- Jun 26, 2006
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OK, I agree that not all the gifts are offered by the Holy Spirit....Imagican said:Ok
I agree with EVERYTHING that you offered here.
I have YET to argue that the 'gifts' DO NOT exist. What I have tried to offer is that MANY of the 'gifts' that are CLAIMED by 'some' are CERTAINLY NOT the 'gifts' as offered by The Spirit.
....I can tell you that I have been witness to ''demonic'' tongues during an exorcism back in 2003...Perhaps I will share more about this later....True tongues do NOT exist EXCEPT as offered By The Spirit. YES there ARE TONGUES that exist 'outside' of those offered BY The Spirit. I can't describe nor can I DIRECTLY state 'WHAT' these 'tongues' ARE, but I can certainly discern WHAT they ARE NOT.
..True I agree with you here....That there is MUCH confusion concerning this is evident in that many have been 'duped' into believing that ALL are 'true tongues'. What we DO KNOW is that for them to be used IN THE CHURCH they MUST conform to what Paul TOLD US concerning their PROPER USE. What I have observed is that MANY that CLAIM tongues DO NOT follow their PROPER USE. Therefore, IN MY OPINION, these are NOT, nor CAN THEY BE, True tongues as mentioned in The Word.
In all my 30 years of being a Christian I have only seen the ''true'' gift of tongues once....I know this to be true....This elderly lady, ''Mrs Robles'' started speaking in tongues during service one day and when she was done, this 12 year old girl named Jaunita gave the interpretation...It was an awsome message used to edify the church at a time when the church was struggleing. This was 25 years ago and remember it well.....
I do not believe that the tongues spoken by the likes of Benny Hinn or kenneth copeland or any of this holy laughter stuff to be of God....It is un-scriptural and it does nobody any good....As far as prayer language goes, I know this to be true as well, because I do have this gift ....I also never use it in public...It is strcitly between me and God....I have only spoken of it a few times as this is very near and dear to my heart....and I will share a little more about this a little later....
I agreeGod IS able, through HIS SPIRIT, to gift us AT HIS WILL.
Not everyone will receive this gift....and it has no bearing on ones salvation.....Oh, and in reply to an earlier posted question. NO, I have NEVER spoken in tongues. At times when I KNOW that I was 'in the Spirit' the deepest in my walk, I NEVER uttered things that were unintelligible to those around me or in my OWN presence. This neither PROVES nor DISPROVES ANYTHING other than the FACT that I have NEVER been 'gifted' with the ability to speak in tongues.
Like I said, I have only seen it once, but I have seen plenty of FAKE tongues and even demonic tongues...And to ADD to this, I have never PERSONALLY witnessed the use of TRUE TONGUES. For IF I had, I truly BELIEVE that it would have been APPARENT. Since I have witnessed a 'thing' that those that 'performed it' STATED were tongues DIFFERENTLY than what we HAVE been instructed they ARE to BE, it becomes OBVIOUS that these 'noises' were NOT the tongues of The Bible.
Imagican said:And, not only do I speak of personal experience, I also speak as one who has studied MUCH concerning tongues. I have read accounts offered by the 'right hand' men of different denominations that EXPOSED the 'truth' of these denominations and their 'teaching' of the use of tongues. THIS, my friends, IS IMPOSSIBLE. One CANNOT 'teach' another to SPEAK IN TONGUES. For we have The Word that STATES that the ONLY way in which a person CAN speak in tongues IS 'as The Spirit GIVES utterance'. So ONE man IS TOTALLY INCAPABLE of TEACHING another HOW to 'speak in tongues'. YET, there ARE denominations that 'teach' their students of theology HOW to 'speak in tongues'. RIDICULOUS. For 'these tongues' are 'something' different than what has been offered in The Word.
Now, are there STILL tongues that are used that ARE the tongues mentioned in The Word? You got me. I have NOT been witness to 'these'. But, I have NOT witnessed EVERYTHING that God has to offer so I will simply leave it the way that I have offered; What 'I' have witnessed so far as tongues are concerned WERE NOT the tongues offered as a 'gift by God'.
Well, on to the next post...