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The Spirit is Love and you are right, it is an eternal frame of mind that ponders the things of God's perfection.
Yes I think often of the scripture in Eph.? being rooted and grounded in love, we may be able to understand!

There is so many things of God, that makes no sense unless one has a strong awarness of His love for us! Many of my questions are answered because He did what He did, because of love! Without the logic of love, why did He even bother with us? But with love, we have value, not of ourselves, but because we are loved by Him. God bless and know that you are very loved by The Almighty God!
The flesh wars against the spirit and the spirit wars against the flesh!

Christ Jesus has been judged for the sin in our flesh! For He became sin who knew no sin, that we might be made the Righteousness of God.

The flesh can not condemn nor justify the believer? we must die to it with Christ!

How does one do that?

Reckon yourselves dead to sin and alive to God!

Study the word RECKON!

The battle is in our thoughts! when we renew our mind to who we are "IN CHRIST" we will have washed away the old ways of thinking, we will be what scripture calls "regenerated"

The washing of regeneration, is the process by which the truth of scripture (held in faith, not legalism) washes away the old man and his sinful ways and thoughts, from our minds!

Why do you thing the scriptures tell us over and over to set our mind on Gods Word and Christ seated is that Word!

Some of you, who read this post? Are often walking in the Spirit, and probably dont even know it?
When we walk in who Christ has said we are, we are in fact walking in the spirit!
When we walk as justified by His Blood, with that sense of His peace and love? we are in fact in faith in who He says we are IN HIM!

The problem is we do not understand that its our responsibilty to walk in faith! We are the keepers of our own thoughts and are to gaurd our own consciences. Thus we have the Armor of God!
The armor is to protect us from the ACCUSER!
all satans attacks come from accusations!
He tries to make us condemned by our flesh! he seeks to draw us away from who we are in the spirit!

Now some of you have people that satan uses for this very thing? They may be a member of your church, work, family etc..
But they always will (often with a religious mask) make you feel a sense of guilt or shame because of some shortcoming or failure! You may be at great peace with God, and then after a few moments with this person, have a sense of failure or guilt!

Grace overcomes, not guilt! Light makes darkness yeild, not talking about how dark the darkness is!

Many of you listen to preachers and folks on Tv etc.. that make you self-conscience! This is not the way! CHRIST CONSCIENCE is the issue! Peter sank when he took his eyes off Christ! I can do all things THROUGH CHRIST!

watch for the accuser! Over come him by the Word of God, and you will abide in the Spirit, and walk in peace !
Some of you, who read this post? Are often walking in the Spirit, and probably dont even know it?
When we walk in who Christ has said we are, we are in fact walking in the spirit!
When we walk as justified by His Blood, with that sense of His peace and love? we are in fact in faith in who He says we are IN HIM!

The problem is we do not understand that its our responsibilty to walk in faith! We are the keepers of our own thoughts and are to gaurd our own consciences. Thus we have the Armor of God!
The armor is to protect us from the ACCUSER!
all satans attacks come from accusations!
He tries to make us condemned by our flesh! he seeks to draw us away from who we are in the spirit!

Now some of you have people that satan uses for this very thing? They may be a member of your church, work, family etc..
But they always will (often with a religious mask) make you feel a sense of guilt or shame because of some shortcoming or failure! You may be at great peace with God, and then after a few moments with this person, have a sense of failure or guilt!

Grace overcomes, not guilt! Light makes darkness yeild, not talking about how dark the darkness is!

Many of you listen to preachers and folks on Tv etc.. that make you self-conscience! This is not the way! CHRIST CONSCIENCE is the issue! Peter sank when he took his eyes off Christ! I can do all things THROUGH CHRIST!

watch for the accuser! Over come him by the Word of God, and you will abide in the Spirit, and walk in peace !

In 2 Cor 4 Paul writes that we have the same Spirit of faith; we believe therefore we speak!
He also writes that our light affliction, which is but for a moment, works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory!
For we look not at the things which are seen but the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporal and things which are not seen are eternal.

We who have been born-again, are eternal spirits, with eternal rewards. If who we are in the spirit is not more real to us than who we are in the flesh, we will never be able to take hold of the things and blessings of God!

James calls the scriptures the PERFECT LAW OF LIBERTY?

meaning by faith in who and what the Word of God says we are, we are set free from this body of sin and death.

Now the Word says clearly that we are justified by Christ, that by grace we have power over the sin in our flesh!

