If you can show me where I said he was a man in the sky, you have a point.
But you don't because that is clearly not what I said.
...."it is abundantly clear that God the Father is a
personal being."
God is spirit, not a person:
per·son /ˈpərsən/
- A human being regarded as an individual.
- Used in legal or formal contexts to refer to an unspecified individual.
You will notice that I said "personal," as in "relational," and you gave a definition of "person."
Personal, as given by
1 : of, relating to, or affecting a particular person : private, individual <personal ambition> <personal financial gain>
2 a : done in person without the intervention of another; also : proceeding from a single person
b : carried on between individuals directly <a personal interview>
3 : relating to the person or body
4 : relating to an individual or an individual's character, conduct, motives, or private affairs often in an offensive manner <a personal insult>
5 a : being rational and self-conscious <personal, responsive government is still possible — John Fischer>
b : having the qualities of a person rather than a thing or abstraction <a personal devil>
And even when the term "person" is used by Christians when speaking of the nature of God, it is merely an English term that is analogous and best fits what we know about Him, namely, that He exhibits "personhood" or "personality"--those qualities which are distinct to rational beings with a mind and will, among other things. No Christian actually means that God is literally a person.
Again, this is basic, core Christianity and I can't help but wonder why you don't understand this.