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The Worker Vs. The Non-worker Who Believes

Hopefully you can see your way clear to actually answer the points brought up in my last post instead of ignoring them in favor of rationalization of your personal attacks.
Uh...did you forget? You are the one who called me arrogant.

Now read my answers to your points above.
Funny how those who claim to be the rule-keepers always find an excuse to break the rules?

Hypocricy is the fruit of those who claim to uphold the law.
This is why the Holy Spirit uses the scripture Love others as yourself. This commandment alone if kept? would take any honest person out of law and into grace.
How can one lay a burden upon others that they cannot carry?

They would justify their own sin, and condemn others by law.

Yes, I noticed that you believe the early Church "saddled us with" "indoctrination". What I also noticed is that you left yourself and everyone but me, personally, out of your appeal to "find the power and the courage to overcome the indoctrination", then I personally, "would be able to see James is saying".
I've ALREADY found the power and courage to overcome the indoctrination heaped on us by our forefathers. Why do I have to include myself in the appeal I made to you to do the same?????
So then its not every jot and tittle? As Jesus said! Its just this part and that part?
Somebody is wrong and I know its not Jesus!
Show me where Jesus said 'every jot and tittle' so I can know what on earth you are talking about, okay?
Funny how those who claim to be the rule-keepers always find an excuse to break the rules?
Uh, I'm pretty sure you just got done saying you don't even think about sin. So what excuses to break the rules do you use?

Hypocricy is the fruit of those who claim to uphold the law.
You're digging yourself in deeper.

If you think I've been claiming to be the perfect rule keeper find that in what I've wrote and quote it so I can know for myself I said that, okay?

This is why the Holy Spirit uses the scripture Love others as yourself. This commandment alone if kept? would take any honest person out of law and into grace.
How can one lay a burden upon others that they cannot carry?
When they insist that James is saying we MAKE ourselves righteous by obeying the royal law, and the other three laws found in the law of Moses instead of what he IS saying--that we SHOW ourselves to have the righteousness of God when we do those things.

They would justify their own sin, and condemn others by law.

I can't take you seriously anymore, lol.
Show me where Jesus said 'every jot and tittle' so I can know what on earth you are talking about, okay?
You know very well the scripture! You guys who are under law use it all the time, and like all other scripture never really hear what is being said. Not one jot or tittle will pass from the law until all is fulfilled. So if any part is fulfilled then all is fulfilled! Just as Jesus said, Do not think that I come to destroy the law but to fufill it.. Here is where the law is established! In Christ , just as Paul taught very clearly in the book of Gal. But after faith has come we are longer under the law.

For sin will not have dominion over you BECAUSE YOUR NOT UNDER LAW BUT UNDER GRACE.



on and on, over and over this truth is repeated throughout the new Testament . For in Him we cannot sin and we have no sin.

So you can turn and twist James as many ways as you like? but he does not and cannot put the believer, justfied in Christ back under bondage to sin by the law.

He assumes that one has heard and heeded the gospel? No one who has heard the gospel would come away from the epistle of James with the ideas you have made up.
Let me explain this again, the law of moses was a shadow or type "picture" of the Spirit that came by Christ Jesus. The Spirit was the desired object, not mans obedience, for all men are sinners and only fool themselves when they think they keep the law. THE LAW IS SPIRITUAL. the letter was but a picture of the Spirit. We see that in things like circumcision, by the letter it was a physical act of mans will and ability. By the Spirit it is the flesh and the lust of the flesh, being cut away from the new heart.

Likewise the sabbath was a picture, fulfilled when we have entered in the rest of God, by grace, and have ceased from our own works of law.

Likewise all the commanments are pictures fulfilled by the spirit! Love by the Spirit, fulfills all law!

This is the point made throughout the New Testament.

The law cannot justify in any way, nor can it make a charge of sin against one who is justified in Christ.
It is a witness to His Righteousness! and mans unrighteousness of flesh.
That is how it is used!

Just as Gods love and Spirit was before the law, they are that which was desired when God gave the law. So the law is a tool to bring us to the Spirit and love. If you have the Spirit and you have love, you need no rules but to love. If you do have these things? No wonder you do not understand that the law is written upon the heart.

