition in 2 Thessalonians 2:2-4 and the great falling away before the return of Jesus.
They are simple words, which make simple sentences.
Here's one word at a time.
Daniel 11:31
arm/forces (political and military)/shoulder (of animal s... ~ zrowa`
abide (behind), appoint, ar... ~ `amad
to profane, defile, pollute, desecrate ~ chalal
chapel, hallowed part, holy place, sanctuary (whether of ...~ miqdash
rock/fortress ~ ma`owz
be(-head), bring, call back... ~ cuwr
alway(-s), continual (emplo... ~ tamiyd
add, apply, appoint, ascrib... ~ nathan
idolatrous abomination ~ shiqquwts
to be desolate, be appalled, stun, stupefy ~ shamem

And arms shall stand on his part,
and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength,
and shall take away the daily sacrifice,
and they shall place
the abomination that maketh desolate.

arm/forces abide to profane;
bring always add

idolatrous abomination
to be desolate, be appalled
Bible clearly reveals about the seventy weeks. From vs.24 to vs.27 was seventy weeks or 490 days beginning with Ezra, Ezra chapter 3-6, rebuilding the temple to the time of the Messiah (Jesus Christ) being fulfilled in His birth, death and resurrection. In a sense it was a literal and spiritual temple that was being built. Ezra was teaching the people of the spiritual temple of God that indwelled in all that believed in God and of the coming of Messiah. There was actually a five hundred year span from Ezra till the birth of Jesus that God shut himself off from Israel because of their transgressions towards the Lord, Malachi Chapter 4, but saved a remnant that would believe in the coming of Messiah, Isaiah 10. As still today, God still waits for National Israel to repent and believe in the name of Jesus as they still follow Judaism

Daniel 9:24-27 the Vision of the Seventy Weeks

Vs. 24 this verse shows us that the timing from Ezra to the cross was 490 days as within that time Ezra was reestablishing the law in Jerusalem until Jesus had fulfilled the end of transgression, made an end to sin, made reconciliation for iniquity and bring everlasting righteousness and to seal up the prophecy to make an end to the law through the cross.

Vs. 25 from the time of the cross, which also means the last days, which includes what some like to separate and call “The Great Tribulation”, which is not mentioned anywhere in scripture and is not a separate event after the elect of God are caught up, but as the last days so we are in tribulation times until the end of the world as we know it, Acts 2:17; Hebrews 1:1,2; Matthew 24:4-31; Mark 13:24-31; Luke 21:5-36. These are just some of the scriptures that support that we will go through all things of Rev Chapter 6-21. Everyone will have opportunity to come unto salvation through Jesus Christ if they would only believe until the door of salvation is closed when Jesus calls us and we meet him in the clouds, which after this time no one can be saved, Matthew 25:10.

Vs.26 after 434 years that end in the year AD29 shall Messiah be cut off. Jesus was crucified after he was baptized in AD 29 three and a half years later. Jesus was cut off (killed) by the people of the prince, which means National Israel or other words the Pharisees, Sanhedrin and the high priest that destroy the city and the sanctuary (meaning Christ) and the end thereof shall be with a flood (Gods wrath) that will put an end to abominations by desolation or in other words a ruin to evil deeds. Daniel 9:27 explains the definitions of desolation of abominations or the ruin of evil deeds. There is no actual Desolation of Abominations where the so called Antichrist will take a literal throne, but the desolation will be when the son of perdition, being the false prophet, tries to take his throne in Jerusalem, Daniel 11:36-45. Gods’ word never defines one great Antichrist, but says there are many antichrists, 1John2:18; 11 Thessalonians 2:1-12; Revelation 11:7. The seven years that some call the seven year tribulation means three and a half years beginning with the first six seals being the beginning of sorrows (first woe). The last three and a half years starting with the (second woe) with the sounding of the first trumpet and ending with the seventh trumpet that includes everything else written in Revelations that includes the time of Christ return for His Bride in Rev 19, up to the end when Satan is cast into the lake of fire with the beast and the false prophet and ends with the new Jerusalem being ushered down as then we will be with the Lord forever.

