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Raptures – Tribulation


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Next time, a torch to ease the temper, and then drill in oil.
I don't have a torch. but yeah I could have done that. but the marking used by wife would have to be other then permanent marker. a mark by etching or router would do that trick.
Sheeesh i was hoping for a barbecue :cries
Oh, no problem there. The grill was easy..... I bought it from Lowe's..... and the firepit (just for effect in the winter) is a round tub type unit my wife found online. No benches.... we're just gonna use chairs.
Oh, no problem there. The grill was easy..... I bought it from Lowe's..... and the firepit (just for effect in the winter) is a round tub type unit my wife found online. No benches.... we're just gonna use chairs.
that rim I was drilling is for a fire pit. I have used it before.
This is the firepit. It was only $125.... with a poker. Not real big... 3 feet in diameter, but we don't have a big backyard.
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What is the great tribulation?
Do any of you know?
If you do what makes it different from all other tribulations?
God will allow you to learn more of Him by reading the book of Revelation and other books of prophesy related to the things revealed to John on the Lord's Day (Rev 1:10)

A portion of the seven years are told us in Mat 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. Do not confuse this to be the trial of your faith of 1 Pet 1:7, or that consequence of existing sin to be chastised by God's hand of correction even unto the sin unto death. Rom 6:16.
Uhh, no. The way it reads is that they do.
I realize that I posted right after your post, but I didn't quote your post. If I am referring to a particular person's post, I will usually <REPLY> to that person, generating a <QUOTE>.
It might help, Edward, if you knew that my first job was working as a therapist at Florida's main mental hospital.
"great tribulation" = a lot of trouble.................... NOT an event in the future.


Matthew 24:21 21 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.

So why did The Lord say there will be great tribulation such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be?

Why does god say it like there is going to be a great tribulation that has not been since the beginning of the world?

Tell me

Matthew 24:21 21 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.

So why did The Lord say there will be great tribulation such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be?

Why does god say it like there is going to be a great tribulation that has not been since the beginning of the world?

Tell me
Read it all...................................................................................... "no, nor ever shall be." (Not even in the year 2014... nor '15... nor '16... nor '17... nor '18.... et al)
Read it all...................................................................................... "no, nor ever shall be." (Not even in the year 2014... nor '15... nor '16... nor '17... nor '18.... et al)

Why would god warn of a great tribulation if it was never gonna come to pass?

Tell me
Why would god warn of a great tribulation if it was never gonna come to pass?

Tell me
Do you really know nothing of everything that happened in the final years leading up to the end of the Jewish establishment in the year 70AD? Seriously? History is chock full of some of the most horrible things you can imagine................... Everything Jesus predicted for that generation.... and it happened in exactly the "generation" (to the year) that they knew to be their generation.

And if you have the wisdom to search of some of this..... take special note of what day it was that the destruction happened.......... It's kind of a special day in the history of the Jews.(HINT: think of the number, 3,000)


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