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The week of the Passion


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Jesus was in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights. That totatlly disqualifies Thursday no matter when he rose from the dead. If he raised on Saturday like the Bible says, its only two days and two nights. If it was Sunday morning like you say, it is only two days, two nights and part of a night. No.... Thursday between 3 and 6 (it was more likely to be between 4:30 and 6....) does not count. Jesus asked the rhetorical question: are there not 12 hours in the day? (John 11:9). By default, there are also 12 hours in a night. And for the record, yes it does have to be 72 hours. By what authority would you say otherwise when Jesus defined what a day and night was? Jesus also said in Matthew 4:4 and Luke 4:4 that man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY WORD of God. Jesus also said that every jot and tittle was important and not to be overlooked (mat 5:18.

Jesus was in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights. That totatlly confirms Thursday.
No whrer we read that three days and three nights is 432 minutes sharp.
I want to point something else out to you regarding this... Acts 1:15 says there were ABOUT 120 in the upper room. In 2 Kings 9:32 Jezebel had two OR three eunichs with her. What is my point? If God wants to be vauge, he knows how to express himself. There may have been 115 or 125 in the upper room.... God said there were about that many which leaves leeway. However when Jesus said 3 days and 3 nights, it does not leave leeway.

Overall, if it were a matter of a couple of hours either way, I might not object. But you are talking about the loss of 12 to 24 hours! Furthermore, if you are stating that it doesn't have to be a full 72 hours, your arguement for a Thursday crucifixion is no stronger than those who believe it was on a Friday.

Jesus was not meaning 72 hours sharp.
I ask you all: Of what difference is any of it?

As Sparrow said, "HE IS RISEN!" To me, even though I believe Christ was crucified on Friday and arose on Sunday, that lone fact is all that truly matters.

I don't care that some of you think the Resurrection celebration has been "polluted" by pagan rituals, because it is quite obvious that Christians celebrate Christ's death, burial and resurrection, to the bane of all that is evil, worldly, and pagan. I will not cease celebrating the traditional days: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Resurrection Sunday. If you begrudge me that, it is your problem. I will not be moved

Because I celebrate a risen Savior, and I don't care what day He died on, or upon which He was resurrected. That He died, was buried, and was resurrected -- this is of paramount importance to me. And I have no doubt that He was. God bless all.
Jesus did not resurrect Sunday. Matthew 28 says he resurrected before the first day of the week. All the other gospels (like matthew) note only when the women arived, and that when they arrived, he was already gone. Not one acccount says he rose on Sunday.

Matthew 28 say that Jesus was resurrected when the women arrived early that Sunday
Mark 16:9 is saying that Jesus did resurrect on Sunday.
Jesus did resurrect on Sunday

Neither thing you say is correct.
Matthew does mention 2 Sabbaths, but it does not say and is impossible that they were back to back. I will give two reasons:

1. The Bible mentions the Pharasees asked that the tomb be guarded in case his JEWISH followers were plotting to steal the body. When were the soldiers guarding the tomb? During the Sabbath? Not likely. They wouldn't have needed to because no work could be done during the Sabbath.
2. When did the women buy spices for annointing Jesus' body and when did they prepare them? Mark 16:1 says they bought them AFTER the Sabbath. Luke 23:56 says they prepared them BEFORE the Sabbath. Please tell me how they could've prepared the spices before they bought them. It is clear that there were two Sabbaths: they bought the spices after the High Sabbath, prepared them, then observed the weekly Sabbath. These facts make it pretty easy to disprove there was only one Sabbath. However, it also proves that they could not have been back to back Sabbaths because there would have been no time to buy or prepare the spices between the two Sabbaths.

Sometime later I might post a day by day account of what happened. For now.... Please tell me when the tomb was guarded and when the spices were purchased and made....

1. Sabbath restrictions and prohibitions dont apply for Roman Legionaries.
2. Luke is saying that the women commenced to prepare species the very same day they returned from the sepulcre. Marks is saying than when both sabbath passed, they went to buy some more before going to the sepulcre that same morning.
I want to point something else out to you regarding this... Acts 1:15 says there were ABOUT 120 in the upper room. In 2 Kings 9:32 Jezebel had two OR three eunichs with her. What is my point? If God wants to be vauge, he knows how to express himself. There may have been 115 or 125 in the upper room.... God said there were about that many which leaves leeway. However when Jesus said 3 days and 3 nights, it does not leave leeway.

Overall, if it were a matter of a couple of hours either way, I might not object. But you are talking about the loss of 12 to 24 hours! Furthermore, if you are stating that it doesn't have to be a full 72 hours, your arguement for a Thursday crucifixion is no stronger than those who believe it was on a Friday.

Say who? Jesus identified a day as 12 hours and a night as 12 hours.

Jesus was not meaning 72 hours sharp.
I ask you all: Of what difference is any of it?

As Sparrow said, "HE IS RISEN!" To me, even though I believe Christ was crucified on Friday and arose on Sunday, that lone fact is all that truly matters.

I don't care that some of you think the Resurrection celebration has been "polluted" by pagan rituals, because it is quite obvious that Christians celebrate Christ's death, burial and resurrection, to the bane of all that is evil, worldly, and pagan. I will not cease celebrating the traditional days: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Resurrection Sunday. If you begrudge me that, it is your problem. I will not be moved

Because I celebrate a risen Savior, and I don't care what day He died on, or upon which He was resurrected. That He died, was buried, and was resurrected -- this is of paramount importance to me. And I have no doubt that He was. God bless all.