The forgetful hearer looks into the Word and sees who he is in the spirit, then turns and forgets, and walks by the flesh!

But we who are pleasing to God, walk in His Word By faith!

We call those things that appear not as though they were!
We do not lose heart, when affliction comes, for sake of the Word!

The reason so many fail to walk in the truth, is because when satan comes to test the Word, many turn back to the flesh!

No the affliction is but for a moment! The testing of your faith is a thing to be rejoiced at! Go through you affliction and do not allow the accuser to keep you held in bondage to your flesh!

Do not look at temporal things, but set the eyes of Your heart upon your beloved Christ, and He will bring you through!

To him to overcomes! How? by the Blood (sinless) By the testimony (the Word)

Grace and truth, came by Jesus Christ
In 2 Cor 4 Paul writes that we have the same Spirit of faith; we believe therefore we speak!
He also writes that our light affliction, which is but for a moment, works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory!
For we look not at the things which are seen but the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporal and things which are not seen are eternal.

We who have been born-again, are eternal spirits, with eternal rewards. If who we are in the spirit is not more real to us than who we are in the flesh, we will never be able to take hold of the things and blessings of God!

James calls the scriptures the PERFECT LAW OF LIBERTY?

meaning by faith in who and what the Word of God says we are, we are set free from this body of sin and death.

Now the Word says clearly that we are justified by Christ, that by grace we have power over the sin in our flesh!

The forgetful hearer looks into the Word and sees who he is in the spirit, then turns and forgets, and walks by the flesh!

But we who are pleasing to God, walk in His Word By faith!

We call those things that appear not as though they were!
We do not lose heart, when affliction comes, for sake of the Word!

The reason so many fail to walk in the truth, is because when satan comes to test the Word, many turn back to the flesh!

No the affliction is but for a moment! The testing of your faith is a thing to be rejoiced at! Go through you affliction and do not allow the accuser to keep you held in bondage to your flesh!

Do not look at temporal things, but set the eyes of Your heart upon your beloved Christ, and He will bring you through!

To him to overcomes! How? by the Blood (sinless) By the testimony (the Word)

Grace and truth, came by Jesus Christ

Rom 5:17-19
If by one mans offense death reigned by that one, much more they that receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in life by The One Christ Jesus!

Here is life and death? Do we look at who we are in the natural? Or do we look at who we are in Christ?

Is adams sin greater than Christs righteousness?

Walking in the spirit, is walking in the life of Christ!
We think when He was raised from the dead, that He was passive? NO! when He was raised, He was raised with a GREAT SHOUT OF VICTORY! DEATH IS DEFEATED!

life has been granted to all those who believe!

If our mind is not set upon His Life and His Glory? do not deceive yourself! you are yet carnal. If you yet look to Adam and his failure? you are carnal!

Look to Christ! submit to His Glory and His life, receive His abounding grace and free gift of righteousness and walk in the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus!
Rom 5:17-19
If by one mans offense death reigned by that one, much more they that receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in life by The One Christ Jesus!

Here is life and death? Do we look at who we are in the natural? Or do we look at who we are in Christ?

Is adams sin greater than Christs righteousness?

Walking in the spirit, is walking in the life of Christ!
We think when He was raised from the dead, that He was passive? NO! when He was raised, He was raised with a GREAT SHOUT OF VICTORY! DEATH IS DEFEATED!

life has been granted to all those who believe!

If our mind is not set upon His Life and His Glory? do not deceive yourself! you are yet carnal. If you yet look to Adam and his failure? you are carnal!

Look to Christ! submit to His Glory and His life, receive His abounding grace and free gift of righteousness and walk in the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus!

In the Book of Revelations we read of those who "overcome"?
They are described as those who keep the testimony of Jesus?

That does not mean we have a bible and go to church? It does not mean that we keep the 10 commandments posted where people can see it!

It means that we believe His testimony, His Words are Spirit and Life. We believe and do what He has said!

Faith in His Word, and love His Love!


John wrote it this way, The Fathers commandment is to believe on His Son, and love as He gave commandment!

Now I am what some who call a "pentacostal" I believe when Jesus said we should be baptised by the Holy Spirit, then we would have power, and works He did, we do also, and greater works! I believe to keep His testimony and His Words, one should seek to be baptised into His Name by the Fire of God!

I know this is not acceptable to some? False teaching again hinders the move of God! But what I have found Is that God will meet us according to our faith! I have denom friends who reject many of the gifts, but held the Word of God in an honest heart, and was filled with the Holy Spirit in such a way as to bring them from the bondage of flesh and much of their religious nonsense.

