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Raptures – Tribulation


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if it was man's nature to reach out to God when their backs are against the wall, then "the rest of the world doesn't even think of turning to God" wouldn't be found in Revelation (when/after 1/3 mankind is dead).

I wondered if something like that would come up from that, lol. It could be brother, that at that time...will be after God sends the world strong delusion, that they will believe the lie.

I know one thing, at this time at seems like, the worse that situations are for people, the less atheists that there are. I know this is sort of a blanket statement, but I do see evidence of it within people. people who never speak of God...and them something big happens to them and suddenly they're asking people to pray for them and stuff.
btw, my post is joyful - in the fruition / completion/ coming of Yhvh's Plan fulfilled in Yeshua. all of Yhvh's people are crying out (or that is, will cry out) "Blessed is He Who comes in the Name Adonai" (i think that's what's written in Scripture, at Yeshua's coming into Yerusalem on a donkey, and finally, once more, "in the sky" when He returns for those looking for Him.
I wondered if something like that would come up from that, lol. It could be brother, that at that time...will be after God sends the world strong delusion, that they will believe the lie.

I know one thing, at this time at seems like, the worse that situations are for people, the less atheists that there are. I know this is sort of a blanket statement, but I do see evidence of it within people. people who never speak of God...and them something big happens to them and suddenly they're asking people to pray for them and stuff.
don't you get out much ? or do you talk mostly with certain believers or something ? most people i talk with online and in person in oklahoma already believe a lie. and they admit, confess, or say upon questioning that they don't, (yes, do not) want to do what Yhvh says to do - their words "they can't give up their life for His Way. or "the government (of man) feeds us so we will go along with it or "I want my worldly things too much to give them up for God, no matter what=- after all, God won't REALLY punish us ... .... ...
don't you get out much ? or do you talk mostly with certain believers or something ? most people i talk with online and in person in oklahoma already believe a lie. and they admit, confess, or say upon questioning that they don't, (yes, do not) want to do what Yhvh says to do - their words "they can't give up their life for His Way. or "the government (of man) feeds us so we will go along with it or "I want my worldly things too much to give them up for God, no matter what=- after all, God won't REALLY punish us ... .... ...

:lol Oh I don't know brother. I'm just relating my personal observation and experience with what i see. I do not hang with the worst of the worst, I cut them out of my life as i grew up. I'm where the Lord put me and don't play the hermit introvert, though I am aware that they're some mighty evil people out there and that they encompass the majority of the planets population. I am somewhat removed from them though.
I know one thing, at this time at seems like, the worse that situations are for people, the less atheists that there are. I know this is sort of a blanket statement, but I do see evidence of it within people. people who never speak of God...and them something big happens to them and suddenly they're asking people to pray for them and stuff.

So true, Edward . In times of crisis, nonbelievers have a tendency to leave their skepticism at the door and to seek prayers from and fellowship with Christians. Once the crisis has abated, so many nonbelievers return to their skepticisms. (And their fellow Christians continue to pray for them!)
... though I am aware that they're some mighty evil people out there and that they encompass the majority of the planets population. I am somewhat removed from them though.

yes. believers are outnumbered by a huge margin.

(but we (may) proclaim the GOOD NEWS to all, everyone, as Yhvh permits or calls us to or sends us to or just says to) (even if they refuse to listen)
Yes and no. The old Babylon on the banks of the Euphrates river is said to be being rebuilt somewhat, but I do not believe that this will be the babylon of which is spoken of in scripture. I did a study on this awhile back and what I came up with was that, according to scripture and the descriptions of it, on seven hills and so forth, able to be seen by the sea and so forth...that it is likely to be Mecca.

My understanding is that Mecca is the originating place of Islam. My study indicated that it ties in with a lot of scriptures and makes sense that it could be the Babylon that is spoken of in the prophecies. It's destruction will come in one night (nuked). The old Babylon was never destroyed like the scriptures say it will be, ever. Not to that extent, taken over is not destroyed. This is such a succinct summation of this that it sort've needs it's own thread to go further into detail about it. I have a lot of notes about it, and perhaps even a video that has some info also. Maybe I'll dig it all out here in a few days and delve into it deeper on the forum here if you are interested in going further with it, or others...?

