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Raptures – Tribulation


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I agree.We should not bring pride into our prayers like wanting man to see you pray so they will think what a Godly person you are.

God knows and searches all
Another words make sure your prayers are genuine and not in vain?And that your heart is in it and not in yourself?

Here is what I'm saying.
I don't think it's lawful for a man to pray openly in front of many people

But if there be a 4 men in a private area a room or jail or something and the all bow and pray before The Lord I don't think they sinned.

But if a man is praying without ceasing let hi pray in private.

But if u in a situation where u can't and your soul is grieved and want to pray let him pray.

But to go on national tv and say a prayer in front of thousands or go to the churches and stand before groups of people and say a prayer before men .
Or to go out in the streets and say prayers for all men to hear and look upon that man as holy

It is breaking the commandment. But they who do those things their heart is not right with god remember what Jesus said

They loved the praise of men more than the praise of god.
Again, look at the marvelous (and televised) revivals that Billy Graham led. He taught the truth of the Word; he prayed to audiences in the thousands, both in person & those who watched via television. Billy Graham did not lead those special meetings in order to gain anything for himself; he was doing our Lord's instructions to spread His Word. And he was & remains a remarkable man upon whom our Lord has smiled.

Billy Graham and his wife still live in the same home they had when raising their family. The home is not a mansion. Donations given to his ministry were put to work in service to our Lord.
Again, look at the marvelous (and televised) revivals that Billy Graham led. He taught the truth of the Word; he prayed to audiences in the thousands, both in person & those who watched via television. Billy Graham did not lead those special meetings in order to gain anything for himself; he was doing our Lord's instructions to spread His Word. And he was & remains a remarkable man upon whom our Lord has smiled.

Billy Graham and his wife still live in the same home they had when raising their family. The home is not a mansion. Donations given to his ministry were put to work in service to our Lord.
Right....I once went to one of Billy Grahams revivals in Portland,Or.I was with my family.I was a believer but when they called people forward I went.I wanted to renew my faith.It was an important time for me.When my husband said "Why in the world would you do that?".
How wonderful, Kathi ! The blessings that flowed at his revivals were remarkable. And you were able to attend!

I always tried to watch his revivals on television from the 70s and beyond.
How wonderful, Kathi ! The blessings that flowed at his revivals were remarkable. And you were able to attend!

I always tried to watch his revivals on television from the 70s and beyond.
Yes,Billy Graham is a big guy.You probably don't notice that on television.
As they
Again, look at the marvelous (and televised) revivals that Billy Graham led. He taught the truth of the Word; he prayed to audiences in the thousands, both in person & those who watched via television. Billy Graham did not lead those special meetings in order to gain anything for himself; he was doing our Lord's instructions to spread His Word. And he was & remains a remarkable man upon whom our Lord has smiled.

Billy Graham and his wife still live in the same home they had when raising their family. The home is not a mansion. Donations given to his ministry were put to work in service to our Lord.

As they hated the father so shall they hate all his sons.

As they heard the cry of a robber so shall they hear the cry of the own.

In the last day the labourers will recieve their reward.
At the last day The Lord will cry in vengeance for all of they who was afflicted by this world for his sake.

No more will the wolves pollute the sanctuary
No more will there be afflictions
And no more will the people call the righteous satan and satans servants righteous

All these things will be over pray for the fast coming of the last day. So we all can get our due reward
Tho who can hear our report? Even so they can not hear for their light shines with out light and their lamp has no bulb In it so the people love them and the people believe they are righteous
At the last day The Lord will cry in vengeance for all of they who was afflicted by this world for his sake.

No more will the wolves pollute the sanctuary
No more will there be afflictions
And no more will the people call the righteous satan and satans servants righteous

All these things will be over pray for the fast coming of the last day. So we all can get our due reward
Philippians 2:10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth,
Yes,every knee will bow and that will also be that atheist that everyone knows.
Philippians 2:10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth,
Yes,every knee will bow and that will also be that atheist that everyone knows.

Is the saying hid from you? I am not speaking about every knee should bow to The Lord which we all will but I'm talking about the tears of the heart upon my people, who cry night and day after me in them. In that day I will avenge my people. And they will cry no more
Tears is good for by sadness of heart the heart is made better. But laughter rest in the bosom of fools which I was made in order to gain wisdom

But some wish to see their children's children and some being blessed do see them

I can't understand why men wish to see many days in this world.

All is vanity and vexation of spirit but to the Jews many afflictions
When you go to Church do you not pray all together?Do you also go off by yourself and kneel and pray?

Oh ok, I get it now. With believers is what you and Willie mean, This is correct. For where two or three come together in my name and shall be done.
Besides, we're one body. I didn't think about this yesterday, I was thinking the world, non-believers.
Some of you guys take me back to the days when I was working my of my earliest jobs..... it sounds almost identical.
God knows and searches all

Here is what I'm saying.
I don't think it's lawful for a man to pray openly in front of many people

But if there be a 4 men in a private area a room or jail or something and the all bow and pray before The Lord I don't think they sinned.

But if a man is praying without ceasing let hi pray in private.

But if u in a situation where u can't and your soul is grieved and want to pray let him pray.

But to go on national tv and say a prayer in front of thousands or go to the churches and stand before groups of people and say a prayer before men .
Or to go out in the streets and say prayers for all men to hear and look upon that man as holy

It is breaking the commandment. But they who do those things their heart is not right with god remember what Jesus said

They loved the praise of men more than the praise of god.

Whoa brother. Take a breath. They're right. I think what it comes down to is what is in the heart. We're not to pray to be gloried from men. It is the intent of the heart and nothing else. But if a crowd of believers come together and all pray together...I can see the house shaking! lol. And Willie's right about being led of the Spirit. I've read all sorts of testimonies where people were given words of knowledge and instructed to go pray for someone on the street...and they go up and the person gets healed, that the power of God be manifest and glory come unto God for it.

You need to calm down about this brother! Wow. This is a slight slight misunderstanding that went too far. Even I misunderstood at first what was meant. (Sorry about that Kathi!) But group prayer can be a very powerful thing, this is true. Personally, I don't like to pray in front of others too much, because of that one scripture and my heart is pretty deceitful to me at times. But I do, and I've people offer to pray for me on the street before, and I never turn them down. Who in thier right mind would turn down being prayed for?! The power of God is alive and well and may it rest upon me! I need help! lol.
Some of you guys take me back to the days when I was working my of my earliest jobs..... it sounds almost identical.

So pray for us then brother. :wink

You're very mature and well grounded. A lot of wise words are spoken through you and you're a blessing upon this board with your presence. God bless you and your house.
So pray for us then brother. :wink

You're very mature and well grounded. A lot of wise words are spoken through you and you're a blessing upon this board with your presence. God bless you and your house.
You and about a half dozen others here don't bring back those memories...... but those are lousy odds to live with.
Oh ok. I'm just recognizing a few of my own shortcomings then, lol. I have a lot of room for growth! :lol
You DO understand that I'm saying the fact that you and a few others do NOT trigger memories of those days is a GOOD thing, right?


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