Vs.27 the 70th seven began with Christ baptism in AD 29 and three years later at the end of the first half of the 70th seven sacrifices and offering ceased because Christ hung on the cross. From the giving of the law in 458BC when Ezra went to establish the law, or to rebuild the spiritual city right to the cross where the first 69 sevens. The 70th seven is from the time of the cross until Jesus comes back in the air to call his Bride home and for the overspreading of abominations he will make desolate, or make an end to all who would not believe.
how does satan defile what is already not holy
It's an abomination to worship any false God, abomination (shiqquwts 8251) means disgusting/filthy. So the Anti-Christ placing an idol of himself anywhere would be an abomination and defile any place.
Answer's like this are a good part of the reason i no longer accept the dispensational teaching i knew for 40 + years..
It only remained for the "Son of Perdition" to inaugurate his accursed "apos- tacy"
by the "tying wonders" foretold by St. Paul.
And here we see unfolded to us these very lyinir wonders, in all the force of their " seductive iniquity."
Was it not a wonder, when Satan appeared in the garb of Gabriel to the impious Mahomet?*
when he ushered in to his vision the blasphemous and impious Koran?
when he shook the rocks of Mount Hera,
and terrified even the heart of Mahomet himself,
accustomed, as he said he was, to such nocturnal visions?
Was this event, pregnant \\ith the spiritual and temporal destruction of countless millions of men,
not to be called as St. Paul foretold of it,
a " wonder," and " a lying wonder" seeing that it was invented by Satan to usher in the most false and lying system of impiety that had ever been palmed upon the credulity of fallen man ?
Yes, Ma- homet came "in lying wonders" and he deceived mankind more than any impostor or deceiver that had ever preceded him. .
It has been sometimes urged by commentators,
who did not admit that Mahomet was the Antichrist of prophecy,
that whereas it was foretold in God's Word that Antichrist should perform great wonders,
by which he was to deceive mankind,
Mahomet did not pretend to the gift of mira- cles.
It is true that Mahomet did not pretend to the gift of miracles,
if by miracles be under- stood the power of healing diseases, of raising the dead to life, or such other miracles as have always been wrought in the Church of God :
and Mahomet was right in not pretending to such a gift, inasmuch as he had none such, and, had he pretended to it,
his imposture would quickly have been found out :
but he did lay claim to wonderful and supernatural commu- nications with God,
and these were assuredly to be called " lying wonders/' as St. Paul had termed them.
They were surely wonders in every sense of the term,
and they were " lying" wonders,
because they were false, vile impos- tures, and diabolical deceits.
  • Amongst other signs, that marked the coming in of the
Mahometan empire, we may mention what the Byzantine historian Cedrenus relates as having occurred at the death of the False Prophet : the apparition in the heavens, during thirty days, of a vast comet in the shape of a sword, which was interpreted as a sign of the scourge that impended over Christendom and destruction of the Roman empire, and all the fathers of the Church, with one con- senting voice, had proclaimed that this would be the siyn of Anticlirist's coming. The Roman empire fell, and the empire of Mahomet was revealed. The kingdom of Christ waxed weak, torn by the internal strife of heresy and seliism, and the cross was seen to shake and to tremble.
Answer's like this are a good part of the reason i no longer accept the dispensational teaching i knew for 40 + years..
You said,...." how does satan defile what is already not holy"

Jesus in Matthew 24:15 said when you will see the abomination of desolation, standing in the HOLY PLACE..... so after Jesus died, whether you believe this was 70 AD or as I think it is a future event, what is the difference ? Jesus called it a Holy Place, so the assertion that the Temple would be any holier in 70 AD (after Jesus' death also) than in the future, after the rapture, holds no water.

That was my point, it really is a Holy Place, NOW, in name only, but before Jesus died, it was still the Temple of God, he even went there to make sacrifices, so it was still the Holy Place and Jesus called it such. What else was he going to call it to his disciples ?