So then, the Old covenant was fulfilled in Christ. All of it! every jot and tittle! We who are in Christ are in the NEW COVENANT written in His Blood. Just as the Old was about Him The new is about being IN HIM.

Paul wrote that he was not moved for a moment from the truth of the gospel? Even when Peter and James stood against Him . He declared with all the boldness of heaven that ALL MEN must submit to his gospel. That if even an Angel from heaven preached something different than Paul, they were not to be believed!

We see in Peters last epistle that even he had to heed that which Paul had taught. the reason some wrestle with the gospel? is because thier flesh does not want to die with Christ.
For I through the law, died to the law.
Paul wrote that he was not moved for a moment from the truth of the gospel? Even when Peter and James stood against Him . He declared with all the boldness of heaven that ALL MEN must submit to his gospel. That if even an Angel from heaven preached something different than Paul, they were not to be believed!

We see in Peters last epistle that even he had to heed that which Paul had taught. the reason some wrestle with the gospel? is because thier flesh does not want to die with Christ.
For I through the law, died to the law.

James calls it as a MIRROR?

THE SCRIPTURES must interpet what the scriptures mean.

2 Cor 3:18 For we all , with unveiled faces, beholding AS IN A MIRROR the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same Image, from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.


also that the VEIL that keeps one from beholding Christ and His Glory. Is the OLD TESTAMENT AND THE LAW OF MOSES.

so the reason some would turn and twist James epistle back into dead works of law? Because they are blinded by the ministry of condemnation. THE LAW HAS BLINDED THEM FROM SEEING THAT CHRIST ALONE IS THE FULFILLMENT OF ALL THE LAW.
So then we have a NEW covenant, with NEW LAWS?
believe upon His Son, and love as He gave commandment.

Paul wrote nothing profots anything but faith working by love.
So who established the "royal law" Jesus Christ! not moses!
For moses was but a witness to Christ! that is how the law is used throughout the New Testament.

Where does this love come from? The love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

James is saying the same thing Paul said over and over? Walk in the Spirit and all laws are fulfilled by the Spirit not the letter.

FOR THE LAW IS SPIRITUAL! we who have the Holy Spirit need but walk in it, for love is written upon our hearts!

If you dont have the Holy Spirit? none of this will make sense to you! Send me a PM and My God will touch you in such a way as you will know you have the Holy Spirit.
James is saying the same thing Paul said over and over? Walk in the Spirit and all laws are fulfilled by the Spirit not the letter.
You seem to think to simply read and know what those laws are is to be 'under the law'. They both list some of those laws, so they must be under the law, too...and the people they wrote their letters to. Your argument is compeltely ridiculous. It isn't automatically putting someone under the law to tell them what the laws are that we uphold by faith in Christ through the Holy Spirit. But sadly that is the twisted thinking the early church's indoctrination of the saints has brought many in the church to.

If you are NOT properly trained by the Holy Spirit? none of this will make sense to you!
Good morning,

I hope everyone had a pleasant Merry Christmas. Don't we read in Hebrews, saints who were given the law and didn't have our revelation of Jesus Christ but lived by faith, examples of the proper balance of the relationship between the law and faith in the Messiah?

Hebrews 3:5

New King James Version (NKJV)

5 And Moses indeed was faithful in all His house as a servant, for a testimony of those things which would be spoken afterward,

Moses would be the extreme example. The one through which the law came through was found guilty of violating the law himself, but here we read that Moses was faithful. Would we say that Moses was under the law? Would we say that Moses lived by faith? I think the answer is Moses was under the law just like everyone else is, or else he wouldn't need a Savior, but when Moses lived by faith in God, and because of his faith he obeyed God, His Commandments, Moses was no longer under the curse of the law. I think it works the same way today. No one is saved any different. Old Testament saints are saved because of their faith in the Messiah to come. We are saved through our faith in the Messiah that already came, I should say by grace through faith, and not by works of the law. You could say we are saved by works in one sense, for my Catholic friends. We are saved by the finished work of Jesus Christ, but even our faith is produced by the grace of God and we cannot take credit for the wisdom of putting our faith in Him.

