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Pre-trib Rapture is not scriptural

Isaiah 30:15
For thus saith the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel;
In returning and rest shall ye be saved;
in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength:
and ye would not.

Very good scripture as it shows where our alliance needs to be. It reminds me of Psalms 46:10.
Why would you need to know his thought....
Because not stating clearly what one wants to communicate is babbling.
For example:
Mat 27:5 .... and he went and hanged himself.
Luk 10:37 .....“Go and do likewise.”
So, if someone, anyone, wants to be taken seriously, he should try to avoid babbling lest those reading or hearing his words wonder as to his sanity.

I hope that answers your question. :)

Have a fabulous day.

iakov the fool:confused2
Because not stating clearly what one wants to communicate is babbling.
For example:
Mat 27:5 .... and he went and hanged himself.
Luk 10:37 .....“Go and do likewise.”
So, if someone, anyone, wants to be taken seriously, he should try to avoid babbling lest those reading or hearing his words wonder as to his sanity.

I hope that answers your question. :)

Have a fabulous day.

iakov the fool:confused2
Not always the case as scripture interprets itself without comments added to it as I can clearly see what that scripture meant in light of the conversation it was applied to. You have to take what is given and read the whole to understand the part. I believe what ezrider gave was very prevalent to this whole topic as to who our alliance is with.
That's nice.
Everybody believes something.....
Don't write off something you might not understand by someone just posting scripture without comment for after all Gods word is the final authority in all things, but it's up to us to read it and understand it.
Don't write off something you might not understand by someone just posting scripture without comment for after all Gods word is the final authority in all things, but it's up to us to read it and understand it.
But posting Scripture without comment doesn't show whether or not that person actually understands it. It is meaningless for the most part to post passages without comment, particularly with difficult passages, books, and topics. It doesn't actually communicate anything.
But posting Scripture without comment doesn't show whether or not that person actually understands it. It is meaningless for the most part to post passages without comment, particularly with difficult passages, books, and topics. It doesn't actually communicate anything.

Comment is good, but not always necessary if we know the content of the scripture given plus we can always ask them for a comment, but at times scripture is comment in itself. Are there truly difficult passages or is it that we just don't understand them at times. This is what studying is all about that we come to a full understanding of that which we had very little of in the beginning.
Don't write off something you might not understand
When someone posts anything without connecting it to the comments to which they are responding, they are babbling.
If you want to defend babbling, call your mom, she'll listen because she'll be glad to hear from you.
I'm not interested.
Please don't just post a scripture without saying what your point is. I have no way of knowing what you are thinking.

Do you really want to know what I was thinking? Well, this is what I was thinking: JLB and yourself were engaged in a debate over the "rest" of the Lord, and I really had no desire to involve myself with your conversation. But, I had noticed that you had made a statement that connected the rest with salvation, which is why I only quoted that part of your comment. I only posted the scripture that seemingly complemented your own statement. I thought the scripture "in returning and rest you shall be saved" would have been self apparent to you, because you had already provided the context for it. But, maybe it was lost upon you, sometimes the word falls among the thorns.

Do you want to know what I am thinking now? I am thinking why did you need to know what I was thinking? And also, why couldn't you have just said thank you for that scripture? So with that, I shall say thank you to for_his_glory for her response.