Nowhere in Daniel 9:24-27 does it say that the Temple is defiled. It just says "to anoint the most Holy" which I think is the tabernacle in Heaven, covering Israel with the Blood of Jesus.

Zechariah 13:1 In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness. (This is the Anointing/Covering that is spoken of in Daniel 9:24. ) Not anointing a Temple.

God Bless
Jesus is the Most Holy, and He has already been anointed.
Exactly, but Israel has not been covered in the anointing. They have to accept him as their Messiah. Then the Fountain will be opened IN THAT DAY, for Sins and Uncleanness.

The 70 Weeks decree/prophecy says exactly what must come to pass before the 70 weeks have been determined.
Exactly, but Israel has not been covered in the anointing. They have to accept him as their Messiah. Then the Fountain will be opened IN THAT DAY, for Sins and Uncleanness.

The 70 Weeks decree/prophecy says exactly what must come to pass before the 70 weeks have been determined.
Israel has been covered through Jesus' anointing in those that accept Him as their Messiah. For Messianic Jews, and beginning with the 71st week any other Christians, the Fountain is already open for sins and uncleanness.
Israel has been covered through Jesus' anointing in those that accept Him as their Messiah. For Messianic Jews, and beginning with the 71st week any other Christians, the Fountain is already open for sins and uncleanness.
True, but this Prophecy is about what will happen before Israels punishment is over and her transgressions wiped clean....Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

The Holman bible......Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks are decreed about your people and your holy city- to bring the rebellion to an end, to put a stop to sin, to wipe away injustice, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy place.

The 70th Week has not happened yet, that happens in the end times, when the abomination of desolation comes about. This Judgment upon Israel, this decree by Daniel, of a prophecy of God, has to stop the Rebellion by Israel, ( that clearly has still not happened) it has to put a stop to sin ( Israel does not serve the true God, they only think they do, God is blessing them to get them ready for end times, but they still do not recognize their Messiah ) When this 70 weeks is up, God will bring in everlasting Righteousness ( Jesus Christ will rule forever, after Israel is reconciled, the end will come ) all prophecy will be fulfilled and and all visions of the prophets will come to pass.

Isaiah said it, Paul said it. All Israel will be saved. There is a set time when God will bring Israel back in the fold, when they will accept Jesus as their Messiah, Zechariah 12:10, and thus they will be immersed in the blood of Jesus. If you or I were not saved, we would not be under the blood of Jesus either. They accept this Jesus as their Messiah with a deep mourning, and then they are covered by his blood, ONLY THEN are they cleansed from Sin.

So you reject what John said in Rev 1:10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet

The Lord's day only appears once in scripture in Rev 1:10. It gives no reference to what day of the week it was as every day is the Lord's day, but more specific refers to the Sabbath day in Mark 16:9; Acts 2:42; 20:7; 1Corinthians 16:1,2 . John was in the Spirit, but yet in his physical body when he received from the angel all these revelations that he wrote down. Throughout scripture the Lord's day is usually referred to as the Sabbath being the first day of the week.

The day of the Lord is a day of Gods great wrath being poured out on those who refuse to repent. It is always pointed out as the day at hand meaning in Gods timing. The phrase “the day of the Lord” is used nineteen times in the Old Testament (Isaiah 2:12; 13:6, 9; Ezekiel 13:5, 30:3; Joel 1:15, 2:1,11,31; 3:14; Amos 5:18,20; Obadiah 15; Zephaniah 1:7,14; Zechariah 14:1; Malachi. 4:5) and five times in the New Testament (Acts 2:20; 1 Thessalonians 5:2; 2 Thessalonians 2:2; 2 Peter 3:10). It is also alluded to in other passages (Revelation 6:17; 16:14).

John was not,I repeat, not in the Spirit on the Sabbath.

