You make no point to debate!
Take each of my questions to you and answer them, and take the scriptures I post and correct any misunderstanding you are sure I have about them.
...only when you use the law as a means to be MADE righteous in God's sight, instead of by faith in the promises as Abraham and others were. This is the error of understanding the Israelites are in even to this day.
The strength of sin is the law.
True, if you are unredeemed and still in your sins. But for those who have been forgiven and made perfect (justified) in God's sight through faith in Christ, sin no longer has
dominion over them, therefore, the law no longer has
authority over them to condemn them. In fact, the signifying mark of not being under the power of sin, and the authority of the law to keep me in and condemn me of sin anymore is
I keep the law of Moses, namely 'do not steal', 'do not murder', 'do not bear false witness', etc.! Go figure.
The ministry of death and condemnation, written and engraved on stones? The ten commandments.
...minus the Spirit; thinking you are made righteous by keeping the law (who does that? Who ever did that besides Christ?)--that is what the ministry of death is.
So you deny all other scripture and make some point that seems unclear? I think that is the strength of your doctrine!
It's unclear to YOU. The scriptures I cut and paste say it plainly. You can't use the scriptures about the law that you do out of the context of all the other teachings about the law and think you have correct doctrine.
I'm not blasting you personally. I'm not trying to ruin your Christmas, lol. You're just one of many, many victims of the early church leaders misguided, uneducated, unspiritual teachings and mandates about the role of law in the believers life.
Out one side of your mind, you attempt to be justified by faith in Christ Jesus. Out of the other side of your mind you claim you are justified by keeping the law of moses!
Are you really not getting it?
We are
MADE righteous (ONE meaning of justified) by our faith in Christ, all by itself apart from works of the law.
We are
SHOWN to have that righteousness (ANOTHER meaning of 'justified') by our obedience to the moral laws
found in the law of Moses.
Understand? If not, what is it you do not understand? Be specific.
The law of moses can not in any way justify anyone, nor can it make a charge of sin against one who is justified by the Blood of The Lord Jesus, the Christ!
We know this. Most of the church knows this. The church is very good at teaching this wonderful doctrine. What they don't understand is that you are to make every effort to SHOW you really have this righteousness, gained by faith apart from works, by what you do, namely keep the law 'love your neighbor as yourself'
found in the law of Moses.
The law is a witness, and it is used as an example to show us the Love of God.
And you are to have that witness INSIDE OF YOU spilling out on the people you come in contact with daily. It is to be YOUR witness. That is how the law (summed up in 'love your neighbor as yourself') becomes a witness to YOUR righteousness. The righteousness you got by faith in the blood of Christ, not by keeping the law...even the law 'love your neighbor as yourself'.
Now one would have to ignore the WHOLE GOSPEL AND THE NEW TESTAMENT, to believe what doctrines you are trying to affirm.
I think I've been proving that one has to do that to believe
your doctrine. Don't be terribly surprised by this. The church in general is very ignorant of this matter of law in the life of the NEW COVENANT believer. It's not new revelation. It's been in the pages of our Bibles for hundreds of years.
The Royal law, is the commandment of the KING. this is My commandment THAT YOU LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS i have loved you. This is all the law! So what are saying we need other than the love of God that is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit is not a new law. It is a new
power to uphold the requirements of the law--not the ceremonial worship laws, but the remaining debt of law this side of Christ each of us has to 'love your neighbor as yourself' (Romans 13:8). Look at that verse...does it not say that when we love we have fulfilled (satisfied) the law? If you don't love you have NOT satisfied the law (of Moses, see context), and you are what James says is a person who confesses Christ but has a faith that can not save them.
You do not and cannot lay out in any way that a believer can be justified by any commandment of the law of moses!
I already did. Your job now is to take the evidence I provided and refute it. Start with James. He PLAINLY says we are justified by what we do. The example of 'doing' (not hearing only) that SHOWS us to be righteous that he provides is 'love your neighbor as yourself' and Deuteronomy 15:7-8
right from the law of Moses. I challenge you to prove that as untrue.
Only in the love of the Spirit not in the letter of the law.
The letter of the law is a 'way' of satisfying the requirements of the law. Paul contrasts this with the NEW way of satisfying the requirements of the law--through the power of the Spirit. Not a new law, but a new POWER, a new WAY to satisfy the lawful requirements of God (Romans 7:6). Even James says we are justified not only by faith but by works, too, and is not discounting this NEW WAY of faith, the NEW WAY of the Spirit. But that hardly means a person is going back to the OLD WAY of mere written words by keeping that law. That is ridiculous!
For written code was but a shadow of the law written upon the heart.
The ceremonial worship law is what was shadowed in the law, not the moral law. The moral law 'love your neighbor as yourself' looks exactly the same now as it did then, it's just that now in this Covenant it is impressed onto our hearts by the power--the new way--of the Holy Spirit
so we can keep it.
That law is love! And love fulfills all things written.
What law is that Mitspa? Where do I find this law? In the...
wait for it...Law of Moses, perhaps?
So the reason to use the law as witness is to point to the spirit and not the letter.
So, once the law of Moses witnesses to how much I'm not like what that law commands I then don't have to keep the law of Moses? Really?
I have good question? do you ever break a commandment of moses? If yes? Then how can you lay upon your brother a law that you cannot keep?
You see the wisdom of God?
So, you're saying it's wise to know that since I can't keep the law
you don't have too either and I can't tell you that you have too????
That one who claims to keep the law, is a hypocrite! And will break the Royal law! Because you who cannot keep the law will judge others by the law! You have not kept the royal law!
This is only true if I'm telling you cannot be MADE righteous before God if you do not keep the law. What I'm telling you is you cannot SHOW yourself to be righteous (by faith apart from works) if you do not keep the law. See the wisdom of that difference?
The wisdom of God! makes all men liars.
What I'm saying is more wise than what you are saying.
For He will come and make the law honorable, because He brought love "agape"!
So, if I believe what you've been telling me that means he will put us back under the law, right?
So then love! and stop teaching false doctrine and things you cannot affirm.
Ears that can hear affirm the truth. Ears that can't hear don't make true doctrine false.