I do believe to walk in the Spirit, one must have the Spirit in a very real way!


when we come to the place where Gods report is more real than religion, more real than our own weakness, more real than what brother so and so says?

Rom 5:17-19
If by one mans offense death reigned by that one, much more they that receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in life by The One Christ Jesus!

Here is life and death? Do we look at who we are in the natural? Or do we look at who we are in Christ?

Is adams sin greater than Christs righteousness?

Walking in the spirit, is walking in the life of Christ!
We think when He was raised from the dead, that He was passive? NO! when He was raised, He was raised with a GREAT SHOUT OF VICTORY! DEATH IS DEFEATED!

life has been granted to all those who believe!

If our mind is not set upon His Life and His Glory? do not deceive yourself! you are yet carnal. If you yet look to Adam and his failure? you are carnal!

Look to Christ! submit to His Glory and His life, receive His abounding grace and free gift of righteousness and walk in the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus!

2Thess 2:13-14
We are bound to give thanks to God always for you. Brethren and beloved by the Lord, because from the beginning God has chosen you for salvation through SANTIFICATION BY THE SPIRIT AND BELIEF IN THE TRUTH.

Holiness comes from the Holy Spirit. no man has nor can obtain holiness apart from walking in the spirit.
The most religious efforts of the flesh, is as dung!

That I might be found in Him! To walk in the spirit is to walk in faith in THE TRUTH!

Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!
Have you ever noticed that those who are born-again and have been saved by faith in Christ, are full of joy and peace for a season, then the joy of their salvation seems to fade as time goes on? I will tell you why, because just as soon as we receive the forgiveness of Christ, satan sends those who will challenge and cast doubt upon that same forgiveness.

A true minister of Christ does not lay religious yokes upon those in whom Christ has set free! A true minister will honor that which Christ has placed within the young believer. The Spirit within them is to be the law that guides their life. Religion works against the Spirit, it always seeks to put man and rules in the place of God dwelling in the heart.

All that a believer can or ever will be must be drawn from Christ in us, "the hope of glory" We who have the Spirit, have the VERY LIFE OF GOD within us! The true purpose of the scriptures is to know what we have already been given. Paul said it this way, we have been made able ministers of the New Testament, not of the letter but of the Spirit. For letter kills but the Spirit gives life?

Many have reversed the whole truth of scripture, instead of by faith drawing out what has been giving to us freely, they teach others to try to earn by religious works what Gods only gives by faith in Christ!


2 Cor 3
I think I have drawn more from this chapter than any other in the New Testament?
Love is the Law of God written upon hearts! Love needs no rules for it does no evil.
God is love! we who walk in His Love walk with Him.

The ministry of righteousness is the ministry of the Spirit.
When we walk in the truth of Gods righteousness, we walk in the Spirit. The Spirit sheds Gods Love abroad in our hearts, and by that love we love others! Every commandment, every law of God is fulfilled in one word? LOVE!

It is a mystery! I ask the Lord often, why did you hide this simple truth?

The way back to the Tree of Life is gaurded? Adam cannot return to eat! The Word of God is as a flaming sword, it cuts deep and seprates that which is of the old soulish nature, and that which is of the New Spirit.

Circumcision is the same picture? the cuttting away of the desires of the flesh from the heart!

Gods desire for us is that we walk in confidence of His Love for us, and that we love others with the love that He gives to us!

There is correction in love! For what parent that loves a child will not correct them?

But we correct that our children might have a better life in this world? He corrects that we might have eternal rewards in an eternal life.
Have you ever noticed that those who are born-again and have been saved by faith in Christ, are full of joy and peace for a season, then the joy of their salvation seems to fade as time goes on? I will tell you why, because just as soon as we receive the forgiveness of Christ, satan sends those who will challenge and cast doubt upon that same forgiveness.

A true minister of Christ does not lay religious yokes upon those in whom Christ has set free! A true minister will honor that which Christ has placed within the young believer. The Spirit within them is to be the law that guides their life. Religion works against the Spirit, it always seeks to put man and rules in the place of God dwelling in the heart.

All that a believer can or ever will be must be drawn from Christ in us, "the hope of glory" We who have the Spirit, have the VERY LIFE OF GOD within us! The true purpose of the scriptures is to know what we have already been given. Paul said it this way, we have been made able ministers of the New Testament, not of the letter but of the Spirit. For letter kills but the Spirit gives life?