Revelation 1:10 "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,"

Pay attention to the below verse

Revelation 1:19 "Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter;"

In your way of thinking the things seen would be on a Saturday(depending on your view of the Sabbath)the things which are should mean Sunday,and the shall be are, Monday,Tuesday,etc

Again, makes no sense

The Lords Day starts the millennium

So again

Revelation 1:10 "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,"

"I"; this is John speaking and telling us where he was. "I was in the Spirit", not in his flesh body; "on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet". John is taken forward in time, "in the Spirit", to the day of the Lord. The "Day of the Lord" is not referring to Sunday or Saturday. This is the same "Day of the Lord" Paul speaks about in I Thessalonians 5:2, as "coming as a thief in the night". Later in II Thessalonians 2:2-3 Paul makes it clear that at the "Day of the Lord" Christ's return will not happen until "after there will be a great falling away first; and "that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition". Satan must be revealed in his role as the Antichrist first, before that seventh trumpet can sound, the last trumpet.

The time, or day, John was taken to was beyond our time frame, however we are living in the generation that will see it come to pass, and live through what John saw and lived, while in the Spirit. There is only one day that is called "The Day of the Lord" in all the Scriptures.

Believe what you will,just know it's not right!!!

True, but this Prophecy is about what will happen before Israels punishment is over and her transgressions wiped clean....Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

The Holman bible......Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks are decreed about your people and your holy city- to bring the rebellion to an end, to put a stop to sin, to wipe away injustice, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy place.

The 70th Week has not happened yet, that happens in the end times, when the abomination of desolation comes about. This Judgment upon Israel, this decree by Daniel, of a prophecy of God, has to stop the Rebellion by Israel, ( that clearly has still not happened) it has to put a stop to sin ( Israel does not serve the true God, they only think they do, God is blessing them to get them ready for end times, but they still do not recognize their Messiah ) When this 70 weeks is up, God will bring in everlasting Righteousness ( Jesus Christ will rule forever, after Israel is reconciled, the end will come ) all prophecy will be fulfilled and and all visions of the prophets will come to pass.

Isaiah said it, Paul said it. All Israel will be saved. There is a set time when God will bring Israel back in the fold, when they will accept Jesus as their Messiah, Zechariah 12:10, and thus they will be immersed in the blood of Jesus. If you or I were not saved, we would not be under the blood of Jesus either. They accept this Jesus as their Messiah with a deep mourning, and then they are covered by his blood, ONLY THEN are they cleansed from Sin.


John was not,I repeat, not in the Spirit on the Sabbath.

Revelation 1:10 "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,"

Pay attention to the below verse

Revelation 1:19 "Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter;"

In your way of thinking the things seen would be on a Saturday(depending on your view of the Sabbath)the things which are should mean Sunday,and the shall be are, Monday,Tuesday,etc

Again, makes no sense

The Lords Day starts the millennium

So again

Revelation 1:10 "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,"

"I"; this is John speaking and telling us where he was. "I was in the Spirit", not in his flesh body; "on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet". John is taken forward in time, "in the Spirit", to the day of the Lord. The "Day of the Lord" is not referring to Sunday or Saturday. This is the same "Day of the Lord" Paul speaks about in I Thessalonians 5:2, as "coming as a thief in the night". Later in II Thessalonians 2:2-3 Paul makes it clear that at the "Day of the Lord" Christ's return will not happen until "after there will be a great falling away first; and "that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition". Satan must be revealed in his role as the Antichrist first, before that seventh trumpet can sound, the last trumpet.

The time, or day, John was taken to was beyond our time frame, however we are living in the generation that will see it come to pass, and live through what John saw and lived, while in the Spirit. There is only one day that is called "The Day of the Lord" in all the Scriptures.

Believe what you will,just know it's not right!!!
We've made it clear more than once: the Bible uses "the day of the Lord" many times to only ever refer to the second coming. As one can easily see, "the day of the Lord" is different wording from "the Lord's day," which is used only here in Scripture.

It is conjecture to say that the two phrases refer to the same thing.

And no, the day of the Lord does not start the millennium, it ends it.
We've made it clear more than once: the Bible uses "the day of the Lord" many times to only ever refer to the second coming. As one can easily see, "the day of the Lord" is different wording from "the Lord's day," which is used only here in Scripture.

