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The term "Godhead."


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Some have used that exact "reasoning." But to supplement the discussion, this is useful information:

Alpha & Omega are actually used in connection to our Creator, but no English translation reflects its appearance in Genesis 1:1 (and many other places) as having any meaning.

"In the beginning God created..."

"In the beginning, Elohyim (plural) Aleph-Tav (Hebrew equivalent to Alpha & Omega) created..." The Aleph-Tav identifies Elohyim, but is not translated in English.

The Hebrew word for create, and creator, is
Bar = son, and A (Aleph) refers to the Father.
Both Aleph-Tav and Bar-a depict the idea of a pair; and, the fact that Elohyim is plural is a certain agreement.

Another scripture that starts with, "in the beginning..." is John 1:1 which states the Word was with God And IS God. The same "pair" of Genesis 1:1.

The only argument against this I've ever seen is in the doctrinal interpretations of men which have no scriptural foundation.
Interesting point, but also "alpha and omega" are also the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, which is to say a beginning and an end. A beginning and end is not a description of an eternal God without beginning or end.

What I believe Alpha and Omega refers to is the beginning and end of something in a category. How this refers to Jesus is that he was the first to be resurrected. How this applies to the Father is that He is God and Creator.

I think you are also right. It would be like us saying in English, "We are the A and the Z."
Interesting point, but also "alpha and omega" are also the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, which is to say a beginning and an end. A beginning and end is not a description of an eternal God without beginning or end.

What I believe Alpha and Omega refers to is the beginning and end of something in a category. How this refers to Jesus is that he was the first to be resurrected. How this applies to the Father is that He is God and Creator.

I think you are also right. It would be like us saying in English, "We are the A and the Z."
Jesus was quoted as saying "it is finished." The end. Alpha is the Father, Omega is the Son... Beginning and the end... The Tav of Hebrew script was originally depicted in the shape of a cross... Alpha is the Father. Father and Son = Aleph and Tav = Alpha and Omega. First and last, beginning and end. Fulfillment.


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