1 Corinthians 4:7

New King James Version (NKJV)

7 For who makes you differ from another? And what do you have that you did not receive? Now if you did indeed receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?

Galatians 4:4-5

New King James Version (NKJV)

4 But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born[a] of a woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.

Now that we are no longer under the law, we wouldn't feel a freedom to violate the law would we? It's obvious to me that I can't keep the law, but when I'm faithful I am not found in violation of the law. Even if I was found to be violating the law of God, I have an advocate, Jesus the righteous, who represents me before the Father. When I confess my sin, He is faithful and just to forgive me.

The law reminds me of the righteousness of Jesus and how precious Jesus really is.

- Davies
You guys seem to talk in circles? Moses was not justified by the Law! That no man is justified by the law is evident. We know whatsoever the law says it says to those under the law that all men will be made guilty before God. The law is not of faith! the strength of sin is the law. The commandments produce sinful desires! This all very clear!

So again at the end of all your false doctrines, after you have twisted this truth and that? You are saying that a man can be justified by law! Just say it if you believe it? why all the double talk? Because you cannot affirm anything you are trying to say!

All the law is fulfilled in one word! love! so why are you trying to speak of anything but love? If you are really concerned with folks keeping the law? But none of you are really interested in keeping the law? Your hearts are not right!

NONE OF YOU KEEP THE LAW! but yet you would lay its burden upon others! Jesus rejected only one group? hypocrites!

You cannot be justified by faith and the law! The law is established as a witness to Christ. It declares that all men are SINNERS and can only be saved by faith and all flesh is rejected by God. Now! who of you keep the law? How many times can you break it before you lose your justified condition? HAS YOUR FLESH BEEN SAVED AND IS NOW SINLESS? Is your flesh better than say a harlots flesh? Where does your abilty to be "moral" come from?

So is the law now not making you guilty but is now making you rigteous and holy?


Rom 7:5-8 For when we were in the flesh, the sinful passions which were aroused by the law were at work in our members to bear fruit unto death.
6 But now we have been delivered from the law, having died to what we were held by, so that we should serve in the newsness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter.
7 What shall we say then? is the law sin? Certainly not! on the contrary, I would not have known sin except through the law. For I would not have known covetousness unless THE LAW SAID THOUGH SHALT NOT COVET.
8 but sin, taking opportunity by the commandment, produced in me all manner of evil desires. For apart from the law sin is dead.

So! the law the letter! produces evil desires! When one looks to the letter to judge themselves or justify themselves they are in the flesh and will always be shown as a sinner. Because the commanment produces evil desires in the flesh.

Christ gave the commandment to love! Love is not in the letter but in the spirit. Love comes from the Holy Spirit.

The law cannot make a charge of sin nor can it justify a believer. that good we see in the law, is fulfilled in the spirit by love. So we can use the law as an example of good. But is not to be laid upon the believer.

Now I am a teacher, ordained by God. you have just heard the truth that will judge you on that day.
The law is not of faith! the strength of sin is the law. The commandments produce sinful desires! This all very clear!
Then why is James provoking the church to sin by telling them to keep the law; do not show favoritism, look after widows and orphans, and help brothers and sisters in need? So, according to you, by telling them to keep the law (in order to be justified by that work as he says) he is actually putting them under the law and provoking them to sin against God in regard to these commands of the law of Moses.

So again at the end of all your false doctrines, after you have twisted this truth and that? You are saying that a man can be justified by law! Just say it if you believe it? why all the double talk?
What double talk? James says it clearly:

"24 You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone." (James 2: NIV1984)

But since you refuse to acknowledge that 'justified' has two meanings, and that the context that James is using it is exactly opposite to that of Paul you can only think that we're saying a man is justified by works of the law as Paul teaches that in his letters. But James is not teaching that at all.

Because you cannot affirm anything you are trying to say!
Did that. You are refusing to acknowledge that affirmation.

All the law is fulfilled in one word! love! so why are you trying to speak of anything but love?
Why is James?