No that's OK, thanks anyway.
The ruins of Babylon are an archeological site. check out wiki
No that's OK, thanks anyway.
The ruins of Babylon are an archaeological site. check out wiki

Right. I do not believe that the old Babylon will be back in a significant way. But it was never destroyed to the extent that scripture describes that it will be. Bad enough that it will never be inhabitable again, nor even the building materials be able to be reused. Whenever the Romans conquered Babylon, they merely diverted the water from the Euphrates river and slipped under the inlet or something like that, more of a coup than a conquering with destruction. This Babylon is going to get nuked.

Damascus will too.

No way is Babylon the US. Some can make a pretty good case for it being Rome (The Vatican) but, I don't think so.
Right. I do not believe that the old Babylon will be back in a significant way. But it was never destroyed to the extent that scripture describes that it will be. Bad enough that it will never be inhabitable again, nor even the building materials be able to be reused. Whenever the Romans conquered Babylon, they merely diverted the water from the Euphrates river and slipped under the inlet or something like that, more of a coup than a conquering with destruction. This Babylon is going to get nuked.

Damascus will too.

No way is Babylon the US. Some can make a pretty good case for it being Rome (The Vatican) but, I don't think so.

Jerusalem was plowed under.
Jesus is not a looser .... The Holy Spirit is not a looser... God is not a looser..

Three way tie for first place... :sohappy
yes. believers are outnumbered by a huge margin.

(but we (may) proclaim the GOOD NEWS to all, everyone, as Yhvh permits or calls us to or sends us to or just says to) (even if they refuse to listen)

That's a darn good point there brother. The majority is a giant, but we have David's God to do His will. I have run into the refuse to listen types also, and what I do is togo ahead and subtly make a point to plant the seed within them. Personal testimony is a wonderful way to plant seeds in non believers. It's irrefutable....Well, I know what God has done for me, He ...yada yada yada. and through the power of the Holy Spirit, this man will walk away with having seen a slight glimpse of the light of God and a seed within his spirit. Then...he takes it home with him...and the Holy Spirit picks it up from there and waters it.

Proclaiming the good news of God is a 24/7 job. We must walk in the Spirit and can touch peoples lives in a big way that we may not even get to come to realize that we have. Sometimes it may be someone who is watching you and you're not even talking to them.
That's a xxxx)BLESSED< good point there brother. The majority is a giant, but we have David's God to do His will.......

the battle is the Lords(He ALWAYS WINS - (surprised?)(not me) - He wants us and tells us to trust our lives into His care and not to seek vengeance ourselves.) He always was completely able to deliver His people (as below reference). Remember it is over 2 billion people who die by some accounts of Scripture in these last days, and
over 1 million all at once when Yeshua returns one more time to rule and destorys those who have come against Yerusalem.
He does it. Now, Today, is the time(for all in the world who will) to turn to Him to LIFE! to LIVE! (He may still grant LIFE to some, right?!) 10&version=AMP

Isaiah 10:17 During a single night this prophecy was fulfilled, when “the Angel of the Lord went forth and slew 185,000 in the camp of the Assyrians; and when the living arose early in the morning, behold, all these were dead bodies” (II Kings 19:35)—just when their victory over God’s people had seemed certain.
Do you know of a city named Babylon?

Only babylon I know is in New York.

Only place I know the biggest trading go on is in NYC

I starting to think NYC is the new babylon

It's the second rightest in the world and one of if not is the most powerful city

And the kings who has no kingdom hate it and her nation...

