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Raptures – Tribulation

The real quick answer is i asked God to open His Word to me ... let me read scripture with out the years of preconceived knowledge i had built up. I had a life time of thoughts ... Lord help me read the Word like reading it for the first time... I saw passages and connections in a different light . I dont believe it is a Salvation thing... i was just as saved 25 years ago as i am today.. The Scriptures are more alive , they hold more comfort, so much more positive to my thinking...
Odd ezrider brought up the Kingdom... This Scripture was one of the turning points.. Rom 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
WOW it hit me His kingdom is not some where in the future the Holy Ghost is for today.. Luk_12:32 Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. there is more detail not for tonight

Why do you believe the way you do Kathi..
reba said -

The real quick answer is i asked God to open His Word to me ... let me read scripture with out the years of preconceived knowledge i had built up

That is a dangerous thing to pray.

That's how you ended up with me.

So knowing that you each see the scripture differently, the question I would ask is why do you think you see it differently? What would cause two people to the see the same scripture in a different light?

It is my belief that this difference can be found in the covenant relationship that they we each hold with God. There are may people who still hold to an old covenant relationship with God, but they have substituted Christ for their sacrifice. And like the Jews of old, they too wait for a king to return to lead their nation to victory. The people of the new covenant are not bound by sin, for God promised that he would remember our sins no more, they follow after the Spirit of Christ and are led by Faith, and trust in the Grace of God. People with an old covenant relationship look for a future kingdom. People with a new covenant relationship walk with the reality that the kingdom of God is present with them.
Probably one of the biggest things would be what most of us have done all our lives...... and that is simply listening to, and believing, the "traditions" of men, without really doing as Reba said she did.... asking for the eyes to read the Bible for themselves, ONLY as it was written..... NOT how certain ancients decided for us that it SHOULD be read.
Since I started reading the Bible this way (for myself, as it was ACTUALLY written), I see SO much more than I ever did in 60 previous years of Bible Study. It's almost as though I had been blinded to certain things.

Today, many verses that I either never really thought about, or I just accepted as how I was told, are so much different.... and in many cases, finally make sense. Even small stuff.

It happened just this morning with Matthew 2:3. For a long time, I just never even really SAW this verse... I mean as it "meaning" something. Then it hit me when I questioned why in the world "all Jerusalem" would be "troubled with" a tyrant they hated and feared.

Sure, I could see Herod being scared... He stood to lose everything. But why the people of Jerusalem. It made no sense.

And, all of a sudden I saw the answer. The KJV translators AGAIN made a mistake in not doing a thorough enough job of determining what was being conveyed by the authors of the Bible.

They... and all of us since then, took too shallow a reading of the original meaning of the word, "troubled". Herod was scared... BUT the citizens were EXCITED and EXPECTANT. Here was news, FINALLY, that the new king was here! The promised one who was going to liberate them from Herod and Rome..

How easily, now, it makes sense. And this has been happening with, lirerally, hundreds of verses all through the Bible since I quit relying upon what some old men told me I should see and believe.
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The real quick answer is i asked God to open His Word to me ... let me read scripture with out the years of preconceived knowledge i had built up. I had a life time of thoughts ... Lord help me read the Word like reading it for the first time... I saw passages and connections in a different light . I dont believe it is a Salvation thing... i was just as saved 25 years ago as i am today.. The Scriptures are more alive , they hold more comfort, so much more positive to my thinking...
Odd ezrider brought up the Kingdom... This Scripture was one of the turning points.. Rom 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
WOW it hit me His kingdom is not some where in the future the Holy Ghost is for today.. Luk_12:32 Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. there is more detail not for tonight

Why do you believe the way you do Kathi..
I did the exact same thing :lol So we come up with opposite interpretations??? :chin
Mat 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
Mat 24:16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:

I know a pastor and his family that moved to the mountains because of these verses. But it doesn't say anything about anybody fleeing except those in, Judaea.

Mat 24:17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:
Mat 24:18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.

Who is this talking about? The people in Judaea.

So taking this scripture Literally is saying what it says,
The believers in Judaea, should flee to the mountains because terrible things will be happening in, Judaea. And in Judaea, people should not go down off their roof tops to take anything with them when they flee.
Mat 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
Mat 24:16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:

I know a pastor and his family that moved to the mountains because of these verses. But it doesn't say anything about anybody fleeing except those in, Judaea.

Mat 24:17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:
Mat 24:18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.

Who is this talking about? The people in Judaea.

So taking this scripture Literally is saying what it says,
The believers in Judaea, should flee to the mountains because terrible things will be happening in, Judaea. And in Judaea, people should not go down off their roof tops to take anything with them when they flee.
This verse is regarding the second coming.So he is afraid of the tribulation? :confused
This verse is regarding the second coming.So he is afraid of the tribulation? :confused

Sorry, let me expound. If Daniel is speaking about an anti-christ that will have control over the Whole global world, why would Jesus tell only the believers in Judah, to flee to the mountains?
If it is about the second coming why would He tell believers to flee to the mountains?
Sorry, let me expound. If Daniel is speaking about an anti-christ that will have control over the Whole global world, why would Jesus tell only the believers in Judah, to flee to the mountains?
If it is about the second coming why would He tell believers to flee to the mountains?
This is in regard to the Abomination of Desolation.In Matthew 24:15 Jesus was speaking 200 years after the previous Abomination of Desolation which had already happened.Jesus was prophesying a future Abomination of Desolation which would occur in the Jewish Temple.This is reference to the antichrist.
This is in regard to the Abomination of Desolation.In Matthew 24:15 Jesus was speaking 200 years after the previous Abomination of Desolation which had already happened.Jesus was prophesying a future Abomination of Desolation which would occur in the Jewish Temple.This is reference to the antichrist.

Sorry I don't understand what you are saying.

Still why would Jesus tell just the believers in Judah to flee to the mountains if the whole global world is to be involved?
And if it is about the second coming why would He tell believers to flee to the mountains?
Sorry I don't understand what you are saying.

Still why would Jesus tell just the believers in Judah to flee to the mountains if the whole global world is to be involved?
And if it is about the second coming why would He tell believers to flee to the mountains?
The antichrist will affect the whole world.Fleeing to the mountains I would think would be a warning.A warning of the antichrist.
So you don't take 'flee to the mountains' literally? I do.

Which verse is about the second coming?
what she isn't a literalist? I do as well. if jesus said flle to the mountains, I would do that when I would see that army.
Matthew 24:15-30 speaks of the end time events before the second coming.

Ok. So these events are before the second coming AND effect the whole world. But Jesus just tells those Believers in Judah to flee. And what good would it do to flee to the mountains if these things are effecting the whole global world? If the anti-christ is in control of the whole global world what good would it do to flee Judah?