If you are really concerned with folks keeping the law?
No more, or no less than James is.

But none of you are really interested in keeping the law? Your hearts are not right!
Wait, wait, wait! I thought you said we are trying to keep the law--you know--bringing ourselves and others under the burden of the law. But now you say we are really not interested in keeping the law?

NONE OF YOU KEEP THE LAW! but yet you would lay its burden upon others! Jesus rejected only one group? hypocrites!
Us and James I guess, lol.

You cannot be justified by faith and the law!
Which definition of 'justify' are you referring to?

Don't you dare say there's only one. I showed you 1)Strong's 2)Vines 3)the dictionary, and 4)the Bible all say there is more than one definition of 'justified'. Are we to ignore all these sources and just go with what you say?

The law is established as a witness to Christ. It declares that all men are SINNERS and can only be saved by faith and all flesh is rejected by God.
True...and then you uphold the law that condemned you as a sinner after you are saved. This is what both, James and Paul, teach.

Now! who of you keep the law? How many times can you break it before you lose your justified condition?
As far as being MADE righteous, the answer is many, many times. As far as being SHOWN to be righteous probably not very many.

So is the law now not making you guilty but is now making you rigteous and holy?
(emphasis in quote by Jethro)

Now I KNOW you simply have not been 'listening'. How can you possibly ask this question when you consider how many times I have said 'justified' in James' letter does NOT mean to make you righteous, but rather to show you as being righteous??????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Rom 7:5-8 For when we were in the flesh, the sinful passions which were aroused by the law were at work in our members to bear fruit unto death.
6 But now we have been delivered from the law, having died to what we were held by, so that we should serve in the newsness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter.
7 What shall we say then? is the law sin? Certainly not! on the contrary, I would not have known sin except through the law. For I would not have known covetousness unless THE LAW SAID THOUGH SHALT NOT COVET.
8 but sin, taking opportunity by the commandment, produced in me all manner of evil desires. For apart from the law sin is dead.

So! the law the letter! produces evil desires! When one looks to the letter to judge themselves or justify themselves they are in the flesh and will always be shown as a sinner. Because the commanment produces evil desires in the flesh.

Christ gave the commandment to love! Love is not in the letter but in the spirit. Love comes from the Holy Spirit.
It's still the law of Moses, lol. I SHOWED you this command and three others James uses are clearly the law of Moses. But you'll probably continue to hear 'law of Moses' through indoctrinated ears--that it automatically, and every time means the effort of making yourself righteous by works of the law.

The law cannot make a charge of sin nor can it justify a believer.
Please specify what meaning of 'justify' you're referring to so I can know if what you're saying is correct or not.

that good we see in the law, is fulfilled in the spirit by love. So we can use the law as an example of good.
The problem is your indoctrination can only see my argument as trying to be made righteous by keeping the law instead of what I and James are actually saying, that the law shows us to have the righteousness of God we got by our faith in Christ.

Now I am a teacher, ordained by God. you have just heard the truth that will judge you on that day.
Maybe you are a teacher, I don't know, but you ought to take a little time out to 'study to show yourself approved as one who handles the Word of God correctly' (2 Timothy 2:15). Even someone with the gift of teaching still has to be taught himself as to what he will teaching through his God given ability to make truth visible to others.
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Then why is James provoking the church to sin by telling them to keep the law; do not show favoritism, look after widows and orphans, and help brothers and sisters in need? So, according to you, by telling them to keep the law (in order to be justified by that work as he says) he is actually putting them under the law and provoking them to sin against God in regard to these commands of the law of Moses.

But since you refuse to acknowledge that 'justified' has two meanings, and that the context that James is using it is exactly opposite to that of Paul you can only think that we're saying a man is justified by works of the law as Paul teaches that in his letters. But James is not teaching that at all.

Did that. You are refusing to acknowledge that affirmat
Which definition of 'justify' are you referring to?

Don't you dare say there's only one. I showed you 1)Strong's 2)Vines 3)the dictionary, and 4)the Bible all say there is more than one definition of 'justified'. Are we to ignore all these sources and just go with what you say?

