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Raptures – Tribulation

The jewish wedding is a model for it.
The bridegroom negotiated the price for the young woman and paid her father the price for the bride (Jesus paid the price for US) He died for us. It was finished paid in full.

When the groom departed to prepare a new home for the bride then a surprise return (rapture) in the middle of the night to take her to the wedding ceremony in which the celebration lasted for 7 days. The imminent return to get her was unknown just be ready.

Jesus said John 14 v3 He said I go to prepare a place for you. If I have prepared a place I will come again and receive you. At the time of the rapture the dead in Christ will rise first then the dead. We will have new bodies. Right now our soul goes there but the rapture give us glorified bodies. In a twinkling of an eye we will be changed. 7 candlesticks are the 7 churches he warns to be ready in Revelation the 12 candlesticks represents the tribes of Israel in the wedding picture.

The covering (chuppah) can represent the covering of the Bride and Bridegroom and represents a new home for the married couple (If we are raptured for 7 years) he will keep us hidden until we come back with him after the 7 years are up and the saints (us) come back with him.
Boaz and Ruth are a good example too. She was not a jew but she was purchased by Boaz. (Like us)

Well that is what I believe and There is much more in the bible but I will end with this.
Thank You for sharing so much
the chuppa is representive of the tent of Abraham and his openness to the pilgrims and also how he lived.

and modern jews don't do that. they announce the wedding and come to the bridegroom to inspect her(the future husband does this) and then once wed after declaring his love for her over wine. he then after all goes to a room to sleep in a bed in a ceremony. I have seen that pic. its nothing bad just a ceremony. dowries aren't done now. that was then. I understand that but to connect the dowry to jesus purchase means whom was the father of us before the cross? satan!
I forgot I had this. Thought you might find it interesting. (Many here, me included, can point you to tons more)

Partial preterism is a form of Christian eschatology that places the events of most of the Book of Revelation as occurring during the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD…yet still affirms an orthodox future bodily return of Christ to earth at an unknown day and hour. Partial preterism sees Matthew 24, Matthew 25:31-46[1], the Book of Daniel and most of the Book of Revelation (besides its last 2 or 3 chapters) as speaking about events no later than the first century AD, and about a coming of Christ in judgement, not the (second, final and bodily) coming of Christ and Last judgement.

Most Partial Preterists also believe the term Last Days refers not to the last days of planet Earth or the last days of humankind, but rather to the last days of the Mosaic Covenant which God had exclusively with national Israel… As God came in judgment upon various nations in the Old Testament, Christ also came in judgment against those in Israel who rejected him. The “last days,” however, are to be distinguished from the “last day,” which is considered still future and entails the Second Coming of Jesus, the Resurrection of the righteous and unrighteous dead physically from the grave in like-manner to Jesus’ physical resurrection, the Final Judgment, and the creation of a literal (rather than covenantal) New Heavens and a New Earth…. Thus partial preterists are in agreement and conformity with the historic ecumenical creeds of the Church and articulate the doctrine of the resurrection held by the early Church Fathers… Because of the widespread acceptance of Dispensational Futurism amongst American evangelicals, Partial Preterism is often considered unorthodox by many… Partial Preterism is distinct from Full Preterism, which holds that ‘all’ biblical prophecy was fulfilled in the past.
the chuppa is representive of the tent of Abraham and his openness to the pilgrims and also how he lived.

and modern jews don't do that. they announce the wedding and come to the bridegroom to inspect her(the future husband does this) and then once wed after declaring his love for her over wine. he then after all goes to a room to sleep in a bed in a ceremony. I have seen that pic. its nothing bad just a ceremony. dowries aren't done now. that was then. I understand that but to connect the dowry to jesus purchase means whom was the father of us before the cross? satan!

