if we are choosen and preordained to salvation, then what that means when we can work out our salvation.
we can walk away from our salvation by choice, we need to be cautious as we should love sin so much that we leave the lord.
Jasoncran, if the new nature created in man, the new heart is placed in a person, and it leads to faith, how could that same new heart lead one to "leave the lord?"
Everyone agrees that there are those who go apostate. The question is not do some go apostate, but why do certain people apostatize. One clear text to answer that question is 1John 2
18 Little children, it is the last hour: and as ye heard that antichrist cometh, even now have there arisen many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last hour.
19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they all are not of us.
The antichrists who apostatized went out from the congregation of faith, but they were never really one of the congregation. The went out, because the change of heart was not there. If the change of the inner man had been there, they would be righteous.
1John 2:29 If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one also that doeth righteousness is begotten of him.
The interesting thing about verse 29 is that the word "begotten" is in the perfect tense. It speaks of a past event with present results. The present results are righteousness in this verse. We do righteousness because we were "begotten of him." The words "one who does" is a present tense participle and speaks of continuous action. So then, the one born of God will live a righteous life.
My conclusion is that the fact of apostasy does not mean that one has lost salvation, but it is evidence that such a one never had salvation. Those of faith will always continue in faith, or the faith was not real.
Jason, if I can say a few things about our everyday experience. I am saddened by the widespread apostasy in our Churches in our day. I suspect that you are also. We both agree on that. I see the problem of apostasy as related to a false gospel. I see the evangelism of someone like Charles Finney as causing more apostasy then anything else in the USA. In Finney's theology, he denied justification by faith alone, and preached that any positive decision about anything related to Christ was sufficient for salvation. That is the etymology of "ask Jesus into your heart" or "give your life to Jesus" and all Finney theology stuff. If we begin with a crystal clear gospel, and faith and repentance follow, then apostasy will not happen. If one is truely born of God, there will never be apostasy. Apostasy begins with a fuzzy gospel bringing a person into a Church, and then the person goes off into sin and apostasies.... because they were never "of us."