True...and then you uphold the law that condemned you as a sinner after you are saved. This is what both, James and Paul, teach.

As far as being MADE righteous, the answer is many, many times. As far as being SHOWN to be righteous probably not very many.

Noboby but you believes the lie that "justified" has two meanings! The scriptures themself described the justified condition of a true believer. Dead, raised and seated with Christ. Forever clean by His Blood!

James is not speaking about works of law! that is clear to all who are not blinded by the law and the god of this world. As it is written in 2Cor 3.

now again I say that all the law is fulfilled in one word! He who loves needs no law but to love. So why not teach the love of God if you are so worried about keeping the law?

Love is the issue not the law! the law was but a shadow of the law written upon the heart. Love by the Holy Spirit.

So why look to the letter? or the "written code" as Paul calls it. It never was about not stealing? It was that God desired men to love each other and give apart from selfish motives.

Thou shalt not steal, was to bring us to the Love of Christ, were we give and love to see others blessed. Can you not see that?

Thou shalt not steal cannot teach one to give by love!
For the law is spiritual! it can only be kept as we walk in the Spirit. In the Spirit the love of God is shed abroad in the heart of a believer by the Holy Spirit. We take that spiritual love, which is not of "natural man" and love others with that love.

Now if you are really interested in pleasing God and being obedient to His Will? You will hear what I am saying. If you are NOT of God and only seek to bring Gods people back into bondage to sin and the letter? you will ignore this truth and continue to seek to deceive others by your confusion and twisting of words.


did God really say? is at the heart of all false doctrine.
You know that if you can not change the meaning of this word, your doctrines will be exposed for what they are FALSE!
You guys seem to talk in circles? Moses was not justified by the Law! That no man is justified by the law is evident. We know whatsoever the law says it says to those under the law that all men will be made guilty before God. The law is not of faith! the strength of sin is the law!


Rom 7:5-8 For when we were in the flesh, the sinful passions which were aroused by the law were at work in our members to bear fruit unto death.
6 But now we have been delivered from the law, having died to what we were held by, so that we should serve in the newsness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter.
7 What shall we say then? is the law sin? Certainly not! on the contrary, I would not have known sin except through the law. For I would not have known covetousness unless THE LAW SAID THOUGH SHALT NOT COVET.
8 but sin, taking opportunity by the commandment, produced in me all manner of evil desires. For apart from the law sin is dead.

So! the law the letter! produces evil desires! When one looks to the letter to judge themselves or justify themselves they are in the flesh and will always be shown as a sinner. Because the commanment produces evil desires in the flesh.

Christ gave the commandment to love! Love is not in the letter but in the spirit. Love comes from the Holy Spirit.

The law cannot make a charge of sin nor can it justify a believer. that good we see in the law, is fulfilled in the spirit by love. So we can use the law as an example of good. But is not to be laid upon the believer.

I wonder how any one could read the New Testament and think that one could be justified by the law of moses?

No! we are justified by faith! for just shall live by faith! James is speaking of a living faith! He does not speak of works of law! but uses Abraham and RAHAB THE HARLOT as examples of a living faith. So Rahab can be justified by a living faith? but some would say that we who have Christ cannot be justified by a living faith? FAITH and love and The Spirit was all long before the law of moses! the law was to bring us to faith, but after faith has come we are no longer under the law.
Thou shalt not steal cannot teach one to give by love!

So when you don't steal (keep that commandment) you SHOW that you have the righteousness of God. IOW, you show that you have faith in Christ and are righteous by that faith.

That is what it means to be justified (SHOWN to be righteous) by what you do.

So when you don't steal (keep that commandment) you SHOW that you have the righteousness of God. IOW, you show that you have faith in Christ and are righteous by that faith.

That is what it means to be justified (SHOWN to be righteous) by what you do.
One would have to reject the whole New Testament to believe your doctrines! Or be so blinded by the law and the god of this world, that they cannot or will not see the clear and EVIDENT truth of Scipture.