Many have reversed the whole truth of scripture, instead of by faith drawing out what has been giving to us freely, they teach others to try to earn by religious works what Gods only gives by faith in Christ!


The scriptures often use things in the natural, to help us understand the things that are spiritual.

I have an good example of how the Holy Spirit convicts us of who we are in Christ.

I am and have for many years been a carpenter. Now as I do my work, I often make mistakes and cut a board wrong etc..

Does that change the fact that I am a carpenter? No!

Likewise in the eyes and mind of God, we are righteous, by faith His Son. He gave us His Holy Spirit to teach us His ways. And Comfort us in our time, until we are with Him.

This is the clear testimony of the scriptures. What is clean by the Blood of Christ, the Holy Spirit will not testify against the Blood.

Everyone born again does walk by the Spirit, there is no other way a born of the Spirit person can walk !
Everyone born again does walk by the Spirit, there is no other way a born of the Spirit person can walk !
Sorry but thats just not true according to scripture! We who been born-again can walk in the flesh, why do you think Paul spent so much time trying to explain and warn?

Most religion is flesh, and not spirit!
You know, if in your doctrine, you must deny clear and overwelming scripture? Your doctrine is wrong.
  1. Paul said that a part of him wanted to do right (his spirit), and another part of him continued to do wrong (his flesh). (Romans 7:4-Romans 8:1)
  2. There is an opposing entity that dwells with us as Believers. That entity is called “the flesh,” and it wants to govern our lives. The flesh is a mindset that goes against the Word of God. Although our spirits are recreated when we make Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, our minds are left unchanged. Once we begin the process of changing our minds to line up with the Word, a struggle develops. The struggle is between the part of us that wants to go in the direction of the world system and the part of us that agrees with the Word of God.
  1. Paul said that a part of him wanted to do right (his spirit), and another part of him continued to do wrong (his flesh). (Romans 7:4-Romans 8:1)
  2. There is an opposing entity that dwells with us as Believers. That entity is called “the flesh,” and it wants to govern our lives. The flesh is a mindset that goes against the Word of God. Although our spirits are recreated when we make Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, our minds are left unchanged. Once we begin the process of changing our minds to line up with the Word, a struggle develops. The struggle is between the part of us that wants to go in the direction of the world system and the part of us that agrees with the Word of God.

Thank you ilove!

"walk ye in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh"
Many do not understand my refusal of religion? But nothing seems to work against the Spirit more than religion?
Religion seeks to find methods and rules, is is dry and lifeless!
It seeks to conform others into a pattern that the natural mind can accept? It limits God to the box of mans mind. When God gave us His Spirit, He gave us His Nature, a creative and living force! Power and love are His ways, not church pews and religious mask.

Those who are led by the spirit, are sons of God!
He who is spiritual judges all things, yet he is judged of no one!

The flesh is nothing, yet most "christians" walk in the flesh and judge and condemn others in the flesh.

The righteous man lives according to who they are in spirit.
Gods grace upon him gives him power over the desires of the flesh. He judges no one according to outward appearance.

For if we have died with Christ, we shall live by His Spirit?

Know ye not to whom ye yield yourself ? have you died with Christ and now live by His life? Or are you still serving the old man of flesh? Trying to make right what God says must die?

The blind leading the blind!


To be spiritually minded is life and peace! To be carnally minded is death!
The soulish man lives according to what is known by his natural senses. He is in fact a slave to his own flesh, for he can understand those things that this fallen world and his own natural mind can show him.
He is yet in the fallen Adamic condition. Most religion is based upon the soulish realm of man. What a man can see and know by his natural mind. True Christian faith is not and can not be known by the soulish man. For those who worship God, must worship Him in Spirit and truth. No flesh can produce truth!

The Word of God is sharper than any twoedged sword, dividing soul and spirit. Through the Word of God we understand who we are in spirit and truth. We are in truth New Creations in Christ. We are to walk in who we are in spirit.

Save some by fear? Now the carnal, soulish man, thinks himself to be something in his flesh. He thinks his religious works and efforts have earned him standing with God?
A true minister will use the Word to bring fear upon these deceived people, that they may turn to the salvation of the spirit.

We are circumcision which has no confidence in the flesh. But our righteousness is that of faith, by the spirit.

Sorry but thats just not true according to scripture!

