nope wrong againUNCONDITIONAL ELECTION has been shown to wrong over and over again.. in case you missed that part..
Its a silly as it is unscriptural the think men can believe while dead in sin, and the scriptures dont agree with your oft repeated 'Christ is the elect' as the church is so referred;12Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering;Why, because as you agree.. ALL election is in CHRIST.. there's one condition.. and also because we're not the ELECT, Christ is the ELECT, the Chosen ONE in whom He delights.. there's another reason.. and of course God elected (chose) us through BELIEVING the TRUTH and SANCTIFICATION of the SPIRIT.. another painfully obvious CONDITION..
So you're off on both counts, as usual
It is no more unconditional than any other aspect of God's unmerited favor, grace.Like I said before.. that's the bottom line isn't it.. God's election is one or the other.. the bible certainly indicates that it IS CONDITIONAL.. Calvinists insist that IT (election) is UNCONDITIONAL..
Well at least you quit lying saying I hadnt answered. And its still true, you agree with Calvin that 'He chooses us in Christ' .Now I'm certain that this won't matter, and you'll most likely come back with your strawman again telling me that I agree with John Calvin.. and that's fine Hitch.. it's good for a laugh and it's good to lighten it up a bit.
Now since this is nothing but straw you should be able to produce ,, at least one word, saying Calvin or any Reformers teaches that were are anything other than 'chosen by God in Christ.'
Oh I get it ,thats doesnt matter now since you tripped over so badly and cant find a way around. Hey maybe some one will pretend you didnt make 2/3 of the posts you made here, worth a shot. LOL
Well it doesnt take a bright bulb to see you are in need of a new target. Try not to talk yourself into a corner so soon this time.We haven't really talked about IRESISTABLE GRACE yet..