Nobody is trying to make you move. And if you dont care for this issue, it is OK for me. Nice to meet you and good by.
Jesus did not resurrect Sunday. Matthew 28 says he resurrected before the first day of the week. All the other gospels (like matthew) note only when the women arived, and that when they arrived, he was already gone. Not one acccount says he rose on Sunday.

Matthew 28 say that Jesus was resurrected when the women arrived early that Sunday
Mark 16:9 is saying that Jesus did resurrect on Sunday.
Jesus did resurrect on Sunday

Neither thing you say is correct.

My mistake
Matthew 28 say that when the women arrived it was early Sunday
Mark 16:9 is saying that Jesus did resurrect on Sunday.
Jesus did resurrect on Sunday

Now prove me wrong
Without regard to the opinion of some, all Members are welcome to post within this thread. There is no need for dismissive comments no matter how politely or rudely phrased.

Let me ask, how would you feel if I were to suggest that you should not post here? I won't make this suggestion but instead will ask you to correct yourself regarding this.
Consider it an official request from one of your Moderators.

Without regard to the opinion of some, all Members are welcome to post within this thread. There is no need for dismissive comments no matter how politely or rudely phrased.

Let me ask, how would you feel if I were to suggest that you should not post here? I won't make this suggestion but instead will ask you to correct yourself regarding this.
Consider it an official request from one of your Moderators.


If you have that much interes in yhis issue, offcourse that you are welcome to continue participating.
I did missunderstood you as this issue was some irrelevant.
But if you concider that it is important to continue, I will be happy to recieve your impot.
Only, pleasu dont get me confused stating that this issue is not important.
You and me, especially you have demostrated how important is.
Okay, I'll try not to confuse and will work to remain clear in my statements. In exchange, I will also like for you to put your hand to the same task and look at who you are responding to. There are many people here who both read and post within the thread. I'm sure our brothers and sisters in Christ will also work toward this end.

Jesus did not resurrect Sunday. Matthew 28 says he resurrected before the first day of the week. All the other gospels (like matthew) note only when the women arived, and that when they arrived, he was already gone. Not one acccount says he rose on Sunday.

Matthew 28 say that Jesus was resurrected when the women arrived early that Sunday
Mark 16:9 is saying that Jesus did resurrect on Sunday.
Jesus did resurrect on Sunday

Neither thing you say is correct.

My mistake
Matthew 28 say that when the women arrived it was early Sunday
Mark 16:9 is saying that Jesus did resurrect on Sunday.
Jesus did resurrect on Sunday

Now prove me wrong

I just did..... THe Bible says it was before the sabbath ended when they found the tomb empty in Mat 28. So no he didn't rise on SUnday.... I
My mistake
Matthew 28 say that when the women arrived it was early Sunday
Mark 16:9 is saying that Jesus did resurrect on Sunday.
Jesus did resurrect on Sunday

Now prove me wrong

I just did..... THe Bible says it was before the sabbath ended when they found the tomb empty in Mat 28. So no he didn't rise on SUnday.... I

NO. the Bible is not saying that Jesus resurrected BEFORE THE SABBATH ENDED.
Mark is saying that Jesus resurrected on Sunday.
Okay, I'll try not to confuse and will work to remain clear in my statements. In exchange, I will also like for you to put your hand to the same task and look at who you are responding to. There are many people here who both read and post within the thread. I'm sure our brothers and sisters in Christ will also work toward this end.


My mistake
Matthew 28 say that when the women arrived it was early Sunday
Mark 16:9 is saying that Jesus did resurrect on Sunday.
Jesus did resurrect on Sunday

Now prove me wrong

I just did..... THe Bible says it was before the sabbath ended when they found the tomb empty in Mat 28. So no he didn't rise on SUnday.... I

Let's take the moment to actually quote what we are speaking about then.

One allegation is based on what is said in the first verse of Matthew 28
Matthew (NIV) said:
[Jesus Has Risen]
Mt 28:1 After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.
Mt 28:5 The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.

This is a compound statement. We see that Jesus rose on the first day of the week. We also see that this happened "after the Sabbath".

In contrast another allegation comes to show that the book of Mark indicates that Jesus rose on Sunday.
Mark (NIV) said:
[Jesus Has Risen]
Mark 16:9 When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had driven seven demons.

I don't see any difference between what Mark and Matthew have said. Both agree that Jesus rose from the dead. Both state that this happened "early on the first day of the week".

What's the problem? Please take care in your response as I am trying to follow this conversation very closely. Maybe I do see the problem here. It seems that according to Matthew, Mary visited the tomb at dawn to discover that Jesus was not there. That being the case, how can we say that he rose on that day? Is it possible that we need to understand what a Hebrew day is to rightly divide the Word of God here? A day, to the Jews of that day as well as this time begins in the evening. Can we settle this here? I'm unsure, but willing to listen.
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A quick point. If Jesus had been resurrected on the sabbath, then God can't be said to have rested on that day. I can think of no compelling reason for Jesus to have been resurrected before sundown Saturday night. There are plenty of reasons to accept He rose on the first day of the week.
A quick point. If Jesus had been resurrected on the sabbath, then God can't be said to have rested on that day. I can think of no compelling reason for Jesus to have been resurrected before sundown Saturday night. There are plenty of reasons to accept He rose on the first day of the week.

One more reason is that Christ is First Fruit from Dead; he resurrected First Fruit Sunday


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