It is conjecture to say that the two phrases refer to the same thing.

And no, the day of the Lord does not start the millennium, it ends it.

For you to say the Day of the Lord ends the Mil,shows you have not a clue do study a lil more, it's like saying the 7th trump ends the mil,anyway I'll holla
For you to say the Day of the Lord ends the Mil,shows you have not a clue do study a lil more, it's like saying the 7th trump ends the mil,anyway I'll holla
Don't presume that I don't have a clue and need to study. A close reading of 1 Cor 15 shows that Jesus returns, the dead are raised and judged, then he hands the kingdom over to the Father. There simply is no way there can be a millennial kingdom after Jesus returns.
The 70th Week has not happened yet, that happens in the end times, when the abomination of desolation comes about. This Judgment upon Israel, this decree by Daniel, of a prophecy of God, has to stop the Rebellion by Israel, ( that clearly has still not happened) it has to put a stop to sin ( Israel does not serve the true God, they only think they do, God is blessing them to get them ready for end times, but they still do not recognize their Messiah ) When this 70 weeks is up, God will bring in everlasting Righteousness ( Jesus Christ will rule forever, after Israel is reconciled, the end will come ) all prophecy will be fulfilled and and all visions of the prophets will come to pass.
Dan 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city (Jerusalem), to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.
Seven blessings are prophesied here for Israel; have they been accomplished? If not, which is lacking?

I’m fairly certain most are acquainted with the fact that each of the days assigned blessings of Israel’s seventy weeks of day/year counting is actually four hundred and ninety years.
Ezekiel 4:6 we read that "I have appointed thee each day for a year."

Do we actually interpret judgment of Israel here in these four hundred and ninety years of blessings as we see occurring in the first seven years of the Lord’s Day?

Dear Brother Rondmon, from reading your account it appears you believe that everlasting righteousness comes at the end of seven years of Israel's judgment, and of course the entire world. If that is so, why would there be a future Rev 20:9 And they (Talking of those Satan deceives) went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.

Jesus Christ will rule forever
This actually caught me off guard a bit in that I can't think of scripture right off stating this. All that comes to mind is:
Heb 2:8 Thou (Our Father) hast put all things in subjection under His (Jesus') feet. For in that He put all in subjection under Him, He left nothing that is not put under Him. But now we see not yet all things put under him. (Jesus has not taken that all power as of this present time - the fullness of the Gentiles is not complete.)
1Co 15:27 For He (Our Father) hath put all things under His (Jesus') feet. But when He saith all things are put under Him, it is manifest that He (Our Father) is excepted, which did put all things under Him (Jesus).
1Co 15:28 And WHEN all things shall be subdued unto Him (Jesus), then shall the Son also himself be subject unto Him (Our Father), that God may be all in all.
Thanks. :wave2
Don't presume that I don't have a clue and need to study. A close reading of 1 Cor 15 shows that Jesus returns, the dead are raised and judged, then he hands the kingdom over to the Father. There simply is no way there can be a millennial kingdom after Jesus returns.

Not assuming,you just showed me.

So simple question,let's go to Rev 20

"Revelation 20:2 "And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,"

What is this period of time that satan is bound called?Is it not the millennium?

There is simply nothing in the context of the Book of Revelation to suggest that a particular day of the week, like Sunday, is being referred to.The only way people can see that the Lord's Day in Revelation 1:10 means Sunday is because they read something into the verse that is not there nor supported anywhere else in the Bible. There are also no direct references to any Sunday morning church service in any of the books of the Bible.

The Book of Revelation is prophetic (Revelation 1:1-3). The prophesies include events leading up to, as well as after, the time referred to in the Bible as the ‘Day of The Lord’. The Book of Revelation specifically lists events that the Old Testament prophets stated would be near the ‘Day of the Lord’.

Hence it is clear that Revelation 1:10 is not talking about Sunday as certain theologians suggest. Instead, the Book of Revelation lists many events that occur around the prophesied “Day of the Lord". And that is the biblically logical conclusion.

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