You may now return to your arguments with JLB and who ever else. You can leave me out of it, I have no desire to join in on this conversation at this time.
Do you really want to know what I was thinking? Well, this is what I was thinking: JLB and yourself were engaged in a debate over the "rest" of the Lord, and I really had no desire to involve myself with your conversation.
AH! I see. A great way to accomplish that would have been to not involve yourself in the conversation.
But, maybe it was lost upon you, sometimes the word falls among the thorns.
Oh. So now I'm a thorn because you didn't bother to make a clear connection in a medium (forum) where miscommunication is a major problem. I see. It not your fault I couldn't guess what you had on your mind. Got it.
I am thinking why did you need to know what I was thinking?
Uh. Lets see.......... you addressed a post to me that was not clearly connected to anything in the thread. I guess my mistake was that I just assumed you wanted me to understand what you were getting at.
Silly me.
My bad.
When someone posts anything without connecting it to the comments to which they are responding, they are babbling.
If you want to defend babbling, call your mom, she'll listen because she'll be glad to hear from you.
I'm not interested.
Jim you are being very rude. Why not say the same to reba or anyone else that has only posted scripture without comment as even I do that at times. If you want to call scripture only just babbling then the problem is yours alone as to many of us we can make sense of it without commentary. The call your mom remark was uncalled for and very offensive. We are no longer children on the playground as we are suppose to be adults.
This thread wandered off the topic a long time ago. This statement below is FALSE:
Pre-trib Rapture is not scriptural.

There is no connection between the Tribulation and the Rapture.
This thread wandered off the topic a long time ago. This statement below is FALSE:
Pre-trib Rapture is not scriptural.

There is no connection between the Tribulation and the Rapture.
It went off topic because we it was answered a long time ago--there is no rapture.
I love Zechariah 14 as it is prophecy proclaimed to that which will happen in the Revelations before the return of Christ and after He returns. There is nothing hard to understand in Revelations when it is unveiled to those who read it word for word, comparing OT with NT scriptures and studying the history of Israel in whom we as Gentiles are graphed into.
When people complain about obscurity, difficult to understand, etc... in regard to Rev then those words are directed to the one who gave the testimony. I would state the fault lies elsewhere.
Jesus=>I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you[a] this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”

Because not stating clearly what one wants to communicate is babbling.
For example:
Mat 27:5 .... and he went and hanged himself.
Luk 10:37 .....“Go and do likewise.”
So, if someone, anyone, wants to be taken seriously, he should try to avoid babbling lest those reading or hearing his words wonder as to his sanity.

I hope that answers your question. :)

Have a fabulous day.

iakov the fool:confused2
LOL I have not heard that line in years... thanks for the reminder of a lot of things
Really guys does the end time topic always go to our egos of who is right, who is lead of the Holy Spirit etc etc..
I believe God wrote His Word in such a fashion to keep us looking.. .. He could have written the whole Bible as He did the 10 commandments.. He chose not to..

Most of us have been Christian Bible readers for years ... Who here has the very same Biblical understanding they had from their in the Word?

Please drop the personal attacks.. ..
This thread wandered off the topic a long time ago. This statement below is FALSE:
Pre-trib Rapture is not scriptural.

There is no connection between the Tribulation and the Rapture.
It has never wondered off topic as all that has been shared so far (minus the arguing) by everyone is relevant to our learning whether we agree with each other or not. It's a wide topic that covers many avenues throughout all scripture from Genesis to Revelation. We will never exhaust our learning on this topic.
This is why there is not a "rapture" at thee end:

Matt. 25:
31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:
32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:
33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.

Do you see yourself flying off into the atmosphere? Uh, no. It will happen just as Jesus shows us here.

The notion of being caught up in the "air" is a very literal/physical way of looking at the scripture found in 2 Thess. 4:17.

1 Thessalonians 4:17
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

There are a couple quick scripture references that show "air" and "clouds" in the scriptures are not "literal physical air/clouds."

Ephesians 2:
2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

Look up into the air. Do we see the prince of the power of the AIR flying around in the physical atmosphere? Uh, no. It has other meanings, scripturally.

For clouds:

Hebrews 12:1
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

I'd dare say we can blow every cloud in the sky around the whole earth into a screen and never find a single witness therein.

Therefore we are not talking a physical flying off, into the atmosphere and into the clouds. That my friends is unfortunately a sad commentary about "literalism" and the distortions of scriptures that it brings. especially to eschatology subjects.
When people complain about obscurity, difficult to understand, etc... in regard to Rev then those words are directed to the one who gave the testimony. I would state the fault lies elsewhere.
Jesus=>I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you[a] this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”

Great! It's all clear as a bell!
So draw me a 100% accurate picture of the beast.