Not the letter! but the Spirit! for the law is spiritual.
Love keeps the law, not the flesh! The flesh is sinful and cannot keep what is holy.
No man can keep the letter! therefore no man can be justified by the law.
For that which was written and engraved upon stones, was to condemn all man as sinners. That was its purpose! I uphold the law! you would degrade the law to a place where you think in your carnal mind that you can justify your sinful flesh. No! you must take your evil and sinful flesh to the Cross and die there with Him, to this deception you have that your flesh is not sinful! You are a wretched man just like me! You cannot be justified by the law nor can I.

Read Rom 7 again and again. and you might be saved from the wrath that is coming upon those who teach false doctrine.
Jethro, are you a musician? I going out on a limb and saying that you are?
Now the music written on the page, is not the goal! It can help you to learn the song but it can never make someone a musician. Likewise we can look at the law to help us learn love, but the letter can never cause us to love. That comes from the Spirit and as we behold Christ and His love for us.

Godliness is a great mystery! its hidden behind the veil of the flesh. Grace and truth allows us to overcome the flesh. But first we admit that we cannot please God by the old adamic man. Nothing good dwells in any man, apart from having the Holy Spirit within.
You cannot be justified by the law nor can I.
James said I can. You have failed to show he isn't talking about being justified BY WHAT YOU DO--his own plain words.

Furthermore, I showed you that 'doing' is indeed keeping and upholding the law of Moses. You'd get it if you would let yourself see that 'justified' does indeed have two Biblical meanings and that context supports these two meanings. Why are you being so stubborn? What are you afraid of? That you can't justify yourself by what you do as James says we do that? Is that the problem? Do you think James means keep the law perfectly?

Read Rom 7 again and again. and you might be saved from the wrath that is coming upon those who teach false doctrine.
You haven't proven that what I say is false.
Jethro, are you a musician? I going out on a limb and saying that you are?
I am, and your analogy is actually a good one to illustrate serving in a sense of law versus serving by faith. I've used it before.

Serving via grace/faith doesn't mean the requirements of the law don't get upheld/ satisfied/ kept. Walking in faith very much does satisfy the requirements of the law. That's how we can tell a person has the righteousness of God in Christ. That law keeping didn't earn them that righteousness. It shows them to have it. Are you saying that's not true?

This is not hard to understand. You're making it difficult because you instantly think 'law keeping' means categorically and without exception 'trying to make yourself righteous by doing works of the law'. If you could stop reading that indoctrination into every time you hear 'keeping the law' you might be able to get this.

It can help you to learn the song but it can never make someone a musician.
But being able to play the song shows that you are a musician, just as fulfilling the righteous requirements of the law shows you have the righteousness of God. UNDERSTAND?
I am, and your analogy is actually a good one to illustrate serving in a sense of law versus serving by faith. I've used it before.

Serving via grace/faith doesn't mean the requirements of the law don't get upheld/ satisfied/ kept. Walking in faith very much does satisfy the requirements of the law. That's how we can tell a person has the righteousness of God in Christ. That law keeping didn't earn them that righteousness. It shows them to have it. Are you saying that's not true?

This is not hard to understand. You're making it difficult because you instantly think 'law keeping' means categorically and without exception 'trying to make yourself righteous by doing works of the law'. If you could stop reading that indoctrination into every time you hear 'keeping the law' you might be able to get this.

But being able to play the song shows that you are a musician, just as fulfilling the righteous requirements of the law shows you have the righteousness of God. UNDERSTAND?

No jethro you are the one who is failing to see, that the letter or the physical action of a man can never judge the Spirit.

For the pupose of putting the music on the page was to teach the one to play the music. It is the music that is desired by the one who wrote the notes on paper. The music was before, in the heart of the one who wrote it. The law was a picture of that which God desired to be true in man. The law is now upon the heart of all who have received Christ. The letter can no longer judge that which is spiritual. The letter was to make all men sinners, and a sinner is not justified by Christ.
As long as one looks to judge themselves by the letter they will always be subject to the sin that dwells in the flesh. Thats why one must by the law die to the law and live by the Spirit.

How do you think I knew you were a musician?

Did I read it? Or did God tell me?
Am I subject to what my flesh can know and do? or am I subject to live and love by the Spirit of God?