No not satan Jesus Gods only son were both in heaven before Jesus sent to earth to become a man also to be the perfect sacrifice willingly John 1 v 1 In the beginning there was the word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God Mary was a virgin as we know. The Old Testament I think is more accurate than todays traditions.
No not satan Jesus Gods only son were both in heaven before Jesus sent to earth to become a man also to be the perfect sacrifice willingly John 1 v 1 In the beginning there was the word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God Mary was a virgin as we know. The Old Testament I think is more accurate than todays traditions.
so god paid himself? ok since you mentioned the torah to me.

the idea of being born to be child of god is from peshac. and also during that exodus god said I have redeemed isreal. and isreal is my firstborn. the idea of jesus being offered to the world and to die is similar and is meant to show the connection. god literally didn't pay satan or anyone. he offered himself via his son.
so god paid himself? ok since you mentioned the torah to me.

the idea of being born to be child of god is from peshac. and also during that exodus god said I have redeemed isreal. and isreal is my firstborn. the idea of jesus being offered to the world and to die is similar and is meant to show the connection. god literally didn't pay satan or anyone. he offered himself via his son.
This was all foretold in the old Testement yes Yeshua (Jesus) God is salvation
I forgot I had this. Thought you might find it interesting. (Many here, me included, can point you to tons more)

Partial preterism is a form of Christian eschatology that places the events of most of the Book of Revelation as occurring during the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD…yet still affirms an orthodox future bodily return of Christ to earth at an unknown day and hour. Partial preterism sees Matthew 24, Matthew 25:31-46[1], the Book of Daniel and most of the Book of Revelation (besides its last 2 or 3 chapters) as speaking about events no later than the first century AD, and about a coming of Christ in judgement, not the (second, final and bodily) coming of Christ and Last judgement.

Most Partial Preterists also believe the term Last Days refers not to the last days of planet Earth or the last days of humankind, but rather to the last days of the Mosaic Covenant which God had exclusively with national Israel… As God came in judgment upon various nations in the Old Testament, Christ also came in judgment against those in Israel who rejected him. The “last days,” however, are to be distinguished from the “last day,” which is considered still future and entails the Second Coming of Jesus, the Resurrection of the righteous and unrighteous dead physically from the grave in like-manner to Jesus’ physical resurrection, the Final Judgment, and the creation of a literal (rather than covenantal) New Heavens and a New Earth…. Thus partial preterists are in agreement and conformity with the historic ecumenical creeds of the Church and articulate the doctrine of the resurrection held by the early Church Fathers… Because of the widespread acceptance of Dispensational Futurism amongst American evangelicals, Partial Preterism is often considered unorthodox by many… Partial Preterism is distinct from Full Preterism, which holds that ‘all’ biblical prophecy was fulfilled in the past.

I don't take Preterism or partial preterism to seriously.
Post Tribulation denies NT teaching of immanency We are to expect him at any moment and many Denominations teach Post Tribulation I understand this
Allegorical or Literal is the question and Eschatology derives from ones Hermeneutics. Pre trib also keeps people on their toes watching for him. That is in the letters to the churches which is in Revelation after the letters then praises then Jesus starts opening the seals etc. First he comes to meet us in the air Rapture apposed to coming with the saints at the end of the tribulation how did they get there and when. He said we should pray to escape all these things that are coming upon the earth. The gates of Hell will not prevail and then during the tribulation he says they will be over taken so which is it. There are those that come out of the tribulation. The Church is not mentioned after Rev4 he says to John come up here to see what will be after. After what? You think it might be the rapture? He's in Heaven I will live in expectancy myself with with all that is going on now, I shutter. Israel is another story Gods not finished with Israel. I think I have talked enough its getting late have a nice evening
I don't take Preterism or partial preterism to seriously.
Post Tribulation denies NT teaching of immanency We are to expect him at any moment and many Denominations teach Post Tribulation I understand this
Allegorical or Literal is the question and Eschatology derives from ones Hermeneutics. Pre trib also keeps people on their toes watching for him. That is in the letters to the churches which is in Revelation after the letters then praises then Jesus starts opening the seals etc. First he comes to meet us in the air Rapture apposed to coming with the saints at the end of the tribulation how did they get there and when. He said we should pray to escape all these things that are coming upon the earth. The gates of Hell will not prevail and then during the tribulation he says they will be over taken so which is it. There are those that come out of the tribulation. The Church is not mentioned after Rev4 he says to John come up here to see what will be after. After what? You think it might be the rapture? He's in Heaven I will live in expectancy myself with with all that is going on now, I shutter. Israel is another story Gods not finished with Israel. I think I have talked enough its getting late have a nice evening
Yes Raelyn,I have studied and done research on several of the interpretations in accordance to Scripture as I read it literally.The only one that makes sense is Pre-trib.Preterism is wayyyyy out there for me if you read Revelation and what Revelation tells us about the end times.Most of the people who are Preterist don't believe most of what Revelation says.
Preterism will stop you from researching further thats why. No expectancy there. I for one would like to have that blessing.
Revelation 1 v3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.