Not 109 percent sure but the evidence hints NYC
Only babylon I know is in New York.
Only place I know the biggest trading go on is in NYC
I starting to think NYC is the new babylon
It's the second rightest in the world and one of if not is the most powerful city
And the kings who has no kingdom hate it and her nation...
Not 109 percent sure but the evidence hints NYC

sorry my previous post wasn't clear as a reply to this -
london is much more like babylon (world market place) than new york is (and london is probably much more powerful in influence and oppresion than new york is, although it might not be)
when the untied states separated from engish rule in the revolution, the corporations / banks/ so forth in
the states still kept paying tribute/ taxes to the world bank in london/ to the queen. (and they still do most likely, although that's just from the last 3 decades of general reading about it and nothing specific recently).

results of quik k9 safe search >> (didn't get to read the articles yet.... read about this over and over in the last 3 decades though, from financial (type) reporters, end time 'specialists?' maybe )

Why don't Americans know they still pay taxes to the Queen of ...
Why don't Americans know they still pay taxes to the Queen of England?

(link removed due to inappropriate content)
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(the one world bank there (i guess in london based) will have the most influence in enforcing the right to buy and sell in these end times. (like reported in Revelation of Yeshua to John in the Bible) ) .
the so-called "british empire" has a very rough history the last few hundred years, and doesn't look like it's getting any better (i.e. it's becoming worse if Revelation is true and refers to what it is doing).
sorry my previous post wasn't clear as a reply to this -
london is much more like babylon (world market place) than new york is (and london is probably much more powerful in influence and oppresion than new york is, although it might not be)
when the untied states separated from engish rule in the revolution, the corporations / banks/ so forth in
the states still kept paying tribute/ taxes to the world bank in london/ to the queen. (and they still do most likely, although that's just from the last 3 decades of general reading about it and nothing specific recently).

There's too much scripture indicating that London or NYC is Babylon. At a peripheral glance into it may seem so, but further study into it crosses them off of the list. I'm going by memory now without my notes so I can't say at this time why...but I do remember that they were both scripturally denied the possibility. Not that either one wont ever nuked or something, just that they're not babylon.

Rome holds more possibility than either one of them but it's probably not Rome either. I should probably be quiet now since I am not backing myself up and should refresh my memory first before attempting to say such things. Suffice to say brothers, that it deserves more study.

One should also consider the possibility, that this city of Babylon which is to be destroyed...may not yet at this moment of time in earths history, have risen to world recognition with regard to it's prophesied state of prominence. It may not come to recognition until after the collapse of the US as we know it.
There's too much scripture indicating that London or NYC is Babylon. At a peripheral glance into it may seem so, but further study into it crosses them off of the list. I'm going by memory now without my notes so I can't say at this time why...but I do remember that they were both scripturally denied the possibility. Not that either one wont ever nuked or something, just that they're not babylon.

Rome holds more possibility than either one of them but it's probably not Rome either. I should probably be quiet now since I am not backing myself up and should refresh my memory first before attempting to say such things. Suffice to say brothers, that it deserves more study.

rome has enough problems without being babylon... (but maybe it is).... the comparisons of the roayl family(lond.n/britin) with the identifications in the Scripture show that it is at least a problem (to put it most politely !). (reference /ships/merchants/etc and brit history)
old ladies (grey haired) at a disciples sunday class laughed at the thought, the truth was so foreign to them !
(they weren't used to testing things by Scripture,
as their church didn't teach them to)
Isreal as in the jewish nation, not the land. I am of that nation. I don't feel any need nor compulsion to go there live. we must understand that its the people NOT the land that is thing He died for. futurism cant seem to get that right. wherever a jew is there is the nation. that is what they themselves say.

was per acts 7:33. if we are to say the mt.Moriah is always the place to met with god, or the closest per judiasm. we need to reread the gospel. Jesus said its not this temple or that temple but the truth and the spirit that God seeks.that is my problem with schofiedism.

I see your point. What is more important? A piece of land or a person? Jesus died for people. I can see what your saying about it being a mind set to just think Israel is where the Jews are suppose to be, and everyone else, Jewish or not is not really as Jewish as that precious land Israel. It makes sense. Seems to be a big push to "PRAY" for Israel, Help Israel, America is doomed if they turn their back on Israel. What about the folks living here through? I understand.



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