As many also read:
The qualifier for the resurrection from Jesus in regard to the gospel message=>Those who listen and learn from the Father come to me and I will raise them up at the last day. That was well understood. (of us all) The resurrection of those who belong to Jesus. A bodily resurrection. Those who are found worthy of that resurrection the 2nd death has no hold on them. As in "1st" "resurrection". Jesus will gather His own on that day from the end of the heavens. And those alive on earth one will be taken and one will be left. There is no other teaching about a different resurrection. So in that sense there is a true bodily (one) resurrection. But the dead are not raised at that time. So then those not found worthy of the 1st resurrection are the unrighteous. And the 2nd death does have hold on them at the appointed time. After the 1000 period. As we read.
And it is the beast and his armies that destroy babylon and in turn that beast is destroyed by a "coming" of the Lord. Rev 16:15 I would state 2nd coming.
So the 1000 years is literal.
Why would the beast and his army destroy that which is theirs as being mystery Babylon as it is Christ who reveals it and destroys it, Rev 17,18 . That would be like Satan coming against himself to destroy himself, Matthew 12:26 And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?
Rev 16:15 only says Jesus will come as a thief and those who are not prepared as in being Spiritually born again are those of the second death as the first death is Spiritual (rejection of Christ) and the second death is physical as they will be raised to damnation, John 5:28,29.
There are two types that will be resurrected as one to eternal life and the other to damnation and I believe this all happens at the same time.
Matthew 24:29-31 and Matthew 25:31-46 are very simular passages as we see that immediately after the tribulation of those days, meaning after Gods mighty wrath is poured out into the world during the seven trumpet judgments, Rev 8-11, the sun will be darkened, the moon no longer gives its light, the stars fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens (notice heavens are plural as I will get back to that) shall be shakened then will appear the sign of the Son of God as the sign is the visible Glory of God in Christ as He comes in the clouds and every eye will see Him, Rev 1:7.
John 6:40 says Jesus will raise all up on the last day as there is only one resurrection according to John 5:28,29 that says all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. Those who are in their graves are two types of people that will rise up, but only one resurrection that happens all at once. Many try to use Daniel 12:1,2 to say there are two separate resurrections at different times, but that is not what Daniel says.
The powers of the heavens that will be shaken is that of the war between Michael with his angels who fight against Satan who is the prince of the power of the air, Ephesians 2:2, and his angels as Satan is cast out of the third heaven where God sits on His throne and cast down through the heavens to the earth, Rev 12:7-12. From Rev 12:13 through chapter 13 we read how Satan begins his war on earth as he persecutes the remnant of the body of Christ who are still alive at this time, but they have been instructed by Jesus to stand in the holy place, Matthew 24:15, which is our faith that is Christ Jesus, when they see the abomination of desolation Daniel spoke of in Daniel 7.
Rev 13 is the abomination of desolation when Satan gives power to the beast out of the sea who gives power to the beast out of the earth who is the son of perdition, false prophet (last antichrist) who promises peace and safety during this time of great tribulation that has never been seen before nor ever will be again, Matthew 24:21. This false prophet will cause a great falling away as God sends strong delusion on those who received not the love of truth that they should believe the lies coming out of the mouth of the son of perdition (last false prophet) who through lying signs and wonders will promise peace and safety to all who will take his mark and bow down and worship him, 2Thessalonians 2:3-12.
I believe all things from Rev 13-20 will come quickly as Jesus said He would come quickly with His rewards, Rev 22:7-12. This is how I understand it to be as I will nut shell it. Right after the vial judgments are poured out on those who refused to repent, Rev 16, then in Rev 17 and 18 the mystery Babylon is described and then destroyed. Rev 19 says the marriage of the Lamb has come, but does not say we are gathered to Jesus yet as only the time has been made ready. The army that returns with Jesus are the army of warring angels in heaven that come with Him as He comes first to destroy the beast and false prophet casting them into the lake of fire and then the remnant being those used by Satan to rule over the nations as now the enemy have become the footstool of God, Psalms 110:1; Luke 20:43.
Rev 20 Jesus then establishes His kingdom here on earth as He binds Satan for a time as He then calls all who are in their graves, John 5:28,29, as He separates the sheep from the goats as the sheep are now all made alive caught up together with those sheep who are still alive at His coming and given new glorified bodies and are now with the Lord forever, 1Corinthians 15:51-58; 1Thessalonians 4:13-18. The goats are still at His left hand when Satan is loosed for a time as he sends his army of angels to surround the camp of the saints, but they are devoured by fire that God sends down from heaven and Satan is then cast into the lake of fire. Those who have rejected Christ, being the goats that are told to stand at the left hand of Christ, Matthew 25:31-34, 44-46 will then at that moment stand in Gods great white throne judgement and will also be cast into the lake of fire as their names are not written in the book of life.