We can see it loud and clear
Preterism will stop you from researching further thats why. No expectancy there. I for one would like to have that blessing.
Revelation 1 v3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.

We can see it loud and clear
keep what? the torah?
and what is that I don't see? I don't fear technology. funny I had this conversion about a literal mark of the beast and chuckled with me about what people have said here. what is isreal founded on today? is it judiasm?NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. is it Christianity? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. its secular humanism with a jewish culture that allows some expressions of Judaism. the government never sanctions any marriage and allows abortions and now allows gay rights. that isreal is the one god drew back? show me that god in the past brought back isreal to the land without repentance first!
so when the temple is built. I can go there and offering up a lamb and think that atones me?
In Revelation 1 v3
The Lord is talking about a blessing to who ever reads the book of Revelation. There is a blessing for reading it.

Revelation says 1 v3 Blessed is he that reads , and hears the words of this prophecy, and keep (watch) for the time is at hand and
we can see many things happening today
In Revelation 1 v3
The Lord is talking about a blessing to who ever reads the book of Revelation. There is a blessing for reading it.

Revelation says 1 v3 Blessed is he that reads , and hears the words of this prophecy, and keep (watch) for the time is at hand and
we can see many things happening today
I was looking for that verse yesterday and I could not find it :confused
Yes Raelyn,I have studied and done research on several of the interpretations in accordance to Scripture as I read it literally.The only one that makes sense is Pre-trib.Preterism is wayyyyy out there for me if you read Revelation and what Revelation tells us about the end times.Most of the people who are Preterist don't believe most of what Revelation says.
Kathi that is just not so I believe every thing said in the Scriptures... as does Jasonc ....I also believe you believe it too we just see, read or understand it differently..
Kathi that is just not so I believe every thing said in the Scriptures... as does Jasonc ....I also believe you believe it too we just see, read or understand it differently..
It would seem that you see,read and understand Revelation,some verses in Matthew and Daniel differently than I do.
Like one of the different readings is right there in Rev.1 "Soon" (must shortly come to pass) seems possibly not to mean 2,000 years in the future...... especially when that stuff written about was to be shown to someone living then, (John), to see and write about so others could read it at that time.
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Kathi that is just not so I believe every thing said in the Scriptures... as does Jasonc ....I also believe you believe it too we just see, read or understand it differently..

It would seem that you see,read and understand Revelation,some verses in Matthew and Daniel differently than I do.

So knowing that you each see the scripture differently, the question I would ask is why do you think you see it differently? What would cause two people to the see the same scripture in a different light?

It is my belief that this difference can be found in the covenant relationship that they we each hold with God. There are may people who still hold to an old covenant relationship with God, but they have substituted Christ for their sacrifice. And like the Jews of old, they too wait for a king to return to lead their nation to victory. The people of the new covenant are not bound by sin, for God promised that he would remember our sins no more, they follow after the Spirit of Christ and are led by Faith, and trust in the Grace of God. People with an old covenant relationship look for a future kingdom. People with a new covenant relationship walk with the reality that the kingdom of God is present with them.
So knowing that you each see the scripture differently, the question I would ask is why do you think you see it differently? What would cause two people to the see the same scripture in a different light?

It is my belief that this difference can be found in the covenant relationship that they we each hold with God. There are may people who still hold to an old covenant relationship with God, but they have substituted Christ for their sacrifice. And like the Jews of old, they too wait for a king to return to lead their nation to victory. The people of the new covenant are not bound by sin, for God promised that he would remember our sins no more, they follow after the Spirit of Christ and are led by Faith, and trust in the Grace of God. People with an old covenant relationship look for a future kingdom. People with a new covenant relationship walk with the reality that the kingdom of God is present with them.
I think I look at Revelation differently.I read as much of it as I can literally.Therefore I come up with a pre-trib interpretation.I also look at Daniel differently.I see a future rapture and tribulation.
I think I look at Revelation differently.I read as much of it as I can literally.Therefore I come up with a pre-trib interpretation.I also look at Daniel differently.I see a future rapture and tribulation.

You already told us you see it differently. The question I asked is why do you think you see it differently? Not what you see differently.