Yes it is True according to the scripture. To walk in the Spirit is merely living by Faith, which faith is a spiritual fruit of New Birth. The Promise to all who are made Just or Righteous by the obedience of Christ is this Rom 1:17

17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

Yes it is True according to the scripture. To walk in the Spirit is merely living by Faith, which faith is a spiritual fruit of New Birth. The Promise to all who are made Just or Righteous by the obedience of Christ is this Rom 1:17

17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

Your part right? wlaking in faith is not believing that you believe. Its confidence in the things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Faith is not what you want it to be, but what the bible discribes as real faith.

Paul told "believers" to WALK IN THE SPIRIT, AND NOT IN THE FLESH. so then any honest person can clearly see, that a believer can be in the flesh!

One of the things who look for in a "carnal" christian is the inability to be honest with the scriptures.

Over and over Paul warns and urges "believers" to walk in the spirit! To deny that? Is very carnal and not spiritual at all!
To be spiritually minded is life and peace! To be carnally minded is death!
The soulish man lives according to what is known by his natural senses. He is in fact a slave to his own flesh, for he can understand those things that this fallen world and his own natural mind can show him.
He is yet in the fallen Adamic condition. Most religion is based upon the soulish realm of man. What a man can see and know by his natural mind. True Christian faith is not and can not be known by the soulish man. For those who worship God, must worship Him in Spirit and truth. No flesh can produce truth!

The Word of God is sharper than any twoedged sword, dividing soul and spirit. Through the Word of God we understand who we are in spirit and truth. We are in truth New Creations in Christ. We are to walk in who we are in spirit.

Save some by fear? Now the carnal, soulish man, thinks himself to be something in his flesh. He thinks his religious works and efforts have earned him standing with God?
A true minister will use the Word to bring fear upon these deceived people, that they may turn to the salvation of the spirit.

We are circumcision which has no confidence in the flesh. But our righteousness is that of faith, by the spirit.

I think many who love God, walk in the spirit, and really dont know that thet are in fact fulfilling the New Testaments requirement.


at certain times we will have our battles and will be less than we should be. But those who walk with Christ in the spirit, will have these things near to them always.

They have learned the secret? to mediatate upon Christ every day! And we we go through our day, Christ sets upon the throne of our heart.

Even as we have our struggles in this world, our inward man is in commuion with the One we love.

Thankfulness is sincere, and always ready to Give God praise for Our Beloved Christ.

But those who have learned peace have sown peace. Those who love have first received love from Him.

The world may look as if it is falling apart? but those who walk in the spirit are confident that our God is able to keep us.

Be thankful and grow in grace!

Your part right? wlaking in faith is not believing that you believe.

Sorry I am all the way right. The Just shall, no question about it, live their lives by Faith, and that is walking by the Spirit or in the Spirit. Their whole Newly Created Lives has been ordained by God for them to WALK therein !

Eph 2:10

10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

Sorry I am all the way right. The Just shall, no question about it, live their lives by Faith, and that is walking by the Spirit or in the Spirit. Their whole Newly Created Lives has been ordained by God for them to WALK therein !

Eph 2:10

10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

I glad you think so!
I agree with the the scriptue and all the scriptures that speak on the issue. I agree with the Holy Spirit that leads me.

But you can believe what every part of the truth you want?
I believe all the truth!
I guess we will find out one day for sure? some will have eternal rewards, some will not?

I think I will stay with the whole counsel of the scriptures!

God Bless you and happy thanksgiving!
The scriptures often use things in the natural, to help us understand the things that are spiritual.

I have an good example of how the Holy Spirit convicts us of who we are in Christ.

I am and have for many years been a carpenter. Now as I do my work, I often make mistakes and cut a board wrong etc..

Does that change the fact that I am a carpenter? No!

Likewise in the eyes and mind of God, we are righteous, by faith His Son. He gave us His Holy Spirit to teach us His ways. And Comfort us in our time, until we are with Him.

This is the clear testimony of the scriptures. What is clean by the Blood of Christ, the Holy Spirit will not testify against the Blood.

What hinders us from walking in the Spirit? Because we do not walk in faith and the righteousness of faith! We do not believe the testimony of Christ, toward us?

He said that you are clean that the Father would Give you the Holy Spirit!

Now I would ask, as Paul? Know ye not that the Holy Spirit dwells within you? If you do not, then I think that you may bigger issues than you know? If you have the Holy Spirit? God expects you to allow Him to guide you and lead you! God expects you to turn away from your flesh and carnal mind and be RENEWED IN YOUR MIND!

you can not inherit the Kingdom of God by Religion of the flesh.


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