Some of you, who read this post? Are often walking in the Spirit, and probably dont even know it?
When we walk in who Christ has said we are, we are in fact walking in the spirit!
When we walk as justified by His Blood, with that sense of His peace and love? we are in fact in faith in who He says we are IN HIM!
The problem is we do not understand that its our responsibilty to walk in faith! We are the keepers of our own thoughts and are to gaurd our own consciences. Thus we have the Armor of God!
The armor is to protect us from the ACCUSER!
all satans attacks come from accusations!
He tries to make us condemned by our flesh! he seeks to draw us away from who we are in the spirit!
Now some of you have people that satan uses for this very thing? They may be a member of your church, work, family etc..
But they always will (often with a religious mask) make you feel a sense of guilt or shame because of some shortcoming or failure! You may be at great peace with God, and then after a few moments with this person, have a sense of failure or guilt!
Grace overcomes, not guilt! Light makes darkness yeild, not talking about how dark the darkness is!
Many of you listen to preachers and folks on Tv etc.. that make you self-conscience! This is not the way! CHRIST CONSCIENCE is the issue! Peter sank when he took his eyes off Christ! I can do all things THROUGH CHRIST!
watch for the accuser! Over come him by the Word of God, and you will abide in the Spirit, and walk in peace !
In 2 Cor 4 Paul writes that we have the same Spirit of faith; we believe therefore we speak!
He also writes that our light affliction, which is but for a moment, works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory!
For we look not at the things which are seen but the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporal and things which are not seen are eternal.
We who have been born-again, are eternal spirits, with eternal rewards. If who we are in the spirit is not more real to us than who we are in the flesh, we will never be able to take hold of the things and blessings of God!
James calls the scriptures the PERFECT LAW OF LIBERTY?
meaning by faith in who and what the Word of God says we are, we are set free from this body of sin and death.
Now the Word says clearly that we are justified by Christ, that by grace we have power over the sin in our flesh!
The forgetful hearer looks into the Word and sees who he is in the spirit, then turns and forgets, and walks by the flesh!
But we who are pleasing to God, walk in His Word By faith!
We call those things that appear not as though they were!
We do not lose heart, when affliction comes, for sake of the Word!
The reason so many fail to walk in the truth, is because when satan comes to test the Word, many turn back to the flesh!
No the affliction is but for a moment! The testing of your faith is a thing to be rejoiced at! Go through you affliction and do not allow the accuser to keep you held in bondage to your flesh!
Do not look at temporal things, but set the eyes of Your heart upon your beloved Christ, and He will bring you through!
To him to overcomes! How? by the Blood (sinless) By the testimony (the Word)
Grace and truth, came by Jesus Christ